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What is wisdom and reality?

It comes out at the age of fourteen to thirty years or even sixty years, or it does not come out at all. Despite its name, the arrival of wisdom teeth is hardly a reason for happiness. It is also called the third permanent molar.

By MUHAMMAD ALAMPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
What is wisdom and reality?
Photo by Enis Yavuz on Unsplash

It comes out at the age of fourteen to thirty years or even sixty years or it doesn't come out at all

Despite its name, the appearance of wisdom teeth is hardly a cause for joy. It is also called the third permanent molar. Most wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 14 and 30. However, in some cases, wisdom teeth appear at the age of 60. I also come out.

Or it doesn't come out at all. Since this growth, the back molars start growing so late, unlike the 28 other teeth that surround the space in the mouth, that's why it's called wisdom teeth.


Sometimes the wisdom tooth starts to feel painful or pus forms in it or the material starts to discharge, then it becomes necessary to extract it.

Sometimes wisdom teeth grow inside the jawbone, but they are unable to come out in the mouth. The doctor of the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, says that one of the reasons for this is the lack of space in the mouth. A molar sometimes begins to grow in such a way that the front molar prevents it from being prominent or protruding from the gum line.

A molar in such a situation is called an impacted molar.

Eruption of molars

Eruption of wisdom teeth rarely causes problems. However, a little discomfort or pain is not unusual as the newly erupted molar is busy making room for its counterpart. During the eruption phase, the surrounding tissues There may be swelling, irritation, or infection, resulting in pus.

But this pain or suffering is of short duration and it is considered as a dental problem. A dentist advises that "if gargling with salt water does not reduce the swelling or irritation in a few days. Then the patient should see the doctor. Only a dentist can treat the inflammation and/or infection as needed.

Wisdom teeth should be removed or not

In the past, most of the dentists (orthodontists) recommended immediate extraction of wisdom teeth stuck in the jawbone.

However, in this era, dentists believe that the wisdom that could not come out of the molar gum or the air trapped in the jawbone is not necessary, and it cannot be called wisdom because this kind of wisdom. A molar can also be lifted and moved into its correct position. According to Dr. Stephen J. Moss, professor and chairman of the Department of Dentistry for Children at New York University College of Dentistry, wisdom teeth can actually play an important role. Is .

For example, when a tooth needs to be extracted that is decayed or infected with worms. "If a dentist insists on extracting your wisdom teeth," says Singapore General Hospital's Director of Dental Aids Administration and Training. Even so, you should not hesitate to consult a third or even fourth dentist.

"Of course, all these wisdom teeth should be removed if they become impractical to maintain due to rotting, infection, etc. When an impacted (Impcated) wisdom tooth is connected to its equivalent molar, then the possible infection damages both molars. The most common and most problematic are called impacted molars. These are those in the lower jaw and are larger than the upper molars.

Lower impacted wisdom teeth are very difficult to extract because they cannot be pulled as easily as upper impacted wisdom teeth. However, this can be done by a dentist under local anesthesia. Only difficult molars or Nervous patients may require an oral surgeon under general anesthetic to extract molars. If lower impacted molars need to be extracted, then the dentist may also suggest extraction of upper molars because if the upper molars are not extracted, If it goes, then it will come out more than the natural level (due to the absence of lower molars, it will not be available as a barrier and support) because of this, problems may arise for the lower gums.

Precautions after molar extraction

After removing the molars, it is important to be careful not to injure the dental nerve (vein) which passes very close to the roots of the molars and teeth. It heals in a day and it is normal that swelling may occur after the extraction of the molar. Prescribing painkillers (pain reliever) drugs can easily limit the pain and the patient can avoid any kind of infection. A course of antibiotics can be taken to prevent it.


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