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7 Responsibilities to Take For Your Life and Regain Control

Because nothing's better than being in control of your life.

By Erica MartinPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
7 Responsibilities to Take For Your Life and Regain Control
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

It’s comforting to have an excuse for life’s challenges. Excuses are comforting whether it’s poor parenting, a lousy boss, or life in general. There is, however, a cost associated with that excuse. You lose your power to change your situation when you place the blame and responsibility outside yourself.

Are you responsible for everything? No, of course not. However, you are responsible for it. Who will fix it if you don't? No matter how terrible your parents were, they can't change anything.

Decide to take responsibility for everything in your life and make some changes. With responsibility, you'll eventually gain power.

Take control of your life and accept responsibility for what you have done so far:

Consider how you have contributed to your challenges.

There may have been better decisions you could have made. Perhaps you should have taken action. Look at the least satisfying parts of your life and determine how they were created. Remember to give yourself credit for the great things in your life.

Take steps to build your self-esteem.

Self-esteem makes life's challenges easier to handle. When you avoid responsibility, your self-esteem suffers. The act of taking responsibility builds one's self-esteem. The two go hand in hand.

Don't forget the wonderful things you've done in the past.

Take a moment to imagine how great it will feel when you change your life for the better.

Only some things are within your power to change.

It's impossible to make your boss like you. You can, however, find another job. It is impossible to make your spouse stop drinking. However, you can insist they seek help or leave if they refuse. You can only control yourself. Don't worry about things you can't control.

Be responsible for the little things.

Although the big things are more exciting, the little things are just as important. The little things often lead to the big things if we don't care for them. Be responsible for the everyday tasks you face regularly.

Put your best foot forward.

Demand more from yourself than anyone else would. This is the ultimate way to take control because you accept the highest level of responsibility. To be the best version of yourself, you must do what needs to be done regardless of how you feel.

Don't blame yourself.

There is a difference between taking responsibility and taking the blame. Is it important who is to blame? As long as you're taking care of business, it doesn't matter whether it's your fault or not. Regardless of the cause, you're solving the problem. You are less effective when you blame yourself.

Be prepared to feel uncomfortable.

The opposite of avoiding responsibility is taking responsibility. What made you avoid responsibility? There is more comfort in not being responsible than in being responsible.

You can comfort yourself knowing your discomfort will pay off in the end. How much discomfort do you think ultra-successful people experience compared to others?

Avoiding responsibility whenever possible is natural. At least for the time being, taking responsibility results in more work. However, it can lead to less work in the long run. Taking care of challenges ensures they will grow into something other than just bigger ones in the future.

Failure to take responsibility has a heavy price. It feels as if you are powerless to change the course of your life. Depression is more likely to occur when you lose respect for yourself.

Take responsibility for your life and regain the control you need to succeed!


About the Creator

Erica Martin

I started writing in elementary school and haven't stopped since. I love to write about my life experiences and the hard lessons I've learned from them, as well as some of the life hacks I've discovered. I love tips for great work.

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