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What when how and why

By Sharmila 28Published 12 months ago 3 min read
Stop it

So as you know violence is any behaviour which harms something physically. For example torture killing or even mental sadness.

So I have experienced many of the violences but here I'll be sharing just one. So I was about 15 I guess when I encountered first violence which was against my mom. Nothing new as always my dad was angry due to my grandmother. She was the lady with a habit of gossiping but the level of gossip she had was on next level that it could change any positive thing into much negative that anyone would trust her so my father did, but he was always on her side whether she was right or wrong. So on that night me and my mom were laying on single cot. We were having fun time that's when my father enters and out of much anger he directly slapped my mom on her cheek so hard that I could still here the voice of that slap in my ears. I was in fear and tear as my mom was not okay how could I be okay. My father didn't even realised that there was someone who was experiencing such situation and he just continued to beat my mom. She was crying and was asking for help nobody helped her shw kept screaming.

That's when she realised there's just one person who can save her from such a demon that was my hero my grandfather she headed towards my grandpa he was awoke at that time as he heard the screaming. When my mom entered his room she was without her stole which we call as dupatta and had tears and fear in her eyes, a feeling of hatred , also a hope to save her.

He calmed my mom and gave her water and dupatta to cover herself. And then turned towards my father and then towards my grandmother to ask about all this. They turned out to be like she is the one who is responsible for the situation right now. As soon as my father uttered these words my grandfather stopped him there and asked is this is the way he taught him to do, is this all I taught you the whole life, is this the day I was waiting for, is this is all you learnt, did I taught you not to respect women and this women is your wife who is now a mother of two children and you are doing this to her in front of her children. Lastly he said I'm ashamed of you!

There was complete pin drop silence in that room for about 5 minutes and then my grandpa said that leave the room everyone except me and my mom. Everyone left the room. There were just me my mom and grandpa and then he taught me that it was some kind of misunderstanding donot take it seriously go sleep.

But I realised that he was not my hero anymore as atlast he took my father's side which was heartbreaking. But atleast he saved my mom from my father who was really a demon.

That's all I experienced that night and I still cannot get over it. But I wanted to know why is this always happening with women not with any men, why only women have to suffer through all this. Why there's no open discussion about it, why women are forced to suffer through all this with silence and not to share with anyone just because of the reputation of the family......

But thank God we had some relief.

I need answers for my questions hope I will get someday.....

Thank you I'll be back with yet another experience till the bbye...


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    S2Written by Sharmila 28

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