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Betting My Future on Manga

A Worlds Away

By AmourrroPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
From my original series "Neon Pop!"

Comics are an international language, they can cross boundaries and generations. Comics are a bridge between all cultures.” quoted by the famous author and manga artist Osamu Tezuka.

You may not be familiar with manga. But in short, manga is a Japanese styled comic. Its usually a small book, no bigger than a text book. Yet it holds an impact much larger than its size suggests. Manga is read back to front and right to left. There are all different kinds of manga, you can find psychological thrillers, romance, historical, comedy, slice of life, horror and lots more. Manga comes in all different styles and they're almost always accompanied with messages of life lessons. All being told in incredible panel by panel artwork. I mean there are some manga artist that put so much detail in their work you would think to yourself, "no way a human can did this".

I haven't always been a manga reader. I'd say it all started with my first encounter of an anime series growing up. Which is famously known as Sailor Moon. There was something about the art style and the sounds that pulled me in. As a little girl, watching anime felt as if I were looking into another world. A world I've never experienced but still I found myself deeply relating to and yearning to be there.

Thats why, if you read back to the first paragraph. I referenced a quote stating "Comics are an international language- " and I couldn't have put it into better words. I grew up in Hawaii in a small town, didn't understand a lick of Japanese but I knew exactly what was going on when I was watching a subbed anime. Then as I grew older I realized, works of art that are done with care and genuine feelings will always transcend cultures, regardless of language. Now at 23 years old I realize that our world suffers because of the differences that cannot be translated effectively between one another.

I believe manga shows us time and time again. That one people from a totally different part of the world experience the same life as another people on the other side. Manga is done in such a well thought out way, that as a reader you will find yourself crying with the characters, laughing with the characters, feeling embarrassed for them, hating them, wanting to care for them because that's just how transcendent it is.

I dream of becoming a successful manga artist. Though that was not always my goal. I graduated from a university with a bachelors in fine arts. I spent five years of my life not really knowing what I was going to do once I got my degree. Often times people would ask me what my plans were, and my default answer was always "I'm going to sell my art" or "graphic design".

Well its been two years since I've graduated and I haven't sold much of my art. I can't even get a decent job. You could imagine my state of my mind at this point right?

Lately I've been feeling really defensive about how I'm doing in life. Family and friends try to give me advice, saying things like "maybe you should change your art style" and the classic stab to the heart phrase "you should just get a real job". Some of them remain to be really supportive while others think more practical about it. I know very well that they are usually just trying to help me. I appreciate them for that, but something deep down just won't let me go.

Have you ever felt like you were born to do this one thing? In your heart, mind, body and soul you know that this is what your were made for. Well thats me when it comes to manga.

I enter contest after contest, working from early in the morning till the next day trying to meet submission deadlines. Putting in the extra work making sure all the drawings look the best they possibly could. Then asking myself, does the story fit? Should I change this phrase? And so on.

Each time waiting months after submitting a piece I worked so hard on. Only to see the contest announcement being posted, and finding out that I wasn't even close.

It hurts, its painful to feel like you've done your absolute best but its just not good.

I don't want to say that I'm looking for validation. But the thing is, I want to be heard. I want people to see my work and enjoy my work. I want to make a difference in someones life. Maybe I will inspire someone else, help them. From what I know, manga is a vehicle to do so.

In a perfect world, I'd somehow set up a way to handpick manga/comics for every person who's looking for an impactful story to help them in their life. Or even stories that could offer an escape from reality. Manga/comics can destress a person when life is overwhelming. Where we can all sit back and take a breath, quietly being enveloped into a world that offers healing and understanding or even love and laughter.

This kind of membership would be worldwide. Every month you would receive a package of 2-3 books that were handpicked specifically for you by experts. A company where each member is studied thoroughly and thought of with great care.

Then kids,

I want kids to wake up on the first day of every month beaming with excitement to get their manga/comics. Instead of turning on the TV the first thing in the morning.

In a perfect world, everyone would be able to find joy in appreciating manga/comics. Everyone would be able to find comfort in knowing that even if you are alone, you are not really alone. You are cared for and thought of greatly. Everyone wouldn't be so quick to judge one another because when you read manga you naturally become more aware of your inner thoughts and others. I'm not saying manga will bring world peace but I'm saying it is a way to find understanding.

That's the kind of dream I hope for and thats why I'm betting my life on it.


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