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By: Alexander Rivas aka Wolf Of Readers

By Alex RivasPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

What does this world mean? How powerful can the tongue be?

For its edge seems to be sharp through life but in actuality it’s dull in eternity.

However it’s said we need to sharpen our mind but our tongue is the same way.

To be wiser is a man who sits and listens.

Fools will speak out of turn and speak before they think but always assume.

You can assume all day, which only means to me "making an ass of you not me.”

Words are one of the most powerful forces on our planet if you have not noticed yet.

Our words bring hate, pain, war, love and happiness but that's only scratching the surface on the impact of the words.

That is why I now feel that if someone is quick to put another down, it’s simply because that other person is envious, hates themselves, or hates their own life and that comes with a lot of dumbass baggage.

Doesn't that little monkey on your back get you tired? Doesn't your tongue want to fall out from all the "WISE CRACKS"?

Of course it doesn't. Over time we become to good at stupid shit like that we don't even notice. KARMA and LIFE together, can bring a hell of a storm.

Now that I'm thinking about it , I would rather be on there side when they come.

For Karma knows pain and life has no remorse. They just retaliate on your vibrations YOU, as a person put out. Negative or Positive.

Control with moderation is the hardest thing to accomplish. This can mean many things for many people in different walks in life.

It teaches balance between the two which can lead us to righteousness or dull-wittedness.

"The mirror is ugly when you can not stand yourself, and the image is false if you are blinded.”

I am not to sure if you ever thought of this but if certain vibrations can help us feel better with either music or certain sounds then imagine what pure nonsense with ignorance can carry in the air. That shit is like a weak ass rubber band coming back with some vengeance.

Assuming they know what they’re talking about, the tongue is a doubled edged sword - and when used improperly, it back fires three times.

It’s like the old saying we used to hear as kids "If you point the finger then you got 3 fingers pointing back at you.”

That's why I "Knife Hand" so you know I ain't lying haha Nah I'm playing lol

We are all similar to robots today, the only thing difference is the way we create life and the way programing is. Although the program is set, some of us can veer from that path of fogginess and take the scales out our eyes.

True seeing is believing and sometimes it needs to hit us over the head before we can grab it.

Why I named the story "Back-Words" is to bring awareness of what the power of tongue can do. Just because you do not wear a black pointy hat and live in a cottage does not mean your words can't put a spell on someone. We are a culture of curse words and I'm guilty for using them to this day. It will take time, discipline and a little practice but I am sure everyone can make it work. I've seen posts on social media saying "smarter people curse or use more curse words". I honestly do not believe that one bit, because if you were more intelligent you wouldn't have to use them as much but that's just on me. I have also heard if your living space is dirty its a sign you could be a genius. I believe that to be wrong again. Being organized, on top of your shit, and clean will take you places or teach you things you did not know where possible. PEACE IN THE BEGINNING MEANS PEACE AT THE END.

YOUR House is Clean

YOUR Body is Clean

YOUR Mind is Clean

YOUR Tongue is Clean

YOUR Soul is Clean

Claim that over yourself every morning or every time you feel some kind of way about anything. Use the power for good never evil. Remember KARMA knows no pain and LIFE has no remorse. Do not get caught up between the 2, for all you need is one to experience hurt. What we speak out unto this world is everything, like a cycle with a supercharged motor. Just pray it does not blow up in your face.

Hope you all enjoyed this small read. I read to help me learn and I feel writing is helping me paste the foundation as I go. I strongly encourage we all take the time out to vent into this world no matter what the art may be. Those are dope ways to meditate on both the conscious and unconscious level.

Add me on IG @wolfofreaders for book reviews and more.

Thank You

Alexander Rivas

Wolf of Readers


About the Creator

Alex Rivas

Hello my name is Alexander Rivas i am a veteran from Houston, Tx. I started to write because i feel like this is laying down a powerful foundation for me and my future self. I hope yall enjoy these small reads.

Thank you and Read on

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