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10 Best Lee Kuan Yew Quotes

Visions of a Nation's Architect: Wisdom from Singapore's Founding Father

By Lyndon PacePublished 9 months ago 4 min read
10 Best Lee Kuan Yew Quotes
Photo by Kirill Petropavlov on Unsplash

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's formidable founding father, was a beacon of wisdom.

His words? Not just mere utterances, but profound reflections of his philosophy and vision.

Let's embark on a journey, dissecting the essence of ten of his most memorable quotes.

#10 "I always tried to be correct, not politically correct."

Lee Kuan Yew wasn't one to mince words. He valued authenticity over appeasement. For him, the essence of leadership was making decisions that stood the test of time, not just those that were momentarily popular.

Consider the "Stop at Two" policy from the 1970s. Many frowned upon it. Yet, Lee saw beyond the immediate backlash. He envisioned a sustainable Singapore. As years rolled on, the city-state flourished, and the rationale behind such bold decisions became crystal clear.

#9 "What I fear is complacency. When things always become better, people tend to want more for less work."

Lee Kuan Yew had an aversion to complacency. He believed that resting on past laurels was the quickest route to stagnation. Progress demanded relentless effort.

Think about Singapore's early challenges—limited resources, for starters. Did they sit back? No. Lee championed human capital, pushing for top-tier education and skill development. The result? A nation ever-ready to face global challenges head-on.

#8 "If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business."

Lee was no stranger to global business trends. He saw outsourcing not as a mere tactic but as a strategic chess move. In a world growing smaller by the day, isolation was a death knell.

Take a gander at Singapore's bustling financial district. Local banks? Absolutely. But international ones too. By welcoming global financial giants, Singapore didn't just survive; it thrived, leveraging global expertise and connections.

#7 "If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one."

"Nanny state" often drips with criticism. But Lee? He embraced it. For him, it was about a government's duty to its people. Sometimes, that meant tough love and even tougher rules.

Chewing gum might seem innocuous. Yet, in Singapore, it's banned. Trivial? Not when you consider the bigger picture—urban cleanliness, discipline. A small sacrifice for a grander vision.

#6 "One man one vote is the most difficult form of government… Results can be erratic."

Pure democracy is potent, but Lee Kuan Yew cautioned against its unpredictability. Every voice matters, but governance? It's about foresight, not fleeting whims.

Singapore's Group Representation Constituencies (GRC) system is a testament to this. It's not just about representation; it's about ensuring a medley of expertise in leadership. Unconventional? Perhaps. Effective? Undoubtedly.

#5 "I don’t believe in love at first sight. I think it’s a grave mistake."

At its core, Lee Kuan Yew's perspective on relationships was rooted in depth and understanding. He believed that genuine connections transcended fleeting emotions or superficial attractions. For him, love was a journey, not a mere momentary spark.

His enduring marriage to Kwa Geok Choo was emblematic of this belief. Their relationship wasn't built on whimsical infatuation but on mutual respect, shared goals, and deep understanding. It was a testament to the idea that lasting love requires time, effort, and growth.

#4 "I make no apologies that the PAP is the Government and the Government is the PAP."

Lee Kuan Yew's conviction in the symbiotic relationship between the People's Action Party (PAP) and the Singaporean government was unwavering. He saw them as two sides of the same coin, both integral to the nation's meteoric rise and continued success.

Reflect on Singapore's transformation from a fledgling nation to a global powerhouse. This wasn't mere chance. It was the result of visionary policies, steadfast governance, and the PAP's relentless drive—all under Lee's leadership.

#3 "Every person, genius or moron, has a right to reproduce himself."

Lee Kuan Yew championed the intrinsic value of every individual. He believed that every person, regardless of their intellectual capabilities, had inherent worth and the right to leave a legacy.

Look at Singapore's inclusive educational policies. Initiatives like Edusave and SkillsFuture weren't just for the academically gifted. They ensured that every Singaporean, irrespective of their starting point, had avenues for growth, learning, and self-improvement.

#2 "Peace and security both in Europe and in the Pacific still depend on a balance of power."

Lee's geopolitical insights were astute. He recognized that global stability hinged on a delicate balance of power. It wasn't about dominance but about coexistence, collaboration, and mutual respect among nations.

Singapore's foreign policy is a reflection of this belief. The nation's active role in ASEAN, its neutral stance, and its efforts to foster diplomatic ties with countries across the spectrum underscore its commitment to maintaining regional and global equilibrium.

#1 "Rest on laurels? I wish I could do that. No, you rest when you’re dead."

Lee Kuan Yew's relentless drive was legendary. Complacency? Not in his dictionary. He believed that there was always room for improvement, always a new horizon to chase. For him, true rest came only with the finality of life.

Even after stepping down from the prime ministerial role, Lee didn't fade into the shadows. He continued to serve, advise, and contribute, ensuring that Singapore's trajectory remained upward. His post-premiership roles were a testament to his undying commitment to the nation's progress.


Lee Kuan Yew wasn't just a leader; he was a visionary. His words, though rooted in Singapore, have global resonance. They teach. They inspire.

In our rapidly changing world, his enduring insights act as a lighthouse. As we navigate the future, it's worth pausing and letting his wisdom guide our path.


About the Creator

Lyndon Pace

Content specialist based in sunny Singapore.

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