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A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you.

By Tiemma PrincePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash



facts about life and



people who sleep face down on their

stomach with their arms above their head

have more sexual dreams


life is really simple but we insist on

making it complicated


you are not responsible for the versions

of you that exist in other people's mind

motivate yourself don't listen to people

who only see your mistakes


you can't change what's going on around

you until you start changing what's

going on within you

never be for friendship or relationship

with anyone if you don't receive the

same efforts you give cut them off

psychology says that whenever you are in

bad mood you can feel better just by

forcing yourself to smile

do everything you have to do but not

with ego lust and envy but with love

compassion humility and devotion

behind every strong person is a story

that gave them two choices sink or swim


a woman can't change a man because she

loves him a man changes because he loves



love yourself enough to never lower your

standards to anyone

not having enough sleep per day leads to

sex desires depression and alcoholism

dancing singing and masturbating are all

proven ways to fight depression


your body is the weakest during three to

four a.m this is the time most people

die in their sleep

do not seek for the best partner but

seek for the person who makes you a

better version of yourself


day by day what you choose to think and

do is who you become


maturity is when you stop posting

everything that happens in your life on

social media

everything will work out in the end you

don't need to know how you just have to

trust that it will


hugging someone can actually lower your

blood pressure


the truth is you don't know what is

going to happen tomorrow life is a crazy

ride and nothing is guaranteed and

permanent not even your situation

never forget and forgive those who have

left you at your worst


when life gives you a hundred reasons to

cry show life that you have a thousand

reasons to smile

psychology says when you truly care for

someone their mood can literally affect


how a man loves you when he is not with

you says a lot more than How He Loves

You When he is with you

you can forgive some people without

welcoming back into your life apology

accepted but access denied

the universe will often give you what

you truly desire even when you don't

realize it's what you truly want

a woman who truly loves you will be

angry at you for so many things but will

never leave you

life doesn't allow for us to go back and

fix what we have done wrong in the past

but it does allow for us to live each

day better than our last

when the wrong people leave your life

the right things start to happen


your future is created by what you do

today not tomorrow


if you have no actions to go with what

you have learned then you have learned



there you have it.

Once upon a time, there was a man named John who was in a committed relationship with a wonderful woman named Sarah. John loved Sarah with all his heart, but he also had a bit of a selfish streak. He would often put his own desires and needs above Sarah's, and didn't always listen to her when she expressed her concerns.

One day, John made a big mistake. He promised Sarah that he would take her on a romantic weekend getaway, but when it came time to leave, John realized he had double-booked himself and had to cancel on Sarah at the last minute.

Sarah was understandably angry and hurt. She had been looking forward to the trip for weeks, and John had let her down. He tried to apologize and make it up to her, but Sarah was having none of it. She refused to speak to him for a while, even though John tried to reach out and make amends.

But in the end, Sarah's anger was a sign of her love for

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