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10 habits of Successful people to Jump-start your day

Change your habits, change your life

By Bhavya SankhyanPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
10 habits of Successful people to Jump-start your day
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

We all want to be successful in life, we all want to be geniuses. There are so many things each one of us wants to do, wants to achieve, wants to overcome. Wouldn’t it be nice to be amongst the top lot of the world who live their lives to the fullest? To be one of those people who inspire the masses at large? To grow, to learn, and to overcome our limitations?

A human being is nothing but an organism of habit. Choosing good habits or bad habits is in our hands. The choice that we make every step of our way is what defines us. I believe that our life is the outcome of four things -

· The choices we make

· The habits we adopt

· Our mindset towards adversities and success

· Our will power

Only if we fix these things can we truly master life. For a very long time, I have been observing successful people, reading books about them, following their moves just to decipher what is it that they do that sets them apart? What makes them who they are? What makes them stand out and how can I become one of them. So, after some research, I managed to jot down 10 habits of highly successful people that make them stand out and help them be who they are, help them reach greater levels of focus and productivity. Let’s go through them, shall we?

1. Remember your dreams, write them down

By bruce mars on Unsplash

We spend every day solving problems, learning new things, and tend to go through numerous discussions trying to find solutions or create answers. We are constantly working on something or the other. But, when we sleep, our mind doesn’t stop, our subconscious mind keeps on working, keeps on trying to find the answers and more often than not we tend to come up with insights and solutions while we are sleeping. The challenge is that a lot of people don’t remember their dreams, so the very first thing that you should do as soon as you wake up is to write down whatever you remember. Make sure you keep a notebook by your bedside, a lot of very successful people have admitted to having found the solutions to their problems in their dreams.

2. Make your bed every day

Another thing that most people follow is that they make their beds as soon as they wake up. Why is it good for our brains? Two reasons- one, having a clean environment is important for you, having a neat and clean surrounding cleans up your mind. Two, it is a small victory at the beginning of the day itself, because how you do anything is how you do everything. And the best part is when you come back home to the clean made up bed you complete the circle of the success and come back to a clean, pure environment

3. Drink lots and lots of water

By LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

It is a well-known fact that our body is made up of 80% of water. Our brain NEEDS water! Our brain needs to be nourished and hydrated. We tend to lose a lot of water when we sleep, so make sure you super hydrate yourself in the morning, not only is it just essential for your brain but is also very essential for your skin and body.

4. Use the opposite hand to brush your teeth

As your body moves, your brain grooves. So how does brushing our teeth with the opposite hand help the brain? Well, it has been analyzed by scientists that if we brush our teeth or eat our food with the opposite hand, it tends to create more neurological connections inside our brain.

5. Deep breathing exercises or meditation

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

This should not come as a surprise, right? Apart from water, there is another thing that fires up your brain and that is oxygen. A lot of people get tired, exhausted, and tend to have mental fatigue and so, our body needs to get the right amount of oxygen. Even though our brain forms only 2% of our body weight but it consumes almost 20–25% of the nutrients and the oxygen that goes inside our body. Hence, it is very essential to practice deep breathing exercises. It is important to make it a point that we put at least half an hour a day aside just to meditate as meditation improves productivity, concentration and helps us stay calm and increase our sense of awareness.

6. Brain tea

Apart from the plain morning water, having a warm glass of herbal tea helps activate our body and jump-start our day. It could be some herbal tea, green tea, or just warm water with lemon and honey. A lot of geniuses talk about the importance of that first-morning drink, as an essential part of their routine to wake up their bodies.

7. Journaling

It is very essential to plan your day. While drinking the herbal tea, you can always write down and plan your day, sort of like a to-do list. Why is it important? Because, well, setting goals is very important, and that too daily. When you set a goal for the day, you know what direction you have to follow. With every goal that you achieve you get this feeling of accomplishment. And the best part of making a list is that at the end of the day when you see what all you have managed to do, you feel like the day was a productive one and it also helps you to create bigger goals for the next day and the next day and so on. Write the things you are grateful for because it is essential to count your blessings daily. A lot of geniuses have practiced the art of writing a journal like Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, etc. and some studies prove that the people who make it big in life, journal daily.

8. HIIT Workout

By Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Your mornings should include some high-intensity interval training. This is not your exercise for the day, but three to four minutes of high-intensity workout kind of gets your heart beating and is a great way to kick start your day. And here is a thing, whatever is good for your heart is good for your brain and also because when you get your heartbeat going, what happens is that more blood and oxygen get pumps in your brain and that is very important for your brain.

9. A smoothie to power up your brain

Now, what is that? well “you are what you eat”, I am sure you have heard of this a lot. A brain smoothie is just a way to implement the quote. Certain foods are good for our brain, such as avocados, blueberries, walnuts, and other nutrient-dense superfoods that your brain will ultimately thank you for. All you have to do is make a list of your favorite food items amongst these, and have fun blending and creating smoothies with those foods, so not only you love them but your brain loves them too. Treat your brain right!

10. Daily reading

Leaders are readers. I understand that most of us complain that we don’t have enough time to read during the day but believe me nothing is far from the truth. Taking out 20–30 dedicated minutes for reading is not very difficult. You know how we talked above creating a do to list daily? Well, add reading to it. You might find it difficult to implement it first, but believe me, once you get into the habit of reading 20–30 minutes a day, you will look forward to it. Get this, an average person reads about 2–3 books a year whereas a CEO reads about 4–5 books a month, the question is which of these two categories do you belong to?

Follow these 10 habits for 21 days, one step at a time, and I assure you, you will see a massive difference in your life. Let’s become a genius, shall we?


About the Creator

Bhavya Sankhyan

Poet♤, Aggressively un-fancy, Awkward, Buoyant, Waggish ~ Rebellious, Overpowering & Vaguely threatening. For work contact — [email protected]

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