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About A Girl

A quick look into what I'm doing here, what I plan to do, and what we're doing together!

By Mary DevlinPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Originally I had this big ol' post written up. But then I fell asleep rewatching "Twin Peaks" a little too late at night, my computer died and I lost all of my writing. So, in total non-Mary fashion, I will try to make this brief.

Who am I? If you're a long time follower, you probably either know me as the Irish-American girl, or the girl whose parents are QAnon Trump supporters (and let me just clear up right away how much I am NOT that). If you're a recent follower, you probably know me as the girl who ruins classic rock for conservatives. And then, if you're an OG follower, you know me as that one girl from the Beatles Fandom on tumblr circa 2012-2015 (just so we're clear, I rebuke that era of my life. Yes, all of it). These are all titles of which I take pride in and am thankful for the platform they have given me (even if 37,000 followers isn't a whole lot these days).

A common theme throughout my time on the internet has been music and how it is unbreakably intertwined with politics and social justice. My first introduction to this was through John Lennon's music and activism, though I have since found other artists to look up to and learn from. It is due to this fact then, that many of my followers should not be surprised that I have been making content on listening to music critically. Politics, and social justice, are connected to everything, and most art is political. To act as though we can separate art from politics is to dilute the meaning behind almost everything we listen to, observe, and love. Things have meaning.

It is due to my belief in these facts, and my newfound platform on TikTok, that I have decided to make more videos on this subject. However, as I step off of my white horse and take a seat on the grass, I must remind myself and my followers that I am a 24-year-old white girl from an affluent beach town in New Jersey. Yes, I care about social justice and politics, but I am of a demographic that is not nearly as impacted by certain troubles as other Americans (I am using specifically "Americans" in this case as it is what I am most familiar with). I understand that there are some topics that I will not have the right to speak on, or at the very least not act as the expert on. I also understand that I have an ego, and that online it can very often feel like critique is an attack, especially for someone like me who has trouble reading tone online. It is my responsibility as a creator to hold back quick reactions, to reflect carefully upon my words and position, and to hold myself accountable. "With great power comes great responsibility" is no joke, especially when you have thousands of eyes and ears on you.

With that being said, the only thing I will ever ask of my followers is to believe me when I say I have the best intentions, and that I am always listening to you. I ask for respect on both sides as we learn together and help to educate one another. This is all I ask, as I'm sure all anyone wants is to feel respected when speaking on difficult topics.

So many of you may be wondering what my credentials are, why I have the right to call Nirvana classic rock, and why I care so much in the first place. A little bit about me, I am currently finishing up a degree in Music Industry with a concentration in the Music Business at Rowan University. I have been working as a live performer for ten years, have worked as a social media coordinator for both record stores and a music venue, and of course, ran a tumblr blog on classic rock in 2014 which trumps everything else. In other words, I know what I'm talking about. I don't know everything, and I never will, but I have a right to be speaking on subjects pertaining to music and how the industry works, and the history of how American music specifically is tied to race, sexuality, economic status, and more. I have studied these subjects extensively, and care greatly about it all. I say this not to sound arrogant, but in the hopes that people will consider this before they type in shit like "this girls an idiot!!!!!!!!" under five of my videos in a row in less than ten minutes.

Anyway, this has been too long, and I've got a movie to catch. Not all of my blog posts will be this long and all about me, but I felt as though this was a good introduction. I just want everyone to know what I'm about, to know that I'm genuine, and to know that I care. This isn't just about views and shit to me. I absolutely promise that to all of you.

I shall catch y'all later, and hope to talk more soon.




About the Creator

Mary Devlin

Hey there guys! The name's Mare, I'm a vintage/history enthusiast who is currently on the journey of a lifetime otherwise known as "Your Twenties". Currently living in South Jersey, figuring it all out.

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