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Why It Is Good to Plant Lavender in the Yard

Do you enjoy lavender perfume?

By Jessica AngryskyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Why It Is Good to Plant Lavender in the Yard
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Lavender is a plant of Mediterranean origin, which has a sublime scent and extraordinary properties. It has multiple uses and is most often used for aromatherapy or in the cosmetics industry.

Many people keep lavender in the house, either in the form of twigs or directly in pots, but you should know that this is an outdoor plant, so it is best to plant it in the yard, if you live at home or even in front of the block, in a place where the sun penetrates.

It has a gorgeous color, an intense purple, and can very well complement the landscape of your garden. Lavender has an inviting and relaxing scent.

If you plant it in your garden, you will be pampered every day. In addition, insects do not tolerate their smell, so you will be able to keep mosquitoes away during the hot season.

It is also very easy to maintain. During flowering, the flower stalks are cut, which can be dried, but the flowers do not lose their color even after drying.

The lavender scent lasts up to 12 months, until the end of summer when it can be harvested again. For planting, you should avoid sandy, calcareous or clayey soil.

It adapts to any garden soil, and after rooting, withstands drought well. Remember to water it regularly, that is 2.3 times a week.

Uses of lavender

It has a calming effect, both visually and due to its fragrance, being used for various household products, such as soaps, air fresheners, detergents, or antifouling solutions.

There are also many cosmetic products with an extract from this plant, which help to relax the muscles and, in the case of tea, to relieve the effects of stress and get a peaceful sleep.

There are a lot of people who keep the twigs in the closet, in a bag to keep the moths away, and for the clothes to get a fresh smell.

Lavender flowers are also used in the preparation of infusions or you can make an essence, which you can use when taking a relaxing bath or for aromatherapy.

The oil can be applied directly to the wrist, before bed, to get quality sleep.

This plant has multiple uses in the kitchen. It can be used in the preparation of various salted sauces for beef or fish or the preparation of soft drinks, with or without alcohol.

There is also lavender honey, which is considered one of the best and healthiest varieties on the market, but also the one infused with this plant, which is obtained by heating it with flowers, thus acquiring a special aroma and a pleasant aroma.

Top 10 usage tips:

To keep mosquitos away: Add 10–12 drops of lavender oil in 250 ml of water. Put the liquid in a sprayer and spray.

Perfume: Put a drop of lavender oil behind each ear, at the wrists, and the base of the neck. You will have a special, pleasant, and discreet smell all day long.

Bathroom: Put a few drops of lavender oil in the tub with warm water. Get in the water and relax. You can put the drops under the water jet to quickly spread the pleasant smell.

Fresh laundry: Put a few drops of lavender oil on a towel and wash it. The clothes in the washing machine tub will "borrow" the special smell of lavender.

Muscle aches: Add a few drops of lavender oil to the cream you use to get rid of muscle aches. Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a deodorant: You can make a natural antiperspirant from baking soda in which you put lavender oil.

For floral arrangements: Lavender flowers are very beautiful. You can keep in your house the bouquets that will add color to your house, but also a pleasant ambient smell.

For aromatherapy: Dry lavender flowers and put them in bowls or baskets all over the house. From time to time, turn them from side to side to have a pleasant smell in the room. You can also put lavender in clothes, in the drawer with socks or underwear.

For tea and chocolate: Lavender has begun to be used for tea, chocolate, cakes, menthol candy, and more.

For headache: Apply lavender oil on the temples, massage lightly, and you will feel the headache go away.


About the Creator

Jessica Angrysky

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