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7 Strategies For Never Giving Up

In it for the long haul...

By KristinaPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Welcome to 2020! Quarantine lifestyle, race relations, and an upcoming Presidential election. Although the times appear hectic, in the social media age success and good times never looked so easy. Beyond the curtain it's important to know within our personal lives to not give up if our reality doesn't align with everything we see online. I’m not trying to get all Brené Brown on you, but maybe it’s important that we all get a little Brené Brown on ourselves.

In her book, “The Gifts of Imperfection”, she talks about letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embrace who you are. We all need an extra reminder that the pep up talk that can speak the loudest, can really come from ourselves.

I’ve collected a series of tips to help us stay in our own lanes while pursuing our goals.

1. Zoom Out & Re-frame

This is a two parter. When we are met with challenges and adversity to get to the next level, it can feel pretty overwhelming. Practicing meditation can help us zoom out of seeing all the cracks and overwhelm up close and start to align yourself back into your breath. After a few deep breaths, think to yourself, what is the next step? Start taking those baby steps. Then, Re-frame your frustration into a new narrative.

For example, instead of, “Holy shiat, how am I ever going to finish writing this screenplay? I’m on my 108th draft and it’s still not ready!” Zoom out to, "This is part of the writer’s journey." Re-frame to, "Writing is re-writing. How about I focus on two scenes a day? Okay, I’ll start after a snack."

2. Find your ‘Why’

Pull up a blank document on your computer and write out your reason why you want to complete your goal. What value does it bring to your life? Is it your best foot forward? Is your gut really telling you to do it? Are you following your highest excitement? Spill on the page. Let this be the fire you can return to when you get depleted.

3. Ring a friend

Call someone you trust and share with them what you are going through. I hate to say this, because I personally can be stubborn, but speaking to a pal that knows my goals has seriously walked me back down from the cliff of defeat. More than likely, your friend is going to be able to relate in so many ways and you’ll remember that we’re all fighting our way through obstacles one way or the other.

4. Re-route your HOW

Okay, so I’m sure we’ve all heard the quote by Albert Einstein, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” As much as we don’t want to budge, have an open mind. Can other possibilities of how to go about your goal be explored? Being able to take constructive criticism is mando and will enhance your product in the long run.

Thick skin + an open mind will = progress.

Take what resonates and stick to your guns when necessary.

5. Use the F Word to your Advantage

Yes, the big F. Failure.

Look, we are just going to have to accept that failure is part of the process. So much that any role model we have may have a portfolio laminated with rejection letters and so close but no deal type situations. It’s part of the game, kiddo. And if we want to play, we can’t be afraid to F it up a little.

Then come back, re-evaluate, strategize, get better, and get back out there! Use your failure as a stepping stone. There’s no inspiring story that does not have failure in it so whenever the spooky narrator in your head starts telling you how big of a failure you are and how dare you even try, tell it, to "Pipe down, we ain’t done yet!"

6. Keeping Pushing the Good Push

We got to let go of timelines, our society has some weird expectation that we were all supposed to be an overnight success at 22 and completely have our shit together. Well, no. This is life and we got to burn down this ageist agenda. The truth is that we have to be relentless. We’ve got to do the work. And the work can take time and hours nobody will see and applaud you for. It’s you and your dear self having loads of time dedicated to your goal and that’s just what it is. No glory. No glamor. Sticking to your Why. Keep pushing the boulder up the hill because you cannot do anything else. Stay the course because that’s the grit you bear. Applaud yourself for your tenacity and keep it movin’.

7. Feel Good Doing Other Things

When you pushed, when you sacrificed time and resources to get closer to your goals and you’re still not seeing the results, fall back, do that thing that makes you feel good. Cook a delicious meal, make it art. Put on some music and move your body. Run a 5k. Paint a picture and frame it. Write an essay and share it. Do that thing that makes you want to keep doing your thing. We’re in for the long haul. Remember to enjoy the ride.

Welp, there you are. 7 Strategies to stay true to doing what you love. Don’t give up! I’m rooting for you!


About the Creator


Cinema lover, health/wellness practitioner, and sponge of culture, travel & arts. <3

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