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Strengthen Your Marriage By Going Back To Move Forward

Go Beyond The Honeymoon Phase

By Louis Morris-Relationship/Life CoachPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me… every day.” Nicholas Sparks

Why is it that after the marriage ceremony and the honeymoon the marriage becomes stale and routine? It’s like a bright light that suddenly gets dim.

It’s like during the wedding and honeymoon they were in a dream and then, they wake up and fall back into their usual routines, except now, they’re connected by the promise of a life-long commitment.

Why does this happen so often with married couples?

The answer to that question lies in the couples themselves.

It could be they begin to focus more on the kids, bills, work, and other distractions, and their bond takes a back seat.

In an effort to correct this problem, the best thing to do for both of you is to look back at the basics of your relationship. Think about the values, gestures, and characteristics that made you fall in love with one another in the first place.

Begin letting the marriage flow through the prism of that lens. Make this looking back a springboard for what both of you do to nurture your union going forward.

"To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow–this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” Elizabeth Gilbert

Couples have to understand the differences in the way each of them views things. It’s important that couples fully support each other, especially in decision-making and each has to respect one’s decision as well.

Remember the pledge you shared on your wedding day that you would be there for each other for better or for worse. Make time for one another no matter what is going on around you. Continually be intentional about your love and affection for one another.

This must begin with clear and consistent communication. Make sure that you’re able to talk about any and everything together. If one of you says or does something wrong (that’s not a non-negotiable) talk about it. Throw away pride and ego, and seek one another’s forgiveness.

It’s important to express what you feel. Consult with one another about the large and small issues, so you both can remain on the same page regarding the direction of the marriage and the family.

Every day, couples should show that they care for each other. As many times as possible, tell your spouse that you love him/her. Be gracious when you greet each other in the morning and affectionate when you retire at night.

Doing little stuff to show your affection, like taking him out to dinner, buying her that scarf she likes without her asking. It’s said that little things can produce large outcomes.

It’s important and essential to have an understanding that growing the relationship is a major priority. Aside from this, couples should maintain a loving relationship. Each of you must be honest, patient, and loyal.

“There’s no remedy for love but to love more.” Henry David Thoreau

As the saying goes, “Marriage is not a game.” The person you married is the one you made vows to love, honor, and cherish. Realize that you will go through trials and tribulations as a couple, and this is the cause of many marriages failing. The couple has unrealistic expectations about marriage

They believe it will continue being like the wedding day and honeymoon. However, this is not life. There are ups and downs that you must overcome as a couple.

In order for you two to maintain peace, romance, and consistency, you must put the right ingredients in the marriage pot. Most marriages fail due to pride, selfishness, and self-control. These are the wrong ingredients and will pollute the marriage.

Marriage can either be a source of happiness or bitterness. The success of your marriage depends upon the question, “To what extent are you willing to sacrifice?” The answer and actions that follow will determine the bond and passion you will enjoy going forward.

The Better Relationship Guide For Work, Life, and Intimacy


About the Creator

Louis Morris-Relationship/Life Coach

Relationship Coach 🖤 Host of The Heart Matters podcast 🎧 I help couples and single navigate their relationship matters from the heart. It's the heart that learns, loves, and attracts. #1 On WPMinds Relationship Coaches to watch in 2022

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