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Never do these 14 things in love and a relationship

14 things in love and relationship

By Datchana EPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Never do these 14 things in love and a relationship
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Never do this 14 things in love

14 things never do in love:

Love is everywhere, parents love their children and friend love a friend its a carrying, everybody loves anyone in there. Sometimes we do wrong things to destroy love, in this article we see 14 thighs you never do in your love.

Table of content:

Be Yourself

Don't beg anyone to love you.

  1. Dressing:
  2. Gossiping:
  3. Checking Mobile:
  4. Never Compare:
  5. Money management:
  6. Never stock:
  7. Raising a hand with your partner:
  8. Expectations Vs Reality:
  9. Influence friendship:
  10. Insecurity :
  11. I love you:
  12. Learsen:
  13. Be Yourself:

We are all lot see a move, how to be your self, for a small example. You go to your friend's birthday party, at which your friend is very rich. So you think you want to, make yourself equal ritch like your friend. Now you want to change your costume and look at the way of speaking everything you want to change because your friend is rich and at his birthday party many people address you.

Don't change anybody for your activity, always be yourself.

Don't beg anyone to love you.

By John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Your partner has some bad thoughts about you, and also wants to break up with you. Don't beg for a relationship, for a change, try to explain your situation. But never force the relationship on your partner to fall in love with you.


Every boy tries to attract girls, also after some months or years, they love each other. But one day the boyfriend talk about the girl's dress, why you wear this kind of dress and the dress color is not matching her skin. These types of questions make your girlfriend feel unforgettable with you. If your girlfriend dresses don't like you just say it politely but never rule her to change the dress code.


Your friend has a secret and she tells the secret to you, at the same time you share the secret with another friend without your friend's permission, that is the worst thing. Not only do you share the secret but also you brock the trust that your friend has in you.

Checking Mobile:

We all need privacy, checking your partner's mobile or someone's phone is bad behavior. Because our smartphone knows everything about ours, how a toilet is private for men and women that equally mobile is alsoa private for every human. So never check another mobile phone without his permission.

Never Compare:

Everyone is inspired by movies and social media, so we all have expectations. If anyone asks you what kind of boyfriend/girlfriend wants to be your life partner, you say Tom cruise, rock, shark, and cris evens. Witch like the richest person or a film hero for reference.

This comparison is wrong, your boyfriend is not a paying actor by million dollars, he is just a normal human living a normal life. So just wish what is suit for you, if you don't like your partner simply break up with him. But never compare him to any other person it makes me feel guilty and inferior.

Money management:

By Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

I understand we talking about a relationship where the money comes from, see money playing a major part in relationships breaking up. If you and your partner go to the coffee shop, your partner pays the bill for both coffee. This is starting stage for a relationship break up, your partner has a lot of money, and there is no problem paying your billing. But every time he/she only pays your expenses this habit makes a big crack in your relationship.

Never stock:

If you love a girl, and the girl also loves you. Then never force the relationship. Any time you want to talk with me, always you want to think about me, every time you attend to my calls and messages and give an immediate reply, this is you ruling the women and you chasing the women to strictly love you.

Raising a hand with your partner:

Some short-tempered men and women rising their hands when they get the most angrier, this character they influenced by their move or their parents. But we don't have the right to hurt someone, any situation happens, and never hurt anybody including your partner.

Never do this 14 unhealthy boundaries in relationships

Expectations Vs Reality:

After we mature and settle wealthily, we all need a life partner. So we dream about our future life partner, how she looks, and wants to be a good wife for you and a good mother for your children's dream house and family. These are all expectations mostly our expectations never come true in real life so don't dump your expectations on your partner.

Influence friendship:

Sometimes your partner ask to you cut your friendship with unwanted girls, because she fell passive or jelosy one day you break up with her and o date with your friend. But never do this mistake in love. don't say to cut your partner friendship.

Insecurity :

When your partner be with you whenever feels insecure be with you. If she feels insecrue to tell you something or ask you something , just understand her feelings and ask her what you need just ask to me . i definitely make for you.

I love you:

Afer your love stronger and you and your partner share many things together, then you slowly avoid the romantic words in your partner, never do this you love your partner very much. Say some l love you words to your partner. In that time shelove you more because your I love is showing your love to her. The best way to practice this say daily atleat one time I love in diffreecent modulations, this case you partner don't feel she is with out caring and the same time how much you have love with her.


You have lot of work, many things to study. But when someone really care about you and share something to you you want to learsen first. no one like to destroy you everybody want to guide you for a healthy life so anyone come and talk to you just give some respect and lersen first.

14 unhealthy boundaries in relationships


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I hope this 14 things will help for your relationship growth, and you are a beginner in the relationship this mistakes you should avoid for upcoming days.


About the Creator

Datchana E

I am considered one of the best bloggers in the industry, known for my exceptional writing abilities and ability to captivate my audience. I will post trendigng topics and usefull lifehacks for problem solving titally my blogs for all

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