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How to keep your Marriage alive

10 Ways to Improve your Marriage

By Yoni LawrencePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Marriage, regardless of whether it lasts 50 years or just 10, is never easy. Luckily, there are steps you can take to make your marriage stronger and more enjoyable while you’re on the journey together. Here are 10 ways to improve your marriage, whether you’ve been married for years or just months.

1) Don’t take each other for granted

We often take the people closest to us for granted. We assume they will always be there, so we stop doing the things that made us fall in love with them in the first place. If you want to improve your marriage, start by making an effort to show your spouse how much you appreciate them. Send them a sweet text during the day, give them a hug and kiss when you get home from work, or do something special for them on their birthday or anniversary.

2) Say thank you

It's easy to forget to say thank you in the midst of a busy life, but taking the time to express your gratitude to your spouse can make a big difference in your relationship. Here are 10 ways you can say thanks and show your appreciation 1) Say it verbally.

2) Send a card or email with an attached note saying what you appreciate about them and why they matter to you.

3) Write down something that they do that makes them special or that you appreciate about them, then have them read it aloud.

4) Give them a present – this doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate; it just has to be from the heart!

3) Laugh together

One way to improve your marriage is to laugh together. Laughter brings people together and can help reduce tension and conflict. When you and your spouse laugh together, it can help you feel closer to each other and strengthen your bond. Plus, laughter is just plain fun! Here are a few ways to get started

4) Spend time together away from work

1. Schedule regular date nights, even if it’s just once a week. You don’t have to go out and spend a lot of money – cook dinner at home or order in and watch a movie. The important thing is that you’re spending time together without work or other distractions.

2. Communicate with each other regularly, both about the good things and the not-so-good things. 3. Give your spouse your full attention when they talk to you. 4. Share what’s going on in your head, not just what happened today but also what you’re thinking about life and the future, where you see yourself 5 years from now.

5) Show appreciation when he/she does something nice

It's easy to take your spouse for granted, but making an effort to show appreciation can go a long way. A simple thank you or I appreciate you can make your spouse feel valued and appreciated. Plus, it will make them more likely to do nice things for you in the future! 1) Listen to what they have to say: No one likes being talked over or ignored. Make sure that they know you're listening by looking at them and nodding occasionally during their story. 2) Don't interrupt: Let them finish talking before responding with your own thoughts on the subject. If you need time to think about what they said, write down some notes about it so that when they're done talking, you can get back to them with questions about what was said.

6) Stop being negative

It’s easy to be negative when things aren’t going well in your marriage, but negativity will only make things worse. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and avoid complaining about your spouse. You may need to work hard at this for a while before you start noticing a difference, but it will definitely improve your relationship if you can commit to being more positive.

7) Keep the romance alive

It's important to keep the romance alive in your marriage if you want to keep the spark going. Here are 10 ways to do just that -Talk to each other more

-Give compliments often

-Schedule date nights and make time for one another

-Try new things together like cooking or a new activity

-Play together, laugh together, and enjoy being around each other

8) Choose your battles wisely

You and your spouse are going to disagree from time to time. It’s inevitable. But you don’t have to argue about every little thing. Choose your battles wisely. Don’t sweat the small stuff and let go of the things that aren’t worth fighting for. This will help reduce the amount of conflict in your marriage and make it stronger overall.

9) Forgive and forget

If you want your marriage to improve, you need to learn how to forgive and forget. That doesn't mean you have to forget everything, but it does mean that you should let go of grudges and resentments. Couples who can do this tend to be happier and more satisfied with their relationship. They may not always agree on things, but they don't hold a grudge or allow past slights to get in the way of their happiness. They might say something like I still think she was wrong for what she did five years ago, but I know she's sorry about it now.

In other words, forgiveness is not forgetting. It's finding a way to release hurt feelings from the past and accept each other as people who sometimes make mistakes.

10) Work as a team

If you're married, you're in it for the long haul. You might as well make the best of it and work as a team. Here are ways to do just that


About the Creator

Yoni Lawrence

There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you added great value to peoples life. I consider myself to be a great motivator and communicator. I believe my presence here on Vocal.Media, my content, post can be of value to you.

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    Yoni LawrenceWritten by Yoni Lawrence

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