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20 ways to feel good that cost NOTHING

Some say you can't buy happiness, I say you don't have to.

By Freya Webster Published 3 years ago 12 min read
20 ways to feel good that cost NOTHING
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Are you feeling down?

Maybe you have been for a few days now. Maybe even longer.

Has there ever been that thing you've wanted for ages that you've finally bought? Something that's been sat in your online shopping basket forever? Maybe you've been waiting to add that new item to an existing collection or been waiting for a new release that you've pre-ordered?

Retail therapy feels pretty good at the time, right? Everything your eyes attracted to are now yours to keep. It isn't uncommon. Our world is very materialistic and it's way to easy to be influenced by things we see on ads, social media and just all around us. Some say money can't buy you happiness, some argue otherwise.

I say you don't have to buy happiness. And I'm about to let you in on 20 things that can make you feel happy that cost nothing.

1. Give a hug

By Josue Escoto on Unsplash

Have you ever had a bad day? A stressful day?

Sometimes all you need is a hug. Research shows that by giving or receiving a hug, your body releases hormones including dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. These three are responsible separately for experiencing pleasure, the processing of social bonding and mood stabilising. Pretty amazing right? Even better, the impact they have even has the power to improve our overall health.

A hug is also enough to develop our relationships with people. They can bring us closer together and thanks to oxytocin, improve our social bonds.

2. Have a conversation

By LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Last I checked, having a conversation with someone costed nothing.

If you've ever felt alone or lonely or maybe you're waiting for someone to reach out to you, take the leap and reach out first. Having a conversation whether it be a simple chat or a deep talk can make you feel all kinds of better, even if you feel fine in the first place.

Talk about anything. Talk about something you have in common. Share your feelings. Discuss your plans for the weekend. Vent. Rant. Share something you just learnt. Absolutely anything.

Have you ever been at a bus stop or in a queue and the guy next to you starts to make small talk? Engage in it. Or be the one to start the small talk. You never know what that person is going through. Maybe it's a conversation they need. Maybe they haven't had a proper chat in a long time. You may be having a great day, but it doesn't mean that they are as well. So remember, you could be making a big difference.

3. Take a walk

By Danny Howe on Unsplash

Sometimes when you need to clear your head, the answer is as simple as going for a walk. You don't even have to go far! Just breathing in the fresh air, the soaking up natural lighting and being by yourself can be enough.

Better yet, taking a walk has benefits, regarding blood circulation, strengthening of your muscles and can even improve your sleep.

4. Write

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I know writing isn't for everyone.

But sometimes, even those who hate it can benefit from it. As a teenager, it was recommended to me to write down my thoughts from time to time when I felt overwhelmed, depressed or anxiety ridden. Writing is a form of self expression, much like playing an instrument and even if you are compelled to screw up your page into the worlds tiniest ball afterwards, it can be worth it.

In fact doing so, is a literal way of letting it go. Maybe somebody or something irritated you. Like an out of order lift on a busy day. A flat battery when you're expecting a call. Or when you're already running late and now the car won't start.

Vent it out. Write it down. Then let it go.

5. Exercise

By LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Whilst it isn't always obvious, sometimes working a sweat is just what you need. Not only does a little exercise keep you fit (obviously) but it can help you channel those negative emotions.

Ever thought about throwing your clock across the room for ticking too loud, or slamming a couple doors on your way out of work after a bit day, maybe even punching your boss and telling them exactly what you think of him or her? I know I have.

Working out can even improve cognitive function and help with anxiety and depression. Plus, exercising has been proven to benefit you regarding your attention span and memory. Makes sense right?

With a clear head - you can do almost anything.

6. Napping

By Jamie Street on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a good nap from time to time.

Those strenuous activities can have us begging for some spare time to nap through. It is important to take time for yourself and sometimes we just need to take time out from all the chaos around us.

Napping has been proven to reduce fatigue, increase your levels of alertness and improve your mood all around. Have you ever heard the phrase, 'sleep on it'? Well, it's some pretty good advice. After a little shut eye, you have been relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on another round of life. You're more than likely going to make better decisions too.

Due to everyone's different bodies and sleep patterns, it's hard to say the duration of a nap that works best for us. However, the longer the nap, the less refreshed you will likely feel. Remember, napping isn't the same as a night's sleep nor is it a substitute, so keep that in mind.

7. Have sex

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Not only is this a form of exercise but sex can lower your blood pressure and is good for your heart health.

And much like hugging, the social bonding side of sex can soothe stress and stabilise your mood. Moreover, the health benefits of orgasms are endless. They lower your stress levels, can relax you, can regulate a woman's cycle, are even natural pain killers and more.

You don't need me to go into too much detail here.

Just make sure, if you're going to be having sex - do it safely.

8. Drink water

By ShengGeng Lin on Unsplash

Drinking water is incredibly important anyway.

It is refreshing and keeps us going. It doesn't get anymore simple than that. But when you look at the facts, a drink of water does so much more for us than we realise. It helps maximise our physical performance, can prevent illnesses, improves our mood and keeps our skin glowing.

If you're still not a massive fan of water, why not just add a little fruit or cordial to give it that better taste.

9. Throw something away

By Thomas Le on Unsplash

Throwing something away sounds so simple.

That's because it is.

Decluttering can be solace for the soul. Clutter and mess is frustrating for most of us and can effect us mentally. Throwing something away, as simple as an empty bottle, an old newspaper or some general rubbish can give us a relief and take a load off our shoulders. Making some extra space by dejunking is a step towards making your environment tranquil and spacious.

Nobody wants to feel claustrophobic in their own space.

10. Have a wash

By Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash

Having a wash can be for more than a general refresher.

Through stressful times, a simple splash of water and soap can be enough to cleanse yourself physically and mentally. Freshening up is a great thing to do when you need a small relief.

11. Sunbathe

By Maria Lupan on Unsplash

Relaxing 101.

Much like having a nap, but without the sleeping.

Unless that's your gin and tonic.

Ever gotten home at the end of the day, finally finished with all of the day's activities and jobs? And you just want to flop down onto your sofa and relax? Why not sunbathe? Being in Great Britain, I can safely say, we do not have this opportunity very often. But it makes it even more tempting when the sun does come out.

And you don't need to be anywhere specific. You could sunbathe at the beach, in the garden, or even in a sunlit area of your home. And sunbathing doesn't cost a thing.

12. Draw

By JJ Ying on Unsplash

Much like writing, drawing is a great form of self expression. You don't even need a full set of art equipment, simply a pen. Whatever's going on in your head, allow your hand to deliver it into the world.

Many people find drawing to be therapeutic and a way of expressing complex emotions that you maybe have a hard time trying to explain. Art can be influenced by a number of things, such as thoughts, memories, feelings, style, society and so much more.

13. Meditate

By Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Meditation can be completely free of charge and is important for similar reasons as napping, exercising and sunbathing. It can be used as a method of relaxation, a form of exercise and is chicken soup for the soul.

The main goal of meditation is to create a sense of inner peace, a quieter, balanced mind and loosen up the body. The results can be more specific as meditating can alleviate stress and reduce anxiety too.

If you're after some inner harmony, meditation is the thing for you.

14. Quit

By Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

By quit, I am by no means suggesting you quit your job (unless you have a backup plan). I'm talking about a bad habit.

Easier said than done right? Maybe.

But this is one thing that can make you feel good that costs nothing.

Whether it be giving up on cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine or an unhealthy action like oversleeping, overeating or overspending. Maybe you check your phone too often or bite your nails. It's never too late to quit a bad habit.

Firstly, this is something positive to focus your mind on as quitting a habit is long term and time consuming. Through the difficult period it is important to remember, that this will have a positive impact on your life and well being. Normally a bad habit has roots back to negative feelings and negative thoughts, so quitting is only half the job. It is important to identify the reason behind your bad habit and replace it with something positive.

Many other actions in this list will be positive when powering through quitting, like writing and meditating. Remember, baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day.

15. Sell something

By Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

What's the point of holding onto something you don't use? We all have sentimental items, but what about the things you aren't so attached to?

Throwing rubbish away in the trash is on a different level to selling something. Similarly, you are decluttering your environment and your mind; as I said before - no one wants to feel claustrophobic in their own space. But, selling something you own opens a door to opportunity. You can choose how to do it, whether you decide an online marketplace is for you or a local car boot sale. You can determine the value of the item in question and set your own price. But the best bit?

Your item isn't just going into landfill. It's being re homed. It is being socially recycled. Even if not instantly, have a little patience. Someone will soon enough see your item and feel inspired. Make sure it is appealing and aesthetically pleasing. Clean it if needs be and if you plan on selling it online, take photographs that will compliment it's design, taking into account lighting and angles.

How good you will feel knowing you have expanded the life of something you once loved and is now being loved by someone else. Maybe for even longer than you!

As I mentioned, this is a list of things you can do for free. A car boot sale may cost a penny or two for entrance fees, but most online selling sites are totally free of cost and you can keep exactly what you make. Shpock is a good example.

16. Bird watching

By Bryan Hanson on Unsplash

It's safe to say, bird watching isn't everyone's gin and tonic.

But it is a good way to relax as well as viewing some of nature's incredible scenes. And you can bird watch almost anywhere, whether that be through your living room window, in your garden, in a local park or a nature reserve at a stretch.

Why not give nature a chance? Be good to her and she will be good to you.

17. Sing

By Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Have you ever screamed into a pillow or came close to it? Me too.

Personally, I have a playlist of songs I listen to when I'm angry or under the weather and I recommend everyone have one of these. Sometimes singing or screaming along to some lyrics can help you let out a negative emotion that's inside.

Better yet, you may discover a talent you were never previously aware of!

18. Dance

By Drew Colins on Unsplash

You can free your body and your mind with this one. Quite literally.

Dancing has so many good physical results like an improvement in motor fitness and better coordination. There are even positive mental results. Dancing puts your body into a state that causes it to release endorphins. To clarify, endorphins are hormones that are produced in order for the body to relieve both pain and stress. These hormones even have the power to give us a boost of pleasure and contentment.

Dancing is a form of exercise too, so you're enabling yourself a sharpening of both your mind and body.

19. Kiss

By Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

I haven't yet met anyone who hates kissing. And is it any wonder why?

Well, just like hugging, kissing releases the chemicals serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin - as we've discussed, the chemicals responsible for pleasure, social bonding and mood stabilising. But there's also cortisol - the main stress hormone. It is suggested that when kissing, cortisol levels drop temporarily.

Plus, kissing can influence your sex drive, so there's also that.

20. Meet someone

By Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Meet someone, or in other words - socialise. This doesn't have to be someone you've never met before. This could be a friend, family member, colleague or neighbour.

Social bonding is very important and a simple social can boost our mindsets drastically. It can be time consuming which is particularly good if you spend a lot of time alone. Socialising can be majorly productive too, since you open the door to making new friends, boosting your self esteem and giving us a sense of belonging.

Not to mention, opening yourself up to a network of people gives you opportunity to engage in activities, have company, hold interesting and meaningful conversations and help us feel emotionally connected.


About the Creator

Freya Webster

..Aspiring writer, artist and general creator

There's more to the world than what we believe

There's more to the universe than what we perceive

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