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Are they?

My response to "women are healing."

By T.H. TurtlePublished about a month ago 3 min read

Are men Ok?

I wrote an article a few weeks ago about the topic. I did not get a lot of reads for it but I did get a comment. One reader asked what women can do? Because I said that we needed each other, at the end of my article.

I responded, “Heal and be patient with us.”

Her. “women are healing.”

Well I disagree. Some women are healing, but the majority, like the majority of men are not. I watch a lot of interviews and podcasts. Some irritate the shit out of me, because how are some people so stupid? A girl says to the host he is being misogynistic and he asked her what it meant. She started to cry and wanted to leave.

A street interviewer asked two college aged women what misogynistic meant. They had to have a mini conference and still did not know the meaning. It means strong prejudice against women.

Is it misogynistic to say that women should vet better? I mean shit men should too. Is it misogynistic to want a woman with a flat stomach? Or is that a preference? Is it narcissistic to not want your girlfriend to not hang around other men? Or is it the fact he knows how men think? Here’s where any versus all comes to play. It's not all men that are threats, but any man can be.

Why are we so far apart? The divide between men and women has only grown. Times have changed, why do some women solely expect the man to pay for everything, when she has a job? What happened to working together to create a life together? It seems like neither side wants that with the other. Like I said before Passport Bros became a big thing after KS’ departure from this world.

Life is hard. The average man makes around 49,000, while the average woman makes 40,000. Shit put that together you got 89,000 a year? What's wrong with that as a couple? It seems some women don't want to work, so they expect the man to pay for everything. Without an understanding of what that means. You're expected to take care of the house and perform bedroom services pretty much on command.

I will not say women should find a man early. I believe women in their early 20's, like men, have not figured themselves out yet. That is the time we should focus on developing ourselves, and not spreading out bodies around to multiple people. Discipline is important and that is the years we need to develop it the most. (For boys that discipline has to come as soon as they can talk)

To be harsh, the majority of both sides are not healing. I know why a lot of men are not. They throw themselves at work, or alcohol, drugs, sex, or working out to distract them from their pain.

I did say in the article that men were healing, but a lot are not. Life is hard, and I think sometimes we forget that. I’m not saying it's easier to be a woman. We have different struggles and it's not a competition.

Men are late bloomers. Our job is to struggle. We are supposed to, that is what makes us men. When a boy has his path paved for him, he becomes soft. Those men are emotional and do not work hard. They are children in adult bodies and do not take responsibility for their actions. It's always someone else's fault.

The past 30 years have created more soft men than any other era in history. That pisses me off because I was a part of that group. It was not until I stepped back and looked at myself did I realize how soft I was. I was emotional and had no boundaries or discipline. I had no principles and went with the group.

I try everyday to help my fellow man, and drop little nuggets to help them. I also encourage them when they do something good. Give constructive criticism when they fail. But I don't call them stupid and chastise their mistakes. Shit we human, all of us fuck up, because life is hard.

With that said, I hope more people turn the Youtube, tik tok or twitter off. Sit with your own thoughts, let them run. Just maybe after time passes you will find yourself amongst the clutter that is today's world.


About the Creator

T.H. Turtle

Just starting my writing career.

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  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a month ago

    yes! So well said. I fall into the "healing" category, although my experience of late tells me to let them be. Being single after a certain age is very hard, but much easier than traversing the dating pool

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