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12 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt Once for All

A list of essential ways to overcome self-doubt for everyone

By Bakir DjulichPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
12 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt Once for All
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Self-doubt is a significant barrier to success. It can hold you back from achieving your goals and prevent you from being the best version of yourself. Fortunately, there are many ways to overcome self-doubt once and for all. This article outlines some of those approaches that have worked well for others who have struggled with this issue. Keep reading for tips on how to build confidence and stop doubting yourself!

1: Focus on what you have achieved, not what you haven’t.

One of the most effective ways to overcome self-doubt is by focusing on what you have accomplished rather than what still needs to be done. Instead of obsessing over everything that went wrong or might go wrong, take a moment to think about what you have already done right. This can help remind you of your strengths and allow you to feel more confident in the face of obstacles.

2: Be realistic about your goals and expectations.

It is normal to want to be the best at everything, but it is also essential that we are practical about what we can achieve in any given situation. If your expectations for yourself are too high, then every failure will feel like a personal defeat, triggering self-doubt and undermining your confidence. Instead, try setting more modest but still achievable goals so that minor setbacks don’t completely derail you from progress.

3: Practice gratitude regularly.

Feeling grateful for the good things in your life can help increase feelings of self-worth and reduce anxiety about the future. When you focus on all that you have to be thankful for, it becomes easier to see the positive aspects of your life and feel more optimistic about what is yet to come. Make a habit of listing things you are grateful for each day or whenever self-doubt creeps in.

4: Accept compliments graciously.

Many of us have a hard time accepting compliments because we think they must be undeserved or that we will seem arrogant if we do. However, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging praise from others. It can help boost your confidence. The next time someone pays you a compliment, try simply saying “thank you” rather than downplaying the praise or making excuses.

5: Challenge your negative self-talk.

It is common to be our own worst critic, but this habit can quickly lead to self-doubt and decreased confidence. The next time you think negative thoughts about yourself, take a step back and ask whether those thoughts are true. More often than not, you will find that your inner critic is being unnecessarily harsh and that you are doing just fine.

6: Seek out supportive relationships.

The people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact how we feel about ourselves. If you constantly doubt yourself, it may be time to reassess your social circle. Seek out friends and acquaintances who are supportive, positive, and encouraging. Eliminate toxic relationships from your life to focus on building strong bonds with others who will help develop your self-confidence instead of breaking it down.

7: Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is an excellent tool for increasing self-awareness, boosting mental health, and easing anxiety. When practiced regularly, this practice can also help us become more attuned to our thoughts and emotions and better understand how they influence our actions–including our response to self-doubt. Find ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine or take some time each day to meditate to hone your ability to observe yourself without judgment or criticism.

8: Avoid procrastinating.

Putting off important tasks can be a vicious cycle that led to increased feelings of self-doubt and missed opportunities and setbacks in our personal and professional lives. If you catch yourself avoiding something you know needs to get done, take action immediately rather than waiting until the last minute when stress starts to build. Prioritize your tasks to always have an achievable goal in sight, even if some things need to wait until later.

9: Practice assertiveness.

If you tend to discount your own needs or feel intimidated by others, you will likely struggle with asserting yourself regularly–both at work and in other areas of your life. When you do not speak up for yourself, it becomes easy to doubt your abilities and wonder whether you deserve what you want. Learning to be assertive can help increase feelings of self-worth and prevent self-doubt from creeping in when faced with challenging situations.

10: Be prepared for setbacks.

No matter how confident we are, there will always be times when we face challenges or encounter unexpected setbacks. The key is to remember that these setbacks are temporary and do not define our worth as individuals. Rather than letting a lapse defeat you, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow so that you can come back even stronger next time.

11: Seek professional help if needed.

There is no shame in seeking help if you find that your self-doubt impacts other areas of your life and prevents you from reaching your full potential. A therapist or coach can help you address the underlying issues behind your self-doubt and learn coping strategies for dealing with negative thoughts. With a professional’s guidance, it is possible to overcome even the most paralyzing feelings of self-doubt and take back control of your life.

12: Keep moving forward.

The one thing that will always have more power over our self-confidence than any external factor is our actions and reactions. When we allow ourselves to be held back by doubt, we waste precious time and energy that could be spent doing something meaningful–or simply enjoying life. So if you find yourself doubting yourself, remember that the only way to overcome this obstacle is to keep moving forward.

Practice these tips daily, and you will soon start to notice a marked difference in your feelings of self-doubt. And most importantly, remind yourself that self-confidence is not something we are born with or without–it can be learned through practice and perseverance!

I hope you found this information helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share your tips for improving your quality of life, please comment below! And if you want to read some of my recent reports, feel free to check out the just chatting twitch stats as well as photoshop facts and stats.


About the Creator

Bakir Djulich

Marketing specialist at | NFT/Crypto/Metaverse enthusiast | Avid gamer

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