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Rupiya Rakhai (engagement): A Significant and Formal Step Towards Marriage

Rituals of Punjabi Marriage

By Dr. Amjad Ali BhattiPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Rupiya Rakhai, also known as engagement, is a significant and formal step that takes place after the relationship between a couple is deemed mature. During this ritual, the parents of the boy and girl visit each other's homes and symbolically place money on the hands of the couple as a sign of their commitment. This ceremony is often accompanied by the offering of milk and sweets to the guests, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

The act of Rupiya Rakhai holds great cultural and symbolic significance. It represents the official acknowledgment and acceptance of the relationship by both families. By exchanging money, the parents demonstrate their support and commitment to the couple's union. This ritual is sometimes referred to as engagement, engagement, or kadmai, highlighting the various regional names it may carry.

During the Rupiya Rakhai ceremony, the families come together in a spirit of unity and harmony. They engage in meaningful conversations, exchange blessings, and strengthen the bonds that will connect them through the forthcoming marriage. This gathering of loved ones provides an opportunity for both families to get to know each other better, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie.

As guests arrive, they are warmly welcomed and treated to milk and sweets. These offerings hold special significance, particularly in relation to the bride. Until the girl is ready for marriage, her family refrains from offering milk to the groom's loved ones. This practice is rooted in the cultural belief that milk symbolizes nourishment and sustenance, signifying the girl's readiness to step into her new role as a bride.

The act of offering milk during Rupiya Rakhai is sometimes colloquially referred to as "breastfeeding." This term reflects the cultural tradition associated with the event, as it represents the nourishment of the bride-to-be and her preparation for the forthcoming marriage. It serves as a symbolic gesture of support and care from the groom's family, signaling their readiness to embrace the bride as an integral part of their household.

As the ceremony progresses, the exchange of money becomes the focal point. The parents place money on the hands of the boy and girl, symbolizing their commitment to support the couple as they embark on their journey together. This gesture carries deep meaning, representing financial security and trust. It signifies the families' dedication to ensuring the happiness and well-being of the couple as they enter into the sacred bond of marriage.

Amidst the exchange of money, the atmosphere is filled with anticipation and joy. The sound of laughter, conversations, and blessings echoes through the air, enveloping the space with a sense of celebration. Relatives and friends come together, sharing stories, anecdotes, and well wishes for the couple's future. The presence of loved ones adds a layer of warmth and love to the occasion, creating cherished memories that will be treasured for years to come.

Rupiya Rakhai is more than just a financial transaction; it is a symbolic act that signifies the union of two families. Through the exchange of money, the families affirm their commitment to support the couple and ensure their happiness and prosperity. The act serves as a reminder that marriage is not just a bond between two individuals but a coming together of families, uniting their strengths, traditions, and values.

Beyond the symbolism of the ceremony, Rupiya Rakhai is a celebration of love, togetherness, and shared happiness. It marks a significant milestone in the couple's journey, signifying the transition from courtship to formal commitment. The ceremony sets the stage for the forthcoming wedding, building excitement and anticipation among the families and loved ones.

As the guests bid farewell and the ceremony concludes, the atmosphere is filled with a sense of contentment and optimism. The couple, with money placed in their hands, embark on their path towards marriage with the blessings and support of their families. The act of Rupiya Rakhai strengthens the ties between the families and lays the foundation for a harmonious and prosperous future.

In conclusion, Rupiya Rakhai is a culturally rich and symbolic ceremony that marks the formal commitment between a couple after their relationship has matured. Through the exchange of money and the offering of milk and sweets, the families express their support, love, and dedication to the couple's union. This celebration of love, togetherness, and shared happiness strengthens the bonds between the families and paves the way for a joyous wedding ceremony and a harmonious future.

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About the Creator

Dr. Amjad Ali Bhatti

Dr. Amjad Ali Bhatti is a multifaceted individual who has made significant contributions in the fields of research, translation, literature, and social activism.

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