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3 Remarkable Ways To Detox Your Whole Life

A recipe for balanced-life

By Burak BayramPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - November 2021
Photo by Shadab 🦋 from Pexels

As we live through life, our daily routines can turn our lives into something that we don’t really like. This is a situation that is often experienced by every person in life, no matter how much we don’t want it. However, the first to fix this is to realize that your life needs a detox and second, by taking the right steps, we can learn from our experiences.

How do we know when our life needs a detox?

Sometimes we feel we cannot find anything to do or; we have no purpose in life or; we are not where we want to be, or we realize we can’t get away from people we don’t want and don’t take enough time for ourselves. These and many more things like this can cause the need for detox in our lives.

I did my research and carefully chose these 3 methods that can help you detox your whole life. These methods are:

1- Adapting a growth mindset

2- Learning how to discipline yourself

3- Avoid mundane kind of living

3 Remarkable Ways To Detox Your Whole Life

Image by B.B.

1- Adapting a growth mindset

According to Psychology Today, a growth mindset is described as “the belief that a person’s capacities and talents can be improved over time”. This shows that our failures do not define us and we can learn from them.

To adopt a growth mindset, a growth journal can be helpful. A growth journal is a written record of all that you learn from your experiences. You write what you learn without judging yourself, by doing this you can create a safe space for yourself.

2- Learning how to discipline yourself

At first glance, it may seem difficult to learn to discipline yourself, but it is necessary to know that achieving this is not a big burden and it can be made a habit by adapting very small things into life.

First, you will need to determine your goal because when a person has no purpose in their life, they may have to deal with toxic situations or people when they do not specify the time and space for themself. Setting goals is among the first principles of self-discipline, which can be said to be a key to self-discipline.

You should not overestimate this goal because exaggerated goals can deter you on this path. You can set any hobby, career, sport, and branch of art as a goal.

Of course, it is easy to set this goal, but the thing that makes it easier to progress on this path is to clear your attention from the objects around us which can cause you to be distracted and to proceed under our goal by knowing our priorities.

3- Avoid mundane kind of living

Last but not least, adding something new to your life every day will lead you to get free from inevitable boredom.

To begin with, don’t follow the crowd. You are a guide as suitable as a tailor-made suit for yourself. Your feelings will lead you to be the best of yourself in line with your logic and opinion.

Adding new things that you find yourself gaining new experiences takes you away from a single point of view and you start to be versatile.

I want to share with you a saying that I love about it.

Wayne Dyer says

“life is not boring, but some people choose to be bored.”

It is in our hands to live a monotonous life and to get away from this situation so easily.


In summary, with what we have read so far, I wanted to mention the changes we want to create in our lives and detox with these 3 methods which are;

1- Adapting a growth mindset

2- Learning how to discipline yourself

3- Avoid mundane kind of living

You notice that these 3 methods have a structure that supports each other. So, this means that trying to achieve one will lead to realizing the other. Adapting to the growth mindset and learning from mistakes will support self-discipline, and setting goals in your life by self-discipline and having a field of interest away from distractions will keep you away from a monotonous and mundane lifestyle.

These methods will help you detox your life overall, so as a final word, it can be said that it can be achieved by making such easy methods permanent in your life.

Thank you for reading.


This story was originally published on Medium.


About the Creator

Burak Bayram

I write about every aspect of life.

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