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As we look inside

..we can see our humanity

By Jeffrey A. Sapp Published 2 years ago 5 min read
As we look inside
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

No matter the position of authority, or the differences we've chosen to value over our innate similarities, there are universal truths that make us human. To this day, I can't understand why, no matter the justification, people choose to look for the differences. It comes down to the simplest superficial qualities that end up dividing us. Eventually, these biases morph into horrible monstrosities that corrupt our egos and bring us closer to our downfall as a species. Our current global conditions show how the choices of one or a select few individuals can shake the very foundation of the very structure we chose to construct underneath us. But who gave them their ego? Unfortunately, we did. Sitting idly tweeting about such atrocities does not address the issues at hand, nor does it prove whose the better person. And while that last statement is now directing your finger toward the close button of this article, I invite you, with open arms, to continue reading. There needs to come to a point where we as a species should take responsibility for our freedom and not allow these influential individuals to march forward in archaic conquest.

What is freedom?

Philosophers and religious leaders have attempted to define Freedom for centuries. Socrates was exiled and executed for corrupting the minds of the youth. Corruption is only described as the ability to apply extreme pressure against what a great Greek state deemed as 'truth.' To determine truth for themselves and accept newfound existential Freedom. The Buddhists saw Freedom as the Freedom of desire. To reach enlightenment took courage many believed thought was impossible to ascertain. The stoics set out to search for one's own nature. No matter the position in society or the internal factors that remained invisible to the blind of heart, slaves and emperors alike could attain Freedom. In all instances, a plethora of which are not included, the point of fruition was that of Freedom. Freedom from the pressures of the fabricated external world and Freedom of the self that chooses to accept them.

While my goal is not to describe the history of such a concept, as it's existed since the dawn of humanity's need to obtain it. For some, Freedom is existential. Others it's displayed through a particular form or symbol and presented through a dogmatic doctrine. In times of economic crisis or war, the comforting words of our appointed leader help ease the pressures of reality. But when the power is in the hands of only a few individuals, their decisions thus reflect the general position of the larger population. Ironically, we give up Freedom in the pursuit of it.

Where is my Freedom?

Serving in the armed forces caused significant dissonance in my later years. Looking back at the naive eighteen-year-old I once was, I honestly desired Freedom for my country. But at that point, the definition of such a concept was much different. By no means do I regret my service, nor do I discourage it for anyone else. In trying times like this, we can truly see the benefits of having a defense force as troops rally and move forward into the allied nation of Ukraine. Service is an opportunity that can serve as a stepping stone in times of peace. I developed many leadership and mechanical skills. But soon after, I began to see where I was lacking as a human being. Thinking about the people I served with, we all loved this country and its people. But after my education and extensive growth and daily meditation, was the pursuit of Freedom obtainable through such militant measures?

After being discharged, I was lost in a way. Like many I know who are discharged, I realized the similarities in what we all struggled with. Once set in motion for us, our lives, from sun-up to sun-down, are now ours to live. It's terrifying yet unimaginably exciting to be on our own. Were now allowed to develop passions and careers, something that wasn't entirely possible through the rigid structure of military life. But on the 'outside,' we were not given the proper tools to thrive. Many I know fell and fell hard. Some didn't get up. For myself, I hit the ground very hard, falling into substance use. Psychological issues buried deep in my sub-conscience began to surface. Things began to calm down only recently, and I could see a life worth living. My desire to ease my psychological trauma has become possible through natural means. Exercise, social interaction, and self-development are all elements of my life under my control now!

Any form of dependency goes against the idea of Freedom. It holds us back from our true potential. When looking at individuals such as Vladamir Putin or any other individual throughout history that sought power and control, society became dependent upon them as a source of relief. Like one suffering from addiction, like I once was, an easy, immediate solution to one's problems is promised with a crooked toothed smile. But I learned if it's too good to be true, it probably is. While this abstract statement has nothing more than a philosophical rendition, coupled with my experience, I hope that whoever reads this gains some value from such ideas.

How do we obtain Freedom?

Here is the question that has caused more controversy among those in power than anything; How do we give the power back to the people? While we can try to blame the past generations for developing a broken system, it's essential to see that it functioned at a point in time correctly and with reason. Whether that reason is good or not is in question now. Tradition never being questioned creates a wall of authority in which the foundation is laid on the backs of the people for the coming generations. Freedom itself must be acquired internally. There are no measures of pressure that can be applied externally to force Freedom onto others. This idea goes against the very concept of Freedom itself.

After years of hoping to fight for Freedom in a semi-counter productive way, Freedom must be obtained through the psyche, the soul, or the means of understanding our internal capacities. Again all I can do is look inside myself and wonder if and how I can obtain Freedom. It isn't easy and requires intensive exploration. From sitting in Buddhist meditations or studying stoic principles, I struggle even then. But once in a while, it feels like it slips away. The external pressures remain the only source of the need to maintain our Freedom. I can only hope that those who are being oppressed will overcome such adversity and will be able to live happily and without fear in the future.

There came the point where I desired the same thing for everyone: Freedom. To those of Ukraine, stand firm in our pursuit to maintain our Freedom as a nation. To the oppressor, I hope you can find peace in your own soul. May we all live in peace one day.


About the Creator

Jeffrey A. Sapp

There are various genres that include short fiction, poetry, and philosophy, that I enjoy writing about. There are some controversial as well as moving topics I hope to invite you to explore.

[email protected]

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