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What Do You Get Out of Dental Implants?

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of dental implants

By Same Day dental implants clinicPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
dental implants in Dubai

The trend of dental implants goes way back to Egyptian mummies, who were found with gold wire implants in their jawbones. And due to advanced dental treatment options and fluoridation, most of the adults under 50 are in less danger of losing teeth than their predecessors.

For an instant-ready smile, you cannot go wrong with dental implants. They look and feel like real and regular teeth. And if you decide to get them, make sure that you do your due diligence.

Look upon the internet for an estimated dental implant cost in Dubai to get an idea.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of dental implants:

1. Ideal Alternative for Missing Tooth/Teeth

Dental implants are the best solution for tooth loss. They are highly effective for winning back your natural smile. Whoever experience tooth loss can get dental implants.

2. Closest Thing to Real & Natural Tooth

This is the reality. Dental implants feel, function, and look like natural teeth. And presently, there is no other dental treatment that comes close to a dental implant. One can easily eat, smile, and talk with dental implants. They not only appear as real; they feel like natural teeth as well.

3. Durable & Lasting

Dental implants are the most permanent solution you can get. They are made of titanium and attached directly to your jawbone. This serves as a solid foundation that mimics a tooth root for holding the natural-looking porcelain crowns in place. And due to this, they are quite stable.

You can expect them to be as durable as your natural teeth. And if you take care of your implants with regular cleaning and dentist visits, dental implants are known to last for decades even.

4. Boost Confidence & Self-Image

Missing teeth makes one feel shy and uncomfortable with giving a wide smile. This also shatters confidence. However, dental implants restore your confidence to smile widely. And when you get your confidence back, it positively impacts all areas of your life, be it personal, social, or professional life.

Although dentures are helpful too, there is the fear of them getting loose and falling out of place. Dental implants assist in securing the dentures that give you both comfort and confidence to smile with ease.

5. Improves Bone and Facial Features

Dental implants assist in restoring the jawbone structure by reducing the strain on the remaining oral structure and preserve natural tissue while reducing bone resorption.

6. Protection & Preservation of Jawbone

A missing tooth/teeth are bad for jawbone health. Bones require a constant stimulus to remain healthy and strong. Your jawbone does not get this from normal biting or chewing either. This leads to degradation of surrounding bone and loss of jawbone height. And in the first year alone, 25% of bone is lost.

Failure to take timely action could lead to numerous issues. However, dental implants solve this problem. With time, they fuse with the jawbone like a natural tooth that preserves the jawbone, reduces bone resorption, and allows for healthy stimulation. Also, implants let you chew your food and speak more clearly.

Apart from implants, you could also opt for dental veneers in Dubai. They can be a good solution for resolving a chipped, worn out, or stained tooth.


About the Creator

Same Day dental implants clinic

SameDay Dental Implants in Dubai is the clinic in the Middle East offering the ‘‘same day dental implant ’’ service.

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    Same Day dental implants clinicWritten by Same Day dental implants clinic

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