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22 Important Truths to Remember to 10x Your Results In 2022

Start improving your life today.

By Luay RahilPublished 2 years ago 13 min read
Photo: Canva

Successful people are not smarter than others.

They follow proven frameworks to 10X their results. They understand that success starts with self-care. They build habits that help them stay disciplined, focused, and productive.

These habits become the success rituals that they use to 10X their results.

In 2020, I managed a health department, using these 22 habits to stay focused and productive. They helped me to 10X of my results and became my county's employee of the year.

Here are the 22 truths you should accept to have a better 2022.

1. Create a Vision For Your Life

It allows you to have a sense of direction and creates clarity around your goals.

Finding your life purpose creates a sense of meaning in your life. To find your life purpose ask yourself three questions:

3 Important question

  • What do I love to do?
  • What am I good at?
  • What can I contribute to the world?

Believe it or not, knowing your purpose makes life more meaningful.

Your vision is your guiding star. It will help you invest less time, money, and energy in things that do not add value to anyone's life.

2. Establish Your Values

Your values are the core of who we are.

Creating a life worth sharing with others will be challenging if you do not establish your core values. Values are the principles that guide you as you accomplish your life's vision.

Understand what motivates you: freedom, security, money, authority. Etc. Write your values down and make sure that you do not violate your values.

Discover your values:

  • What are the most important things to you?
  • How do I define success?
  • What inspired me to take action?

Test Your Values:

  • How do you spend your money?
  • How do you spend your time?
  • How do you spend your energy?

If you tell me you value your family, but you spend most of your money and time drinking every day, I would ask you to pay attention to your money, time, and energy.

3. Set Smart Goals

Once you create your life vision and establish your core values, it is time to set your SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

SMART goals allow you to focus your effort and time on activities with the highest return and improve your chances of achieving your goals.

Set Smart Goals

Five questions to ask yourself if you want to design your ideal year:

  • Specific: What do I want to accomplish this year?
  • Measurable: How will I measure my progress?
  • Attainable: Can my goals be completed this year?
  • Relevant: Does it help me achieve the overall mission of my life?
  • Timely: What is the time frame for your goal?

4. Manage Your Time:

If you want to improve your life immediately, start managing your time better.

Good time management allows you to create better habits, rituals, and routines that significantly impact your life.

Benefits of better time management:

  • Less stress: Better time management reduces your stress level and improves confidence.
  • Better work-life harmony: You will pay attention to the tension in your life.
  • Greater focus: Once you start your day with an action plan, you will focus on a few things that have a higher impact on your life.
  • Increased energy: Since you focus on fewer things, you will have more energy to do them.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Time management enables you to avoid stress, get enough sleep, and clear your head to make better decisions.

5. Declutter your space and your life

Clutter leads to stress.

Get rid of anything you have not used in 18 months. Do not let physical objects occupy an emotional space in your life. Let it go. Start by recycling three items from your wardrobe today.

According to WebMD, decluttering has health benefits.

  • Better focus: Less clutter means less distraction.
  • Higher self-esteem: Organizing your physical space can restore feelings of competency and pride.
  • Better relationships: Decluttering can reduce relationship tension.

Tips to start decluttering:

  • Give one item away for 30 days, and have a no-buy month.
  • Scan all of your paperwork and store them on the cloud.
  • Donate what you don't wear.

6. Read a Book or a Magazine

Contrary to popular belief, reading is fun and beneficial.

It keeps your memory sharp and helps you to stay creative. Always be reading something.

Reading has many benefits:

It stimulates your mind: Studies have proved that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progression of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Increases your empathy: consuming other people's work makes it easier for you to relate to others.

Reduces your stress: reading a good book can transport you to other places away from immediate worries and life demands.

7. Keep a Journal

Journaling clears your mind and transforms your heart.

So start the day with your journal instead of your smartphone. Nothing has more power to distract you and poison your mind in the morning than your phone.

Block time on your calendar each day for journaling. This habit will force you to be present at the moment.

Benefits of journaling

  • Reduces Stress: Excessive stress can harm your physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Improves your memory: It helps keep your brain active in the present moment.
  • Improve your mindset: If you start your day by mentioning three things you are grateful for, your mood will be completely transformed.

8. Listen to uplifting music

Sit, relax, and listen to great music.

Do not multitask; listen. Enjoy any music that brings a smile to your heart. Music enhances your mood. It won't hurt if you decide to dance as well.

According to The Northshore's Healthcare System, music can elevate the mood, reduce pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression.

Benefits of music

  • It keeps the heart-healthy. Studies have revealed that blood flows more easily when music is played.
  • It reduces symptoms of depression. Music can help pick you up - much like exercise.
  • It improves workout endurance. Listening to music can enhance physical performance and improve durability during exercise.

9. Do Nothing

I mean nothing.

Schedule time for yourself and write nothing on your calendar. Start by sitting still in the park and be quiet for a few minutes. Stop wearing "I'm busy" as a badge of honor.

Do nothing. This habit can change your life.

Benefits of doing nothing

  • It boosts creativity. Doing nothing expands your mind and allows new ideas to seep into your mind.
  • It allows your mind to reset and recharge. Doing nothing is as relaxing as sleeping. It helps your brain to rest, reset, and recharge.
  • It enables you to listen to your body. For example, when you are on the move, you don't pay enough attention to your body. Ignoring your body leads to fatigue and illness.

10. Meditate

It has been proven that meditation has many benefits.

  • It calms your mind, helps with anxiety and depression, and improves your ability to overcome chronic pain.
  • Starts or end your day by:
  • Sitting and focusing on your breath for at least 5–10 minutes.
  • Doing a mental body scan to check each part of your body.
  • Staying alert while remaining deeply relaxed.

11. Exercise daily

Get off the couch and work out, go outside, and walk more often.

Exercise has many benefits. It clears your mind and strengthens your heart and body. It also decreases symptoms of depression. Even walking around your neighborhood helps to prolong your life.

According to Mayo Clinic healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise.

Quick plan to start an exercising today

  • Start small. You can start by walking around your neighborhood. Five minutes of exercise is better than nothing.
  • Use technology to track your exercise. Technology makes exercise more fun and more competitive.
  • Exercise with a friend. Having a friend to work out with helps you stay focused and accountable.

12. Fuel Your Body

Do not leave the house without eating breakfast.

You will not drive the car without fuel, so do not do that to your body.

Treat food as fuel for your body and information for your cells. The easiest nutrition system I can share with you is this: stay away from CATS.

  • Caffeine: Drink caffeine in moderation. Do not replace sleep with more caffeine.
  • Alcohol: Drink as little alcohol as possible. I never heard a success story that started with, "Everything turned better when I became an alcoholic."
  • Tobacco: There are zero benefits to smoking tobacco. It destroys your physical and financial health.
  • Sugar: Limit your sugar intake. Sugar tastes good, but it harms your mood, body, and energy level.

13. Sleep at Least 6–8 Hours

This is not new wisdom, but this is the most avoided advice.

Most people brag about their inability to stay awake for a long time, and I brag about my ability to sleep every night. Sleep helps stay healthy, focused, productive, and happy.

Conversely, lack of sleep leads to heart disease and diabetes.

Benefits of sleep:

  • It keeps your brain sharp: You can't focus and learn new information without adequate sleep. In addition, your brain needs sleep to store memories and organize the information that you learn daily.
  • It improves your mood: Getting enough sleep helps your brain reset, which improves your outlook on life and being prepared to meet the next day's challenges.
  • It keeps your heart healthy: When you sleep, your blood pressure goes down and gives your heart and blood vessels the rest they need.
  • It helps you maintain your weight: You will be more rested and less hungry when you get enough sleep. This is because sleep deprivation triggers your body to secret leptin and ghrelin, both control appetite.
  • It enhances your physical performance and your immune system: Your body and immune system need sleep to recharge and be ready to fight any germs or viruses.

14. Have a Hobby

If you do not have a hobby, it is tough to enjoy your life.

Life cannot be all about work and measurable progress. Have a hobby and practice it for fun only. It does not matter if it is dancing, watching tv, gardening, painting, reading.

Just choose a hobby, and dedicate some time to it.

Benefits of having a hobby

  • Having a hobby forces you to slow down and take time for yourself.
  • It helps you stay in better physical and mental health.
  • It inspires you to experience new things.

15. Visit Friends

Human beings are social beings.

We like to be around people. We cannot survive without having a sense of belonging. Join a support group, professional organizations, an online community.

All these will help you develop new friendships and maintain old ones.

Benefits of having many friends:

  • Connecting with friends increases happiness and fights loneliness. Unfortunately, I'm predicting that loneliness will be the next pandemic we will fight.
  • It reduces stress. Having close friends lowers your stress level dramatically.
  • It provides you with a sense of belonging. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, belonging needs come in third after basic needs and safety needs. So, we all need to satisfy this need to be at our best.

16. Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you made in your life and forgive others.

As Ajahn Chah stated, "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace." So, do you want to have little peace or a lot of peace?

Use these five steps to let go of your past:

  • Create a positive mantra.
  • Exercise and engage your body and mind.
  • Focus on taking steps to move forward in life.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Put yourself in the offender's shoes.

17. Scare Yourself Every Day

Your comfort zone limits your growth, do something that scares you every day.

If you do not stretch yourself, and you will never grow. I never heard a story worth listening to that started by saying this, "I was sitting on my couch." Get out and live your life.

Five ideas to get out of your comfort zone:

  • Invite your friends over and cook something you have never cooked.
  • Challenge yourself physically, hike a mountain, join a Crossfit gym.
  • Volunteer to visit sick people.
  • Join Toastmasters to overcome your public speaking fears.
  • Take a dance lesson with your partner.

18. Laugh

It's healthy and fun to share a good laugh with other people.

Laughter is the best medicine. It benefits your social life and improves your mental and physical health.

It boosts your immune system, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, and prevents heart disease. In addition, it improves your mental health, adds joy to your life, eases anxiety, and relieves stress.

It also improves your social life, strengthens your relationships, promotes harmony, and attracts others.

Find opportunities to laugh:

  • Watch a funny movie.
  • Attend a comedy show.
  • Spend time with children.
  • Spend time with pets.
  • Do something really silly.

19. Stop Expecting Life To Be Fair

Bad things can happen to Good People.

Not everyone you meet will be nice to you. Not every job you apply for will hire you, and do not expect people to be fair. Deal with it.

These are three ways to deal with the fact that life is not fair:

  • Admit it. Denying this will cause more problems.
  • Accept it. Life will always be unfair. It is hard for some people to accept this, but it is true.
  • Adapt to it. You know life is going to be unfair. Always be ready to adapt to that fact.

20. Stop Living Your Life For Others

It is your life.

Live life as you please. You do not need anyone's approval to be great.

Focus on improving yourself. Steve Jobs mastered the art of living life on his terms, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

The harsh truth that nobody tells you is, "Nobody is thinking that much about you. People mostly think about themselves." So, stop thinking about them, and live for yourself.

If you think others are judging you, it is because you are judging yourself.

How to stop living for others

  • Stop seeking the approval of others.
  • Know your values.
  • Don't be afraid to shine.

21. Travel

Travel is an excellent opportunity to learn from others, travel more often.

It does not have to be expensive. Stay at a local resort, and enjoy your weekend at least twice per year. Mentally, physically and emotionally, you can gain a lot from visiting other places.

You can discover different cultures and discover yourself.

Benefits of traveling

  • It allows you to disconnect from your daily routine and reduce your stress level.
  • It makes you smarter by exposing yourself to different regions and different cultures.
  • It makes you more interesting. You will be to talk about other cultures using your own experiences.

22. Invest in Yourself

Self-improvement is not a change that occurs overnight but is a continuous act that shouldn't end.

Self-improvement improves your mental health, physical health, and emotional maturity. It can be as simple as reading a book or as complex as learning to code.

Start small, read a book, meet a friend, or listen to a new podcast in the beginning.

You should develop a development plan by answering a few questions.

  • Who would you like to become in five years?
  • What should you focus on today?
  • Whose help do you need?
  • What projects should you complete?
  • What places should you visit?

We created a FREE 7-Day Design Your Ideal Day Challenge to help you create a better life and a better YOU. You might ask yourself now, "Is that possible?" We challenge you to sign up now and find out.


About the Creator

Luay Rahil

This blog focuses on personal & professional development. I help people work smarter, lead better, and reclaim their freedom.

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