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Advancing In Life

Beyond The Next Level

By Omz The RootPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

When you are trying to advance in life, you are going to have many roadblocks. There are going to be lots of people who doubt you can make it, who think you are being delusional, and those doubts can affect your mindset and thus your motivation to succeed.

We all have big hopes and dreams, it’s part of being human. What most of us do not understand is that to get to that next level, then that is going to require you to change. Before I advance any further, let me point out there are many next levels in life. For example, me graduating with Bachelor’s in electrical engineering was a goal accomplished, and the next level was finding a job in the field. Getting the job and adapting to the environment was a next level. Then I could just stay at that level, unless I wanted to be continually growing and learning every day because that’s where fulfillment comes from.

We could all just stay at the level we are at right now, but how does that really feel? It is like saying you have achieved your fitness goal so you are going to stop working out as much. What happens next? You don’t feel as confident and strong as before. You lose the drive and momentum that you had before. All your previous hard work comes to a stop and you arrive at a stalemate in where you aren’t going anywhere. I was the hardest working Engineer in the room at that Aerospace company. I was the only one who never took any days off and whenever I was leader on the field, which they trusted I could handle after only a month which is rare, we were the top performing team always in the entire department! Even with all that hard work and dedication, I still got laid off my job the moment the corona virus had hit us. The stock market collapsed. Millions of people lost their jobs. I truly was devastated the first week, but what mattered most was how I handled the situation.

The moment after I got the phone call from my recruiter about being laid off, I worked out at home and recorded an almost 5-minute video about how to stay strong during hard times and posted it on my Instagram account. I was walking around my apartment and had decided to start a workout program that everyone can do from home during the pandemic. I didn’t let it break me, because I had something in me that no news, no outside source could ever break unless I let it, and that is BELIEF IN THYSELF!

Now I had to step into another next level, and as you can see, the more you advance in life the harder the challenges get! So each next level requires you to change. I am not saying change your personality, you must ALWAYS BE YOUR BEST SELF! Nothing less, nothing more. What changes is your game plan! You must understand the position you are in, what goals you want to achieve right now, and change the game plan based on that.

This means that your entire schedule changes. It usually takes me about 2 days, a week at most, to organize my schedule accordingly. I lay out all my goals, and I see how I can fit them best into each and every day. You will realize you cannot do everything in 1 day, so you will start to pick special days to do the other activities. And to organize your schedule best, you must be feeling your best so you can confidently say this is how it is going down!

The best way for me to get started with anything is by working out. In fact, if I am not feeling my best and not seeing results from the gym every day, it brings down my confidence. So that is clearly my anchor to achieving my goals, and this is what you must figure out for yourself. Your anchor is probably the single most important thing to starting anything because an anchor is defined as a trigger or stimulus that retrieves a desired emotional state. So to be in the right mindset, to be feeling your best and to be confident in all you do, you must be in the right emotional state.

I had a game plan laid out for the next couple of months, and some things were completely unexpected. Here’s the thing: Sometimes the best things in life are the ones you don’t see coming. They are unexpected. I believe that when you least expect something is when you really achieve your greatest results. The reason is because you would already have had the mindset for success, the state of mind to win!

So many of us look to outside sources to keep us happy, and that’s because most people that they NEED to get this and get that. This is nothing more than a WANT for things. All you need is already inside of you! When you are thankful and grateful for this moment, you will come to the realization that nothing and no one can make you feel as good as you make yourself feel.

When you are thankful and grateful for what you already have, rather than wanting more before proceeding to the next level or whatever it may be which is usually only in the HEAD, you will understand how it all starts WITHIN! You can achieve anything you set your mind to, but you must act from the HEART and not from the HEAD! It’s your intuition reaching out to connect with you, all it takes is a little bit of PATIENCE and AWARENESS to become one with your intuition.

Once you have refused the need to satisfy yourself with outside sources and are one with your intuition, you begin to make the most of what you ALREADY HAVE! Trust me when I say you have enough, and I know this because YOU ARE ENOUGH! All we need is a little push sometimes. I have been in your shoes. I’ve struggled, I’ve wanted, and I’ve been knocked down more times than I can count. And I have NO REGRETS, because that is why I stand here today and have the confidence to tell you that THERE IS A WAY OUT! It all starts within!

With that in mind, you are way beyond the next level. You are infinite and your mindset is on continual growth and contribution to the world. This is the way to advance in life!


About the Creator

Omz The Root

Writer and Motivational Speaker with a Bodybuilding Certificate Award and graduate in Electrical Engineering.

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