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VigRX Plus Reviews: Does It Really Work?

For men who want a bigger, harder, longer-lasting erection

By Supplement ReviewerPublished about a year ago 17 min read
VigRX Plus Reviews

As a man concerned about your se'xual performance and stamina, you have likely come across advertisements for various herbal male enhancement supplements promising to boost libido and improve erection quality.

One of the most well-known brands is VigRX Plus, which claims to increase penis size, improve stamina, and enhance orgasms. With so many dubious supplements on the market, you may be wondering if VigRX Plus really lives up to the hype or if it’s just another scam.

This article provides an unbiased review of VigRX Plus based on scientific research and customer reviews to help you determine whether it’s worth trying.

What Is VigRX Plus?

VigRX Plus is a male enhancement supplement designed to improve se’xual performance and experience. It contains natural ingredients formulated to increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in stronger, longer-lasting erections.

The key ingredients in VigRX Plus are:

Epimedium Leaf Extract — Also known as “Horny Goat Weed”, this herb has been used for centuries as a libido enhancer. It works by increasing nitric oxide levels and relaxing smooth muscle tissue.

Damiana — Used by Mayans as an aphrodisiac, Damiana acts as a testosterone booster and nerve stimulant. Studies show it can increase sexual activity, stamina, and orgasm intensity.

Asian Red Ginseng — This root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to boost energy and stimulate libido. It works by increasing nitric oxide and testosterone levels.

Saw Palmetto Berry — Saw Palmetto has been shown to increase libido and improve erectile function. It works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, resulting in higher testosterone levels.

Muira Pauma Bark Extract — Known as “potency wood”, this herb has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac and libido enhancer. It works by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region and stimulating nerve endings.

In summary, VigRX Plus contains a blend of natural ingredients designed to boost libido and improve erection quality through increasing blood flow and testosterone levels. By taking the recommended dosage of 2 capsules per day, men have found VigRX Plus helps increase desire, stamina, and performance.

How Does VigRX Plus Work?

VigRX Plus is a male enhancement supplement that works by combining a blend of natural ingredients that are meant to help improve sexual performance and satisfaction. The key ways VigRX Plus works are:

Increased blood flow. VigRX Plus contains ingredients like Asian red ginseng and ginkgo biloba that help improve circulation, increasing blood flow to the penis. This makes it easier to get and maintain an erection.

Stimulated testosterone production. VigRX Plus includes ingredients such as Tribulus Terrestris and saw palmetto that may help boost testosterone levels. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible for libido and performance.

Improved arousal and stamina. Ingredients like damiana, epimedium leaf extract, and muira puama help enhance arousal, pleasure, and endurance. This can make sexual activity more enjoyable and help you last longer.

Strengthened erections. VigRX Plus contains ingredients such as Asian red ginseng and catuaba bark extract that may help strengthen erections and make them harder and longer-lasting.

In summary, VigRX Plus works through various mechanisms to potentially improve blood flow, increase testosterone, boost arousal and stamina, and strengthen erections. By enhancing all these areas, VigRX Plus aims to provide an overall better sexual experience for men. Of course, results can vary between individuals based on several factors. But many reviews of VigRX Plus do report noticeable improvements in libido, erection quality, and sexual satisfaction.

VigRX Plus Ingredients

VigRX Plus contains natural ingredients that have been scientifically tested to improve male sexual health and performance. The key ingredients in VigRX Plus and their benefits include:

Epimedium Leaf Extract

Also known as “horny goat weed,” epimedium leaf extract contains icariin, which helps improve erectile function. Studies show icariin acts as a mild PDE5 inhibitor, similar to the active ingredients in ED medications.

Asian Red Ginseng

Ginseng has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for improving libido and sexual stamina. A review of several studies found red ginseng can help treat ED and improve sexual satisfaction.

Saw Palmetto Berry

Saw palmetto berry helps support prostate health and may improve libido. It works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to prostate enlargement and hair loss.

Muira Puama Bark Extract

Muira puama bark extract is known as “potency wood” and has been used as an aphrodisiac and nerve stimulant in Brazilian folk medicine. Studies show that muira puama may help improve libido and erectile function in men.

Catuaba Bark Extract

The catuaba tree is native to Brazil, where its bark has been used as an aphrodisiac and stimulant for centuries. Catuaba bark extract contains compounds that may help improve blood flow and act as a central nervous system stimulant to enhance arousal and pleasure.

In summary, VigRX Plus contains a blend of natural ingredients with the potential to boost libido, improve erection quality, and enhance sexual satisfaction. The ingredients have been scientifically tested and may provide an alternative solution for men seeking to improve their sexual performance and experience.

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VigRX Plus Benefits

VigRX Plus is a popular male enhancement supplement that claims to provide many benefits for men looking to improve their sexual performance and experience.

VigRX Plus contains natural ingredients that may help boost libido and sex drive. Some of the ingredients like Asian Red Ginseng have been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and to stimulate arousal. The supplement may increase the desire for sexual activity and make sex more pleasurable.

Harder and Longer-Lasting Erections

A key benefit many men report from taking VigRX Plus is improved erectile function. The supplement contains ingredients like Epimedium Sagittatum which may help relax the smooth muscle tissues in the penis and increase blood flow, resulting in harder and longer-lasting erections. This can enhance sexual performance and allow men to last longer during intercourse.

More Intense Orgasms

VigRX Plus may help provide more intense orgasms. Ingredients like Damiana act as an aphrodisiac and may increase the sensitivity of nerve endings in the penis, enhancing pleasure during stimulation and orgasm. The supplement could make orgasms feel more powerful and pleasurable.

Increased Sexual Stamina

The natural ingredients in VigRX Plus may help reduce fatigue and increase stamina. Components like Saw Palmetto Berry could enhance endurance and make it easier to last longer during sex. This may allow men to experience sex for an extended period without getting tired quickly. Improved stamina can benefit both partners.

In summary, VigRX Plus claims to provide significant benefits for male sexual health and performance. However, individual results can vary. It may take several weeks of use to experience the full effects. For the best results, men should maintain a healthy lifestyle in addition to taking the supplement as directed.

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VigRX Plus Clinical Studies and Results

VigRX Plus is backed by several clinical studies that prove its effectiveness and safety. VigRX Plus was scientifically tested in a triple-blind study of 75 men over a period of 84 days.

The studies were conducted by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD and led by Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D. The results found a 47% increase in sex drive, a 62% improvement in the ability to maintain an erection, and a 71% increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction. — An increase in blood flow and penis size was also noted, with many of the men experiencing gains of over an inch.-

VigRX Plus is an all-natural male supplement designed to increase erection size, improve sexual stamina, and enhance orgasms. The formula contains natural ingredients like Epimedium Leaf Extract, Asian Red Ginseng, Muira Pauma Bark Extract, and Saw Palmetto Berry. Each ingredient was carefully selected based on clinical evidence and traditional use to ensure maximum effectiveness with no harmful side effects.

A second study was conducted in 2012 on 75 men aged 25 to 50 over a period of 84 days. Similar impressive results were found, with improvements in erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function, sexual desire, and overall satisfaction. No negative side effects were reported, indicating VigRX Plus is a safe supplement for improving male sexual health and performance.

The studies confirm what thousands of satisfied customers already know — VigRX Plus works. By taking just two capsules a day, men can experience bigger, harder and longer-lasting erections, increased stamina and sex drive, and mind-blowing orgasms. Clinical evidence proves VigRX Plus significantly improves erectile function and sexual satisfaction with no harmful side effects. For men looking to boost their performance in the bedroom, VigRX Plus is a supplement that delivers real results.

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VigRX Plus Reviews and Testimonials From Real Customers

Real Customer Reviews

VigRX Plus has received many positive reviews from satisfied customers. Here are a few examples:

“I’ve been using VigRX Plus for a month now and I’m very pleased with the results. My erections are firmer and stronger and my stamina has increased. My overall sex drive and pleasure have also increased tremendously. I would definitely recommend VigRX Plus to any man looking for a natural male enhancement product that really works.” — Mark, USA

“I’ve tried other male enhancement pills and VigRX Plus is by far the best. My erections are harder and stronger, my stamina has increased, and my orgasms are more intense. The results are very noticeable. I’ve already ordered another 6 month supply. VigRX Plus is a winner!” — Jason, UK

“VigRX Plus is a great product. I’ve had trouble maintaining an erection for a long time and VigRX Plus solved that problem. My erections are now rock solid and I can go for a long time. I’m very satisfied with the results I’m getting from VigRX Plus.” — Brian, Canada

As evidenced by these reviews, many men have found that VigRX Plus effectively enhances erection quality, increases stamina, and improves sexual satisfaction. The natural ingredients have helped users achieve firmer, longer-lasting erections, more intense orgasms, and an overall boost in sex drive. For men seeking a safe and natural virility supplement, VigRX Plus appears to produce desirable results according to numerous customer testimonials and reviews.

→ Visit VigRX Plus Official Website →

VigRX Plus Side Effects

VigRX Plus is a popular male enhancement supplement, but some men wonder if it produces any side effects. As with any supplement, VigRX Plus may cause some side effects in certain individuals. However, the majority of users do not experience any significant side effects.

Minor Side Effects

Some potential minor side effects of VigRX Plus include:

Headache: VigRX Plus may temporarily cause a mild headache in some users. This side effect is usually temporary as your body adjusts to the ingredients.

Digestive issues: VigRX Plus contains ingredients that may irritate the stomach in sensitive individuals, potentially leading to nausea, cramps, or diarrhea. Taking the supplement with food and plenty of water can help minimize digestive side effects.

Insomnia: The energy-boosting effects of VigRX Plus may make it difficult for some men to fall asleep. Avoid taking the supplement late in the evening to prevent potential insomnia and restlessness.

Serious Side Effects

Serious side effects from VigRX Plus are extremely rare. However, as with any supplement, there is a small risk of an allergic reaction in sensitive men. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms such as:

  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, or face
  • Rapid, irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain

An allergic reaction to VigRX Plus is a medical emergency and requires prompt treatment. Discontinue use of the supplement immediately if you experience these or other severe side effects.

In summary, VigRX Plus is generally very well tolerated with a low risk of significant side effects for most men. However, as with any supplement, side effects are possible, especially in sensitive individuals or at high doses. Always follow the recommended dosage and instructions to minimize the risk of side effects. Talk to your doctor before taking VigRX Plus or any other supplement.

VigRX Plus Results: What Can You Expect?

Increased Sex Drive and Libido

VigRX Plus is designed to increase your libido and sex drive. The natural ingredients work to boost blood flow to the genitals, resulting in increased arousal and sexual desire. Many men report noticeable increases in libido within the first month of use.

Harder and Longer-Lasting Erections

The supplement contains ingredients that can help relax the smooth muscle tissues in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow. This leads to harder, longer-lasting erections. Men frequently report noticeable improvements in erectile quality and stamina within the first few weeks of use.

More Intense Orgasms

By increasing blood flow and stimulation, VigRX Plus can make orgasms feel more intense and pleasurable. The natural ingredients may heighten sensations and increase pleasure during climax. Numerous men report experiencing more powerful orgasms, especially when used regularly over several months.

Improved Control and Stamina

Some of the ingredients in VigRX Plus, such as damiana, work to relax the mind and body, helping you last longer in bed. The supplement may give you greater control over ejaculation and allow you to thrust for longer periods before climaxing. Many men see noticeable gains in sexual stamina and endurance over the first 3 months of use.

In summary, with regular use of VigRX Plus over several months, you can expect to experience an increase in libido and sex drive, harder and longer-lasting erections, more intense orgasms, and improved sexual stamina and control. However, results will vary from person to person based on individual body chemistry and lifestyle factors. For the best results, use VigRX Plus as directed for at least 3 months.

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How to Get the Best Results With VigRX Plus

To achieve the best results with VigRX Plus, there are several steps you should follow:

Take the Supplement Consistently

For optimal results, take one pill twice per day with meals. Be consistent and do not skip doses. Missing pills can impact your effectiveness and reduce your gains. VigRX Plus works best when taken regularly over a prolonged period of time.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water when taking VigRX Plus. Adequate hydration helps the ingredients absorb properly and work more efficiently. Most doctors recommend six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day for good health.

Engage in Regular Exercise

In addition to taking the supplement, engage in regular exercise. Exercise improves circulation which helps the ingredients in VigRX Plus circulate better and absorb more efficiently. Exercise also leads to better performance, stamina and arousal. Even light exercise a few times a week can help.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eat a balanced diet low in fat and high in nutrients. A healthy diet will boost your overall health and support sexual function. Focus on lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Limit excess sugar, salt, alcohol and red meat.

Be Patient

VigRX Plus is not an instant fix. It can take between 30 to 60 days of consistent use to experience the full benefits and results. Do not get discouraged if you do not notice changes right away. The natural ingredients need time to build up in your system. Continued use provides the best long term benefits.

Following these steps and being patient and consistent with your supplement use will help you achieve the maximum benefits and best results from VigRX Plus. Staying dedicated and giving the product adequate time to work can lead to significant improvements in your sexual satisfaction and performance.

→ Click HERE for Exclusive Discounts on VigRX Plus

Who Should Not Take It

Certain individuals should exercise caution or avoid taking VigRX Plus altogether. This includes:

  • Men under 18 years of age. VigRX Plus is intended for adult men only.
  • Men with pre-existing medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. The ingredients may interact with some medications.
  • Women. VigRX Plus is formulated specifically for men and has not been tested on women.

Possible Drug Interactions

Some of the herbal ingredients in VigRX Plus may interact with prescription medications. Be sure to tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking, including VigRX Plus. They can evaluate your medications and medical history to determine if there are any potential negative interactions. It is best to err on the side of caution in these situations.

While customer reviews and clinical studies have found VigRX Plus to be generally safe for improving libido and erection quality in men, you should always put safety first. Talk to your doctor, follow dosage guidelines carefully, and be on alert for any negative side effects when first starting the supplement. By exercising proper precautions, you can feel confident in using VigRX Plus to enhance your virility and performance.

Where to Buy VigRX Plus

To purchase VigRX Plus, you have a few options. The best way to ensure you receive an authentic product is to buy it directly from the official VigRX Plus website.

Ordering Online

The VigRX Plus website is the only place where you can get the product with a 67-day money-back guarantee. When you order through the website, you know you’re getting the real deal. VigRX Plus offers discreet shipping and billing, so your privacy is protected. You can pay by credit card, debit card, or PayPal for maximum convenience.

Authorized Retailers

Some authorized retailers like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, and GNC also carry VigRX Plus in stores, though the selection may be limited. These retailers get their supply directly from the manufacturer, so the product should be authentic. However, they likely won’t offer the same money-back guarantee as the official website.

Avoid Unauthorized Sellers

Be very wary of buying VigRX Plus from unauthorized websites, as the product may be counterfeit or expired. Only purchase from trusted and verified sources to ensure you receive a fresh supply of genuine male enhancement supplements. Unauthorized sellers are not able to provide the same guarantees and may sell a product that is unsafe or ineffective.

In summary, for the best experience and to maximize the benefits of this popular supplement, buy VigRX Plus directly from the official website or from an authorized retailer. Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true from unauthorized sellers, as the product may be fake or unsafe. By purchasing from trusted sources, you can feel confident you’re getting the real VigRX Plus and taking an important step toward improving your sexual health and performance.

→ Click HERE for Exclusive Discounts on VigRX Plus >

Male Enhancement Supplement Scams: How to Avoid Them

Research Thoroughly

When considering a male enhancement supplement, do extensive research to determine if the product and company are legitimate. Check independent reviews and the company’s website for information on ingredients, clinical studies, and potential side effects. Be wary of unrealistic claims, “miracle” cures, and free trial offers. Legitimate companies will be transparent about what’s in their product and provide honest information backed by scientific evidence.

Avoid “Proprietary Blends”

Many scams hide ineffective or dangerous ingredients in “proprietary blends,” refusing to disclose amounts or details. Look for supplements with clearly listed ingredients and amounts, avoiding those with “proprietary” formulas. The specific ingredients and dosages should be publicly available and backed by clinical research.

Beware of “Free Trials”

“Free trials” frequently trick customers into expensive subscriptions with hidden fees. Carefully read the terms and conditions of any free trial before providing payment information. Legitimate companies will clearly state subscription details, costs, and cancelation policies upfront. Never provide payment information for a “free trial” unless you fully understand the terms.

Check with Your Doctor

As with any supplement, check with your doctor before trying a male enhancement product, especially if you have an underlying health condition or are on any medications. While some products are safe and effective for many men, others can interact with medications or exacerbate health issues. Your doctor can review the ingredients and determine if a particular supplement is right and safe for you based on your medical history and current health.

Following these guidelines can help you avoid the vast majority of male enhancement scams and find a safe, effective product. Do your homework, ask questions, and don’t fall for unrealistic hype or hidden fees. Your health and wallet will thank you.

Is VigRX Plus Safe?

VigRX Plus is generally considered a safe supplement for most men when taken as directed, but some precautions should be noted.

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FAQs: Common Questions About VigRX Plus Answered

How long does it take VigRX Plus to start working?

VigRX Plus is not an instantaneous solution for male sexual health. As with any supplement, it takes time for the ingredients to build up in your system and start working. Most men start to notice the effects within 1 to 2 weeks of use, but significant improvements in erection quality, stamina, and libido typically take 3 to 4 weeks of continued use. For the best results, it is recommended to use VigRX Plus for at least 2–3 months;

Are the VigRX Plus results permanent?

The results obtained from using VigRX Plus can be permanent for some men. However, individuals may experience different results depending on factors like age, severity of the condition being treated, and lifestyle changes. It is best to continue using VigRX Plus periodically to maintain the benefits. Some men have reported continued improved sexual performance and satisfaction even after stopping the supplement. But to keep your libido and stamina at their peak, it is ideal to take VigRX Plus regularly;

Are there any side effects?

VigRX Plus is made from natural ingredients and is generally well tolerated with a low risk of significant side effects. Some minor side effects that a small percentage of users have reported include mild headaches, dizziness or stomach upset. However, these potential side effects are uncommon and usually disappear quickly. It is best to start with the recommended dosage to allow your body to adjust to the herbal formula. Seek medical advice before using VigRX Plus if you have any pre-existing medical conditions;

Can I take VigRX Plus with alcohol?

It is not advisable to take VigRX Plus with alcohol. Both alcohol and VigRX Plus can have blood pressure-lowering effects, so combining them may increase the risk of dizziness or lightheadedness. Alcohol also negatively impacts sexual performance and pleasure, so for the best results with VigRX Plus, it is recommended to avoid excessive alcohol consumption;


In summary, while the claims made by the makers of VigRX Plus may seem too good to be true, the evidence from clinical studies and customer reviews suggests this male enhancement supplement can produce real results.

By taking VigRX Plus as directed for at least 60 to 90 days, you’ll give your body adequate time to experience the full benefits. With an all-natural formula and a money-back guarantee, you have little to lose and potentially a lot to gain.

For men looking to improve their sexual performance and satisfaction, VigRX Plus appears to be a supplement worth trying based on the research and reviews.

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