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Why My Hot Glue Gun Is My Best Friend

Tip: It's Not for Crafting

By J.B. MillerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by @brandy28655

With all the crazy in my life, I don't have much time for crafts anymore. Unless it is a school-related project or one of those rare times I get the chance to do something creative with my daughter. However, this little glue gun is in constant use in my house. 

Why do you ask?

Because I have children, specifically, I have an eight-year-old daughter who loves all things girly, but at the same time is rough and tumble, a horsey girl and not afraid to get dirty. 

Everything breaks!

Like most girls her age, she ends up having more ribbons, flowers, and unicorn adorned objects than can fill a shop. When you spend a minimum of £2 each ($2.76 USD) for each one, it adds up. Unfortunately, the money tree I planted did not produce the fruit I had hoped for. 

With three kids, two of who have additional needs, money is often tight. I can not afford to replace every little thing that is broken within a day or so of purchase. I'm pretty sure every mom out there has been in my shoes. It doesn't help that when these little pieces of 'tat' break, the world ends in the spawn's eyes and mind. 

For Example:

photo by @brandy2865

I paid a pound for this. (1.76 USD) A couple of the roses fell off within a day or so. She was devastated. So, I pulled out the trusty glue gun, which I paid around £5 for (6.91 USD). It took minutes to glue them back on. 

The result was a delighted child and a fixed headband.

photo by @brandy28655

Additional Benefits

Not only does being able to wield a glue gun on nearly every object in the home make you a superhero in your kid's eyes, but it also has additional benefits. 

  • Teaches your child how to fix things
  • Teaches your child the value of both objects and money
  • saves you money
  • reduces waste
  • you can create or enhance new things with your child
  • The list goes on, but those are a few of my top ones. So, if you wondered why I love my glue gun so much, this is why. Yes, they are amazing for crafts, but their uses are endless. I've not found much you cant glue with a hot glue gun! 

    As an aside:

    Did you know that you can get different colours of glue to use for your glue gun? You can match up the glue to the colour you are using or even use the glue as a decoration itself. 

    I honestly can't get over the versatility of this little wonder tool. I have fixed everything from hair accessories to art projects, teddies, and clothes. Yes, clothes! They make some weird things for kids to wear, and there are times I refuse to sew something back on at the last minute before we need to be there wearing that specific top. But, that bell, button or bow can be glued on until later! 

    Remember, no matter how tempting it is, especially with chatty little girls, glue guns are never to be used to seal those little mouths shut, no matter how tempting. (LOL) However, on a serious note, glue guns do get hot, so do not let children use them unsupervised and be careful using them yourself. I've been burned a few times. Also, a piece of paper underneath them is a bonus piece of advice. They do drip a little, so the paper will catch the melted glue. 

    Think of it as a life hack! And, of course, I would not leave you without a photo of the child wearing the headband. As I said, she's horsey, so most pictures include horses.

    photo by @brandy28655


    About the Creator

    J.B. Miller

    Wife, Mother, student, writer and so much more. Life is my passion, writing is my addiction. You can find me on Linkedin at

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