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Facts about the Karnak Temple

Explore Egypt from Our Side

By Maria SEOPublished 15 days ago 3 min read

Located in Luxor, Egypt, is the ancient Egyptian religious complex known as the Karnak Temple. With nearly 200 acres of temples, chapels, and other buildings, it is one of the biggest and most well-known temple complexes in the world during Luxor day tours.

The Karnak Temple took more over two millennia to build, starting in 2055 BC. Originally erected to worship the god Amun, it was eventually enlarged to include the gods Mut and Khonsu.

The complex was called Ipet-Isut, which is ancient Egyptian for "The Most Selected of Places." It was also called Pr-Imn, which means 'House of Amun.'

Through Egypt tours explore, The Temple of Amun, the greatest religious structure ever built, is the principal temple at Karnak. It is bigger than the Vatican City, with an estimated 61 acres under its belt.

The Great Hypostyle Hall at the Karnak Temple is its most well-known feature. It is a forest made up of 134 enormous columns placed in 16 rows. The highest columns have a diameter of ten feet and a height of eighty feet.

The Temple of Karnak is a large ancient Egyptian temple located on the east bank of the Nile River in Luxor. It is believed to be one of the largest religious buildings in the world and was dedicated to the worship of the god Amun.

The history of Karnak Temple dates back to the Middle Kingdom period (2055-1650 BCE), but most of the structures visible today were constructed during the New Kingdom period (1550-1070 BCE).

The main entrance to the temple is through the impressive Avenue of Sphinxes, a long avenue lined with sphinx statues that leads to the first pillar, or the entrance to the Inside the complex visitors can explore temples, shrines and pillars, each dedicated to a different god and goddess. Famous buildings in the Karnak Temple include the Great Hypostyle Hall, the Temple of Amun and the Sacred Pool.

Karnak Temple is likewise domestic to many smaller temples and shrines, inclusive of the Temple of Montu, the Temple of Thutmose III, and the Temple of Ramses III. These systems provide a glimpse into the religious practices and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

The Great Hypostyle Hall is a massive hall with 134 columns, the biggest of which may be over 21 meters tall and 3 meters in diameter. The hall have become used for religious ceremonies and is adorned with complex carvings and reliefs depicting historical Egyptian gods and pharaohs.

Visitors to the Temple of Karnak can also see the ruins of the original Thebes, once the capital of ancient Egypt and very close to the temple

Today, Karnak Temple is a popular tourist attraction and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a place of worship for modern Egyptians who regularly gather at the temple for important religious festivals.

Overall, the Temple of Karnak is a must visit for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history and architecture. Its immense size, stunning sculpture and rich history make it one of the most fascinating and enchanting places in the world.

Luxor, also known as Thebes, is a major tourist destination in Egypt. Located on the eastern bank of the Nile River, it is famous for its many ancient temples and tombs, including the Valley of the Kings. Luxor has a rich history as the capital of ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom period (1550-1070 BCE).

Today, it is a bustling city with a mixture of modernity and historic sites, making it a popular destination for visitors from all over the world It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must for anyone interested in Ancient Egyptian history and culture.


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