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Love is War

The War of emotions in the pursuit of love

By Ekamkar singh GillPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a young couple named Alex and Sarah. They were deeply in love, but their relationship was far from easy. Their love was like a battlefield, with constant fights and arguments.

Their relationship was often compared to a war, where they were constantly battling to prove who was right and who was wrong. They would argue about everything, from what to eat for dinner to how to spend their weekends. Their love was intense, but it was also draining.

Despite all their disagreements, Alex and Sarah knew that they couldn't live without each other. They were like two sides of the same coin, constantly clashing but also complementing each other. They knew that their love was worth fighting for, even if it meant going to war with each other.

Their love story began when they were both in college. They met at a party and instantly hit it off. They were both studying business and had a lot in common. However, they soon realized that they had very different personalities. Alex was outgoing and impulsive, while Sarah was more reserved and practical. These differences often caused friction in their relationship.

Their first major fight happened when Alex surprised Sarah with a spontaneous weekend getaway. Sarah was furious that Alex had made plans without consulting her first. She accused him of being inconsiderate and impulsive. Alex, on the other hand, felt that Sarah was too rigid and boring. The fight escalated into a full-blown argument, and they didn't speak for days.

Over time, their fights became more frequent, and they started to take a toll on their relationship. They both knew that they needed to find a way to resolve their conflicts, but they didn't know how. They sought advice from friends and family, but no one could give them a solution.

One day, while they were having yet another argument, Alex had an idea. He suggested that they start treating their relationship like a business. He proposed that they create a set of rules and guidelines that they would both agree to follow. He believed that this would help them communicate better and avoid future conflicts.

Sarah was hesitant at first, but she agreed to give it a try. They sat down together and created a set of rules that they both felt were fair and reasonable. They agreed to listen to each other's opinions and to compromise when necessary. They also agreed to take breaks when arguments became too heated.

Their new approach to their relationship worked wonders. They still had disagreements, but they were able to resolve them more effectively. They no longer felt like they were at war with each other. Instead, they saw their love as a partnership, where they worked together to overcome challenges.

Years went by, and Alex and Sarah's love only grew stronger. They got married and started a family. They looked back on their early years together and marveled at how far they had come. They were grateful for their battles, as they had taught them the value of compromise and communication.

Their love was still like a battlefield, but now it was one they fought together, rather than against each other. They knew that their love was worth fighting for, and they were willing to do whatever it took to make it work.

They had learned that love is not just about passion and romance, but also about respect and understanding. They had found a way to navigate the battlefield of love, and they had come out victorious.


About the Creator

Ekamkar singh Gill

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