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You'll Never Get Old If You Eat These 15 Anti Aging Foods

Eat good food

By Matthew AdebayoPublished about a year ago 8 min read
You'll Never Get Old If You Eat These 15 Anti Aging Foods
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

They say age is just a number and that

you are as young as you feel

but if you don't feel young anymore then

it's probably time to tap into the

greatest fountain of youth healthy food

and an active lifestyle

now aging is a natural process and you

cannot completely elude it however you

can age gracefully and beautifully by

changing your diet and your lifestyle

these changes will also help with your

fitness appearance quality of life and

of course prevent the risk of chronic


adopt a diet rich in antioxidants

vitamins and minerals and you'll really

start feeling younger

here are 15 anti-aging foods you can

start with today

add these to your weekly diet and see

the benefits right away

please make sure you watch this video

till the very end because after talking

about the anti-aging foods we'll also

give you a list of foods that are known

to specifically reduce and prevent


before we proceed please note that

everything mentioned in this video is


fact checked and reviewed by qualified

health professionals with that said

let's jump in and talk about 15

anti-aging foods you can add to your

diet today

number one watercress

watercress is a leafy green rich in

nutrients and very hydrating it is high

in calcium potassium phosphorus

manganese and various vitamins

vitamins a and c in watercress are

powerful antioxidants that can

neutralize the harmful free radicals in

the body and fight against the damaging

effects of oxidative stress

watercress is especially good for your

skin as it features powerful antiseptic

capabilities increasing the circulation

of minerals at a cellular level this

results in a shining oxygenated skin you

can simply add watercress to your salads

at lunch and your skin will thank you

for it number two extra virgin olive oil

extra virgin oil is probably the

healthiest oil on planet earth it is a

powerful antioxidant that helps keep

free radicals at bay

reducing the damage caused by oxidative

stress furthermore research suggests

that a diet rich in olive oil can lower

the risk of chronic diseases such as

diabetes heart disease or even cancer

extra virgin oil is also rich in

monounsaturated fats studies show that

monounsaturated fats help your skin stay

young and elastic for longer extra

virgin oil is perfect for your salads or

as a dip however don't cook with it

number three red bell pepper red bell

peppers are packed with powerful

antioxidants called carotenoids

keratonoids are basically the plant

pigments that give the fruits and

vegetables their bright red yellow or

orange colors carotenoids are known for

their anti-inflammatory properties

besides studies show that they help

protect your skin from sun damage and

pollution moreover red bell peppers are

also rich in vitamin c which is a

collagen production booster

so add some red bell peppers to your

diet today and your skin will thank you

you can slice and dip them in your

hummus add them to your salads or stir

fry them

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number four green tea green tea is one

of the healthiest beverages on the

planet it is packed with lots of

antioxidants that can lower the risk of

heart disease help with your weight loss

and even protect against cancer as some

studies suggest green tea can also fight

against the free radicals in your body

that can damage your cells if they're

present in high levels

what makes green tea even more

impressive is the antioxidant called

polyphenol some studies suggest that

polyphenols can reduce the effects of

aging on your skin by neutralizing the

free radicals

so drink more green tea and enjoy the

powerful antioxidant properties in the

long term you'll also come to love the

taste of it number five papaya papaya is

a delicious superfood rich in vitamins

minerals and antioxidants it is

especially good for improving your skin

elasticity and fighting against those

free lines and wrinkles

papaya is also rich in calcium magnesium

phosphorus potassium vitamins a c

k e and b papaya also contains the

enzyme papain which is known as one of

nature's best anti-inflammatory

compounds so make sure you add this

fruit to your diet and also use products

containing papain they can help your

body shed dead skin cells leaving your

skin more elastic and glowing you can

eat papaya for breakfast or make a

papaya mask for the evening

number six fatty fish

fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fats that

boast a plethora of health benefits such

as fighting inflammation and lowering

the risk of heart diseases moreover the

omega-3 fatty acids have also been

linked to improved skin health thanks to

their anti-inflammatory qualities

salmon is probably one of the most

popular types of fatty fish and research

shows it is particularly good for your

skin health

salmon contains a carotenoid antioxidant

called astaxanthin this carotenoid gives

salmon its pink color

research associates astaxanthin with

improved skin elasticity and hydration

another important compound we should not

forget about is selenium fish is

generally rich in selenium which plays a

major role in dna synthesis

so add more fatty fish to your diet to

have a lasting glowing skin and reduce

inflammation in your body

number seven blueberries

blueberries are a powerhouse of vitamins

c and a as well as antioxidants

antioxidants are super important for

your skin and cells they reduce the sun

damage on your skin moreover they help

fight against the oxidative stress the

effects of pollution and other

inflammations in your body blueberries

are also beneficial for collagen

production so throw a bunch of these

delicious low sugar fruits into your

morning smoothie or oatmeal you'll love

them they are also great as midday


number eight dark chocolate dark

chocolate is a power food first of all

it contains lots of antioxidants that

help protect your skin from sun damage

and mellow out the aging process

dark chocolate also contains flavonoids

which are thought to lower the risk of

heart disease diabetes and cognitive

decline the main secret to chocolate

lies in its cocoa content always make

sure you eat dark chocolate that

contains at least 70 cocoa and very

little added sugar otherwise you won't

be able to reap all these health


number 9 broccoli broccoli is a

notorious anti-aging food rich in

vitamin c and k as well as powerhouse of

antioxidants fiber folate lutein and

calcium your body needs the vitamin c to

produce collagen the main protein that

gives your skin elasticity and strength

contrary to popular belief it is super

easy to add broccoli to your diet gently

steam them or eat them raw as a quick

snack in time you'll come to love them

we promise

number 10 flax seeds flax seeds contain

lignans which are a type of antioxidants

known to fight free radicals in the body

research suggests that lignans can also

lower the risk of developing chronic

disease in the long term

flax seeds are also rich in omega-3

fatty acids that help promote a healthy

and glowing skin

numerous studies have shown that women

who consumed flax seeds or oil for 12

weeks increase the hydration levels in

their skin

so add a tablespoon of flax seed to your

morning cereals you can sprinkle them

over your baked goodies or simply add

them to your salads smoothies or soups

you'll reap the anti-aging rewards in

the long term

number 11. spinach

spinach is a famous superfood packed

with lots of antioxidants that help

replenish the entire body

spinach is remarkable when it comes to

compounds lutein plant-based heme iron

magnesium and a plethora of vitamins

this leafy green has been made famous by

a tv cartoon and hasn't lost its

popularity ever since

spinach is high in vitamin c which helps

with collagen production keeping the

skin firm and smooth

what is more spinach is also rich in

vitamin a which promotes hair health

vitamin k is another vitamin you will

find in spinach and it helps reduce


you can add spinach to your smoothies

salads eat it saute it or even a spinach

chips use your imagination and eat

healthy it's not boring at all

number 12. pomegranates pomegranates are

rich in vitamin k fiber and potassium

they are also a powerhouse of

antioxidants flavonols tannins lignans

to name a few studies suggest that these

antioxidants found in pomegranates help

support skin health mellowing out the

aging process and decreasing the amount

of brown spots caused by the uv exposure

antioxidants also support collagen

production that directly influences skin


so instead of an unhealthy baked snack

how about a pomegranate their seeds and

juice are also great sources of


and remember antioxidants help you age


number 13 nuts

nuts are rich in vitamin e which helps

repair skin tissue and protects against

the damaging uv rays

walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids

and these can also work wonders for your


reinforcing the cell membranes and

giving your skin that superb natural


with nuts you have no excuse it is easy

to sprinkle them on top of your salads

or simply eat them as a snack on the go

number 14. avocados

avocados are just too good to be true

they might be mainstream but they're

like that for all the right reasons

first of all avocados are true

powerhouses of healthy fats fiber

vitamins and minerals

their high fat content helps support a

healthy skin while their antioxidants

contribute to fighting the free radicals

in the body

numerous studies have shown that

plant-based fats are highly beneficial

to skin health in older adults so add

more avocados to your diet and your skin

will thank you for it

number 15 sweet potatoes

sweet potatoes are so orange thanks to

an antioxidant called beta carotene

which is a precursor to vitamin a

vitamin a is responsible for restoring

skin elasticity ultimately contributing

to a smooth youthful skin

sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins

c and e always protecting your body from

the damaging effects of free radicals

how do you enjoy sweet potatoes you can

add them to your sandwiches and salads

even make sweet potato pancakes for


you can grill them until they are

lightly browned or simply fry them as a

snack moreover you can bake roast or

steam them use your imagination you'll

see you love them

on top of these 15 anti-aging foods you

should also drink a considerable amount

of water every day and keep active

move your muscles do sports or just walk

for 40 minutes every day you'll feel

better your skin will glow and age will

just be a number

enjoyed this video hit the like button

and subscribe to our channel for more

informative videos like this one thanks

for watching your wellness is our

mission you


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