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Tips for Staying Healthy! Middle-aged women's interaction frequency revealed

adding vitality to physical and mental health

By AbigaillPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

The fact that a man and a woman can become husband and wife shows that the two people have been accumulating destiny for a long time before they can choose each other in the sea of people. Husband and wife must go through a lot of things hand in hand, in the long years, two people together to watch each other slowly grow old. People in middle age, the body's metabolism will slow down, physical strength and personal energy are not as young as the time, many people found that the number of couples living together decreased significantly, many middle-aged women, and even less willing to interact with their partners, this is why? How often do middle-aged women, and partner interaction, more beneficial to health? Why don't you get together to find out?

Why are many middle-aged women less willing to interact with their partners?

First of all, this has a lot to do with the concept of women, many women's mindset is more traditional, that the couple interaction thing, should be young people to do, and their own age, physical strength and energy is not as good as before, should not think about this aspect of things.

Second, between the ages of 45-55, a woman's body will gradually enter menopause, a woman's ovarian function will deteriorate, the body due to the lack of estrogen, physiological needs will show a significant decline; at the same time, a woman's body no longer menstruation, lost the function of reproduction, a lot of people feel that, there is no need to interact with their partners anymore.

Finally, some women due to the lack of estrogen in the body, when interacting with the partner, will feel dry, uncomfortable, affecting the sense of interaction experience, in fact, this time you can choose to resort to some lubricants to improve the dryness of the situation, usually can drink more soy milk, to help the body in time to regulate the endocrine system, effectively replenish the body estrogen.

It can be seen that many middle-aged women, unwilling to interact with their partners, often because of psychological reasons, this time the partner to give some support and encouragement, especially for women who are about to enter menopause, the body due to hormone secretion disorders, easy to emotional irritability, insomnia, night sweats and hot flashes, the companionship of the partner to help women a better way through menopause.

In fact, for menopausal women, appropriate and partner for an interaction, can be very good to promote the body's estrogen secretion, for the relief of menopausal symptoms is helpful, especially for frequent insomnia of women, after the interaction with the partner, can consume the body's excess energy and physical strength, and effectively improve the quality of sleep, to help you sleep more sound and sweet.

Middle-aged women, how often and partner interaction, more beneficial to health?

Appropriate interaction between partners can improve the relationship between both parties and promote the harmony of the family atmosphere. In fact, after women enter middle age, the human body will still have certain physiological needs, if the long-term unresolved, the demand will be suppressed, the human body is prone to endocrine disorders. When a woman interacts with her partner, her body will secrete a large amount of estrogen, which automatically regulates the body's endocrine system.

For middle-aged women, they can choose the frequency of interaction according to their own situation. Generally speaking, 2-3 interactions in half a month is more beneficial to health. When a woman interacts with her partner, her body will secrete certain substances that play the role of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, better protect the health of women's bodies, and at the same time enhance the feelings of both sides.

As for when to interact, in fact, this is not a special concern, if you choose to interact at night, then try to end before 11 o'clock, so that it will not have a great impact on the night's sleep. For middle-aged women, choose to interact with their partners on weekend mornings, in fact, it is also good, the body's energy in the morning is more energetic, appropriate interaction is conducive to physical and mental health, female friends usually do not shy away from communicating with their partners.


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Love swimming, fitness, and even more storytelling! Married!

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