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10 Tips For Being Unapologetically Yourself During Social Media Posts: a blog dedicated to helping you find balance while posting on social media.

Because there's no need to apologize for being yourself. You are the best you that you can be.

By Ryunoskuke VenusPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
10 Tips For Being Unapologetically Yourself During Social Media Posts: a blog dedicated to helping you find balance while posting on social media.
Photo by YesMore Content on Unsplash

If you're like me, you've probably been through a lot of times when it feels like the world is against you. It's easy to feel like no one understands what you're going through or how hard life can be in the moments when things don't go your way. That's why I'm here! In this post, I'll give you some tips for being unapologetically yourself during social media posts so that others can see how strong and powerful we are as people—not just what we look like while wearing our makeup perfectly.

Don't edit the crap out of your photos.

You want to make sure that you are happy with your photos.

  • Don’t edit the crap out of your photos. This is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to social media, and it happens all the time. Take a good photo, but don’t overdo it!
  • Make sure you look good before posting them online (or at least try). It might seem like an obvious tip, but many people forget this step—and then they end up having self-esteem issues when their followers criticise them for looking bad in their selfies or photos taken at night without flashlights or anything else in front of them so that they can see clearly what they're doing during their run around town (or whatever activity).

If you catch yourself going overboard with the editing, put the phone away for a few hours.

If you catch yourself going overboard with the editing, put the phone away for a few hours. Do something else—it's important to take time away from social media so that you can refocus on being yourself and not try too hard to be perfect.

If this is your first time logging into your account after taking a break, there may be some emotional baggage associated with looking at old posts (or even worse—posts from days before). Don't worry about it! You'll have plenty of time in the coming weeks and months for reflection on what's happened since then. Instead of obsessing over how much better things could have been if only we'd been more thoughtful or creative during our last visit here...stop thinking like that right now!

Set aside time to put down your phone and interact with people in person.

In the age of social media, we’re all guilty of spending too much time on our phones. We scroll through Instagram and check Facebook while we're out with friends or romantic partners, then feel bad when they notice that we haven't been paying attention to them.

I know what you’re thinking: how else am I supposed to escape from this world?

Well, here's a secret: When it comes down to it, there is no one way that will work for everyone. What works best depends on your personality and situation—not only do I have different tastes than my friends (and maybe even some similar ones), but also, depending on where in life I am at different moments in time (easing into more structured activities). So don't worry about trying something new just because someone told you about it; ask yourself first whether this lifestyle change would make sense for your own reasons before making any commitments!

Don't focus on what other people have that you don't have.

  • Don't focus on what other people have that you don't have.
  • If someone has something that you want, don't compare yourself to them. Instead, find value in your own life and make sure it's something you can be proud of as a human being.

Put your phone down and pick up a book or a pen instead.

You’re probably wondering how reading can help you with your social media posts. Well, it can do a lot of things! It can help you relax and unwind after a long day at work or school; it can teach you new things (like how to build an iPad); and it also provides an excellent opportunity for spending time with yourself.

But what if I told you there was one more benefit? Reading is great because it gives us the ability to connect with others through shared experiences—and this is especially true when we read together as friends (or even family).

Ask yourself what you're looking for when you refresh your feed again and again.

You are looking for something.

When we refresh our feeds, we all have different motivations and desires.Some people want to be validated in their opinions; others want to feel better about themselves or the world around them. But sometimes all it takes is a quick glance at your feed so that you can see how many people are sharing posts from the same source (like an anti-vaccine group) and another group that's trying to spread awareness about cancer risk factors in food additives (also an anti-vaccine group). Or maybe there are two posts from friends who went on vacation together but don't seem like they've been spending much time together lately—and one picture asks: "Do you think this place has good food?" while another says, "You guys should come here next year!" No matter what kind of post it is, chances are there's something else going on behind those words...

Think about what you'd be doing right now if you didn't have your phone with you.

By Markus Winkler on Unsplash

If you're like me, your phone is with you every moment of the day. It's always with you and it never lets go of your hand. And while this can be beneficial when it comes to finding great deals on Amazon Prime products or seeing what's trending on Instagram right now (we'll get into that later), it can also lead to some serious problems if we don't use our phones wisely.

For example, what are my hobbies? What do I enjoy doing with my friends? What do I enjoy doing with my family? What activities do I enjoy doing alone or with others nearby at any given time? The answers should provide valuable insight into how we should be using social media as well as how we should think about ourselves when posting online—not just because there are so many other people out there who might have opinions about us based solely on their own experiences, but also because everyone has different interests in life, so trying something new could bring excitement into your day!

Turn off notifications if they are stressing you out.

If you’re feeling stressed out by the notifications on your phone, turn off those that are stressing you out.

  • Turn off all notifications (except for texts and calls).
  • Turn on only the ones that make you happy.
  • Turn off everything else.

Be honest when it comes to sharing struggles that you may be facing in real life, even if they seem small online.

When you’re posting on social media, it can be easy for your struggles and insecurities to get lost in the shuffle. For example, if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, sharing those feelings might not be ideal for everyone who follows your account—and that's okay! We can all relate to how difficult it is to be ourselves sometimes.

But when we don't share our struggles openly and honestly online (or even offline), we miss out on opportunities for growth and support from others who understand where we're coming from better than anyone else ever could. That's why I'm here: so that my readership knows that they don't need their own private therapist just because they don't want anyone else reading what they say online; rather than keeping things bottled up inside until they explode like an overfilled balloon at some point later down the road-which will probably result in more harm than good overall since any kind of stress-related issues eventually lead back into isolationism (which leads back into self-centeredness).

Reconsider the following accounts that make you feel bad about your body, your career, or any aspect of life. Takeaway: Social media is a great tool but can also lead to insecurities.

Social media is a great tool for connecting with friends and family, but it can also be used to criticise yourself.

Don’t let social media make you feel bad about your body or career. Don’t let anyone tell you that they have more followers than you do because they have better photos or posts. If someone posts something negative about themselves on social media, take a step back and think about why they would say such things in public—it may be because they want attention or validation from others (or both).


I hope this blog has helped you find a way to better manage your social media posts and minimise the negative impact they can have on your life. The most important thing is not to stop posting altogether, but rather to realise that there are ways to make sure that what you post is true to who you really are and how things really go for you in real life. If we all did that, then maybe we wouldn't need these tips!

social media

About the Creator

Ryunoskuke Venus

I love happy people. I love making people happy. I love being happy. pet peeve: misogyny, and all other forms of discrimination.

design, code, coffee

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