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Things to Know about Wedding

You should learn something today...

By Les Histoires de ChristinePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Moose Photos on Pexels

Today I'm going to talk to you about a social issue. To be honest, this first topic would not have sprung to mind if I hadn't recently read two books on the subject. As a result, today's topic will be wedding. Attention: I have no intention of providing you with a detailed timeline of the wedding's history. But I'll try to make you discover one or two new things in a fun way!

In ancient China, popular classes held large celebrations in the spring and fall to introduce themselves to the younger generation. It was a night of singing, dancing, exchanging gifts, and...going with a life partner. It was the birth of the discotheque! It was much more complicated for the persons of high responsibility since wedding was viewed as a merger of two families: it was more of a group project than a personal desire. It was, of course, about political or economic agreements, and love had only a little role to play. Furthermore, a man who married a woman had the right to take his wife's sisters and cousins as second wives as a gift. If that wasn't enough, the alpha male had the right to have as many concubines as his household could support. It was necessary to be athletic! However, before the wedding could be officially sanctioned, the future husband had to appear in front of his future wife's family to prove that he did not share her family name. In the Chinese society of the time, sharing the same family name as one's companion was considered impolite. Given the relatively big bloodlines, you may say that this could quickly get complicated. To give you an idea, Wang is the surname of approximately 95 million Chinese people, or about 7% of the Chinese population.


Also, did you know that on the other side of the planet, a registry has been set up in Islande that allows you to verify that the person you're looking at isn't a member of your family? They even released an application for it in 2010! Those who didn't have the foresight to do so were the Egyptians in Ancient Egypt! And ancient Egypt is a very long period, ranging from 3150 B.C. to -30 B.C., or 3000 years! Obviously, what I've written here isn't valid for such a long period of time. Despite the fact that a wedding between a brother and a sister was not a common occurrence among the populace, the writings inform us that marrying one's cousin was not only acceptable, but often encouraged! Wedding with one's sister, let alone with one's daughter, was a privilege reserved for the elite, the wealthy, and the pharaons! Akhenaton knows something, because he is the one who marries Néfertiti, with whom he has three daughters. In general, he was the father of her children and the husband of her daughters.

But don't worry, we've had our share of joyeuseties in France as well, such as the minimum age for a girl to marry in a way that is recognized by the church... 12 years... In summary, one interesting aspect of Egyptian civilization is the significant role of women in society, particularly since the reign of Thébain in 2133 before JC. It was said of a married man that he "founded a house." In fact, the entire property of the house would be returned to the woman, who would use it to raise her children. Furthermore, children rarely bear their father's name, and it is their uncle, according to tradition, who is responsible for them. The husband was responsible for financially supporting his wife and family. It is around this time that the Egyptians invent the concept of divorce. So, yes, at first, it was just a series of divorce decrees issued in front of scribes, but a few years later, around 1295 before JC, we witness the birth of the wedding contract!


And, in terms of pure and hard divorce, it wasn't until September 20, 1792, following the French Revolution, that a divorce law was enacted in France. Furthermore, the procedure was initially so "simple" that one-third of the couples at the time were smoking! Divorce was outright prohibited two years after the restoration, in 1816, and was replaced by "corporal separation." You're still married, but you're no longer obligated to live in the same house. The divorce will not be finalized until 1884! Wedding is still a source of contention today, with some even questioning its true utility. What is certain is that the history of this institution is full of surprises, which I invite you to discover by scouring the web with your keyboards!

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and learned things

See you next time!


About the Creator

Les Histoires de Christine

Hello Everyone

Laurence, 37 years old, France, news on Vocal. My passion is model railroading. I like animals (I live with 2 cats), cinema, hiking, horse riding, Japanese and Auvergne cuisine

Sorry for my English which may have mistakes

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