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The unbreakable relationship between the male gender & football.

By Oluwafisayo Adegboyega (FISSAM)Published about a year ago 3 min read
Guys & Football Vol.1

In this write-up, we will explore the relationship between male gender and football, examining its origins, social implications, and potential impacts on gender dynamics.

*Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each who primarily use their feet to propel a ball around a rectangular field called a pitch. The objective of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team by moving the ball beyond the goal line into a rectangular-framed goal defended by the opposing team. Traditionally, the game has been played over two 45-minute halves, for a total match time of 90 minutes. With an estimated 250 million players active in over 200 countries and territories, it is the world's most popular sport.

Football, often referred to as soccer in some countries, has historically been strongly associated with masculinity and is predominantly played and followed by men.

The relationship between male gender and football is a complex and multifaceted topic that spans cultural, social, and historical dimensions.

Historical Context:

Football's association with masculinity can be traced back to its origins in the late 19th century in England (United Kingdom). During this time, the sport became a symbol of physical strength, competitiveness, and male camaraderie. It was primarily played by men and provided an outlet for demonstrating masculinity within a societal framework.

Cultural Expectations and Stereotypes:

The association between male gender and football is perpetuated by cultural expectations and stereotypes. Society often reinforces the notion that football is a "man's game," emphasizing physicality, aggression, and athletic prowess. These expectations can shape the way boys and men perceive and engage with football, as well as influence their self-identity and social roles.

Socialization and Identity Formation:

Football can play a significant role in the socialization and identity formation of boys and men. It provides a platform for shared experiences, teamwork, and bonding among male players and fans. Identifying as a football player or fan can become an integral part of one's masculine identity, influencing social interactions, group affiliations, and a sense of belonging.

Reinforcement of Gender Norms:

The relationship between male gender and football can reinforce traditional gender norms. The sport often promotes characteristics associated with masculinity, such as physical strength, competitiveness, and dominance. This can reinforce the idea that these traits are inherently male, while devaluing or marginalizing qualities traditionally associated with femininity. Consequently, it can perpetuate gender inequalities and limit opportunities for women's involvement in the sport.

Gender Inclusion and Progress:

In recent years, efforts have been made to challenge and redefine the relationship between male gender and football. Initiatives promoting gender inclusion and equal opportunities for women in the sport have gained traction. Women's football has seen a significant rise in popularity and visibility, challenging traditional notions of football as a male-dominated domain. These developments are important steps towards breaking down gender barriers and creating a more inclusive and diverse football culture.

Potential Impact on Gender Dynamics:

The relationship between male gender and football has the potential to influence broader gender dynamics. By challenging traditional gender norms and promoting inclusivity, football can contribute to breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality. Increased representation and visibility of women in football can inspire and empower girls and women, offering alternative role models and avenues for participation in sports.


In conclusion, the relationship between male gender and football is deeply rooted in cultural, social, and historical contexts. Football has long been associated with masculinity, perpetuating traditional gender expectations and stereotypes. However, recent efforts towards gender inclusion and the rise of women's football are challenging these norms, promoting greater gender equality within the sport. By recognizing and addressing the complexities of the relationship between male gender and football, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse football culture that benefits individuals and contributes to a more equitable society.

Watch out for the continuation of this story; Football's psychological effects on guys (male gender).


*Association football

LifestyleMen's PerspectivesMasculinityCultureBrotherhood

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Oluwafisayo Adegboyega (FISSAM)

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    Oluwafisayo Adegboyega (FISSAM)Written by Oluwafisayo Adegboyega (FISSAM)

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