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Why airports have so many Mirrors

Exploring the Purpose and Benefits of Mirrors in Airports

By Divine DawnPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why airports have so many Mirrors
Photo by Lucia Otero on Unsplash

If you have ever been to an airport, you may have noticed that there are mirrors everywhere - from the bathroom to the terminal, and even at the security checkpoints. At first glance, it may seem unnecessary or even excessive, but there are actually good reasons for airports to have so many mirrors.

In this article, we will explore the various reasons why airports have so many mirrors and how they serve different purposes. We will also discuss some of the benefits of having mirrors in airports, and the impact they have on passengers' experiences.

Reasons Why Airports Have So Many Mirrors

Enhance Security:

One of the main reasons why airports have so many mirrors is to enhance security. Security personnel use mirrors to monitor the areas that are not directly visible to them. For instance, mirrors are used to inspect the undercarriage of vehicles, search for hidden objects, and check for any suspicious activities. Additionally, mirrors are used at security checkpoints to help passengers check their own appearance and to detect any hidden items they may have on their person.

Create a Sense of Spaciousness:

Another reason why airports have so many mirrors is to create a sense of spaciousness. Airports are often large, busy spaces, and mirrors can help to create the illusion of a larger area. By reflecting the light and space in the airport, mirrors can help to make the area feel more open and inviting.

Help Passengers Navigate:

Mirrors can also be used to help passengers navigate through the airport. By strategically placing mirrors in certain areas, airports can provide passengers with a better understanding of their surroundings. For instance, mirrors placed at the end of a long hallway can help passengers see if anyone is coming from the opposite direction, and mirrors in elevators can help passengers see which floor they are on.

Provide a Convenient Way to Check Appearance:

Airports can be stressful places, and passengers often want to look their best before boarding their flights. Mirrors are a convenient way for passengers to check their appearance before they board their flights. By providing mirrors in the bathrooms and throughout the airport, passengers can quickly check their hair, makeup, and clothing before they board their flights.

Benefits of Having Mirrors in Airports

Improved Security:

As mentioned earlier, mirrors are an important tool for enhancing security in airports. By providing security personnel with a better view of their surroundings, mirrors can help to prevent potential threats and keep passengers safe.

Enhanced Passenger Experience:

Mirrors can also enhance passengers' experiences at the airport. By providing a sense of spaciousness and helping passengers navigate through the airport, mirrors can make the airport experience less stressful and more enjoyable for passengers.

Improved Efficiency:

Mirrors can also improve the efficiency of airport operations. For instance, mirrors can help security personnel detect potential threats more quickly, and mirrors in elevators can help passengers find their way to their destinations more efficiently.

While mirrors in airports serve several purposes and have numerous benefits, there are some factors to consider as well. One of the challenges of having mirrors in airports is maintenance. With thousands of people passing through airports daily, mirrors can become dirty and smudged quickly. Keeping mirrors clean and in good condition requires regular maintenance and cleaning, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Another factor to consider is the potential for mirrors to create privacy concerns. While mirrors can be helpful for security purposes, they can also make passengers feel uncomfortable if they believe they are being watched or monitored. To address this concern, airports must ensure that the use of mirrors is transparent and clearly communicated to passengers.

Finally, airports must also consider the impact of mirrors on passengers with visual impairments. While mirrors can be helpful for many passengers, they may not be accessible to those with visual impairments. Airports must ensure that they provide alternative methods for passengers with visual impairments to navigate through the airport and access the services they need.


In conclusion, mirrors play a vital role in airports by enhancing security, creating a sense of spaciousness, helping passengers navigate, and providing a convenient way for passengers to check their appearance. They also offer numerous benefits, including improved security, enhanced passenger experience, and improved efficiency. However, airports must also consider the challenges and potential privacy concerns associated with mirrors, as well as the needs of passengers with visual impairments. By carefully considering these factors, airports can maximize the benefits of mirrors while minimizing the potential challenges and concerns associated with them.


About the Creator

Divine Dawn

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