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How To Please Your Wife’s Sexual Appetite

Emotional Intimacy Is Essential For Her Sexual Pleasure

By Louis Morris-Relationship/Life CoachPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

God made men and women different. Physical intimacy is one area where this is abundantly clear. A man’s sex drive is linked to his eyes. He’s aroused by mere vision. A woman’s sex drive is linked to her heart. She’s aroused when she feels an emotional connection.

A woman whose natural disposition hasn’t been corrupted views sex as an emotional and physical experience. A man can detach himself from it emotionally and merely focus on physical pleasure. A man should pay attention to this nuance of pleasing a woman sexually.

“I literally love affection. It’s not about sex. I crave somebody to cuddle with me and lay their head on my lap. I crave kisses, holding hands and running my thumb across theirs. Just looking at someone and thinking ‘how did I get this lucky’.” — Anonymous

The above quote most likely came from a woman. Because emotional intimacy is so valued and fulfilling for a woman. It’s not a substitution for sex, but for her, the emotional need is as intense as the physical need. When the husband fulfills that need through intimate talk and touching it’s easier for her to get into a sexual mood.

A woman has a God-given need to connect emotionally. Still, if that need isn’t recognized or appreciated, she feels that her husband is using her as a means to achieve sexual satisfaction. In other words, she needs to feel wanted and desired as a woman, not just as a sex object.

It’s important to talk to women, listen to them, kiss them, touch them, and whisper to them. So listen to her and respond to her needs emotionally and physically. It will draw you closer as a couple.

“The married are those who have taken the terrible risk of intimacy and, having taken it, know life without intimacy to be impossible.” -Carolyn Heilbrun

If you don’t satisfy your wife’s need for emotional intimacy, you will leave her vulnerable. She may withdraw from you. She may not feel connected enough to respond to you sexually. Ultimately, she may begin to look elsewhere to have her needs met.

I’m not trying to justify cheating or having the desire to cheat. What I’m saying is, as men we need to pay attention to a woman’s need for an emotional connection to her husband.

Sex with her is much deeper than just the physical act. Don’t leave her vulnerable in that way. If you’re not being attentive and affectionate you leave room for someone else to fulfill that need.

“In my mind, marriage is a spiritual partnership and union in which we willingly give and receive love, create and share intimacy, and open ourselves to be available and accessible to another human being in order to heal, learn and grow.” -Iyanla Vanzant

One clue that your wife might be seeking emotional intimacy is that she withdraws. When you sense your wife’s wall going up, you know that something is wrong.

She feels there’s no emotional connection so she pulls away as a defense mechanism. This can have a profound negative effect on the marriage because you might in turn respond by pulling away due to her distance.

This is how so many couples become roommates. Living under the same roof, sharing meals, sleeping in the same bed, totally walled off from each other emotionally. Don’t allow this to happen.

“Real intimacy is only possible to the degree that we can be honest about what we are doing and feeling.” — Joyce Brothers

Nothing satisfies a woman’s emotional need like her connection with her husband. She knows, due to your emotional connection, that she can count on you even if other people turn their backs on her. She feels safe and secure with you. Safety is essential for a woman to open up to you in every way.

Also, you must be vulnerable with her. When she knows you’re secure in your masculinity, she’ll never view your vulnerability as a weakness. As a matter of fact, it will increase her attraction to you and she’ll find it sexy. A woman wants to know what’s going on with her man.

From what you did on your lunch break to what your values are. She wants to know how you think, and she wants to be able to share the same things with you.

Do you want to increase the chemistry with your wife? Ask her what she thinks. Open up and talk to her. You may not think so but that stimulates her. This is a sort of foreplay for her. Don’t underestimate it.

This kind of connection builds security and intimacy in a relationship. It’s part of what makes a great marriage. When a woman feels safe enough to disrobe emotionally with her husband, that’s as good as it gets.

Keep this in mind, If you undress your souls with one another, your bodies will follow. If you provide this kind of emotional intimacy for your wife, your life will never be the same.

How To Increase Your Intimacy With One Another:


About the Creator

Louis Morris-Relationship/Life Coach

Relationship Coach 🖤 Host of The Heart Matters podcast 🎧 I help couples and single navigate their relationship matters from the heart. It's the heart that learns, loves, and attracts. #1 On WPMinds Relationship Coaches to watch in 2022

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