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10 Tricks to Become Smarter and More Creative

Do you sometimes feel like you're stuck in a rut, but you don't know how to dig yourself out? It's time to get creative, and these tricks will help.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

It's no secret that it takes hard work and creativity to come up with new ideas, but what if we told you there were ways of hacking your brain so you could think faster, more logically and more creatively? Well now you don't have to work at it. Today we're going to share with you 10 easy tricks for training your brain in order for it to become sharper, smarter and more creative.

1. Prioritize Your Sleep

A lot of people believe that staying up all night to study will make them smarter, but this is actually the worst way to prepare for an exam. If your brain is tired, you may not absorb any new information. Furthermore, it may take days to process and even longer to file the information away in your brain. So get at least 7 8 hours of sleep every night. This way you can focus better on the task at hand and be more creative with your answers.

2. Drink More Coffee

Science also tells us that drinking a cup of coffee can boost your creativity and keep you focused. It's true. Your brain uses caffeine to increase the brains reaction time and boost your memory. According to Web MD, coffee is proven to increase memory, cognition and focus by over 35% in just two hours after consumption. And you don't have to wait for it to kick in either because coffee acts fast. So drink up.

3. Do More Crossword Puzzles

Previous studies have shown that doing crossword puzzles has significantly improved the cognitive abilities of study participants almost overnight. It seems that coordinating both sides of the brain is not only good for our health but also boosts our individual mental capacity. By playing with the connections between both sides of the brain, you can get a more creative mind and more focused attention.

4. Drink a Cup of Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate has been shown to boost creativity and fight depression. A study by Purdue University researchers showed that adults who drank hot chocolate had better creative thinking abilities. They were also less depressed than those who drank cocoa with milk or cream. So add some hot cocoa to your next cup of coffee for an instant boost in your cognitive abilities! It's only healthy too.

5. Read More Fiction

Research by a team of British scientists have found that people with a more active imagination tend to be more creative in real life. In addition, the research showed that reading fiction can boost imagination and improve memory. So if you are looking to score well on an exam or are just interested in becoming a more creative person, start reading more fiction! You will thank us later.

6. Take Regular Walks Outside The Office

It is proven that spending time outside can boost your creativity and help you think outside the box. Going for a walk in the park, around your neighborhood or near your house will allow you to take deep breaths of fresh air and clear your mind of all distractions. And the fresh air also has a rejuvenating effect on your brain and helps you to prioritize when it comes to achieving new tasks. So get out there.

7. Play Fingerboards or Other Types Of Board Games

In 2009, researchers at the University of California in Santa Barbara tested how much white matter matter was present in the brains of two groups of people. The first group played games that require creative thinking such as chess. The second group played games that require planning, such as Monopoly or Scrabble. After six months, they found that the results were significantly different between the two groups. The participants with the better creative thinking abilities had increased white matter density in the areas of the brain that process language and visual stimuli. In conclusion, play board games often.

8. Read More Articles of Interest

Reading material that isn't related to your studies will not only help you retain more information but also boost your creativity and stimulate your imagination. It gives you an entirely different way to look at things without even realizing that you are learning something new. So if you find yourself losing track of the things you are studying, read more articles! You will thank us later.

9. Learn How To Think Out Of The Box

Being creative is not necessarily time consuming and the information you learn from the internet is often very silly, but it is beneficial. By learning creativity hacks such as thinking out of the box will allow you to think outside of the box and make better decisions. So download your favorite book on creativity or find a book that teaches you how to think outside of the box. It will help you be a more creative person.

10. Think More Positively

You are what you think. If you want to become a more creative person, it is important that you start thinking positively. The people around you think that they know everything in life and that nothing can compare to their expertise. This often leads them to have a closed mind and makes them incapable of thinking outside the box or even out of the window. You are not like these people. So set yourself free from the shackles of negativity and start thinking positively about everything! You are creative enough.


Is it possible to increase your creativity? Yes. But with these tips and tricks you can quickly boost your creativity. So start exercising your brain and increasing the number of brain cells that you already have and you will see the difference. You will become a better student, a better employee and a better person overall. And it's okay to be creative. You wouldn't be who you are if you weren't different.


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