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What can't you eat on a keto diet?

10 Foods To Avoid On A Keto Diet

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

If you're starting a keto diet and want to stick to it, there are some essential foods that you need to avoid or at least minimize your consumption.

These foods will increase your carb intake and prevent your body from ketosis. Common foods best avoided on a keto diet include white bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and fruit. If you're having trouble remembering what kinds of food are keto-friendly and which ones aren't,

check out the following list of 10 foods to avoid on a keto diet.

1) Grains

These include whole grains and refined grains, such as flour, bread, and pasta.

While it's best to avoid carbohydrates wherever possible, whole grains do have some health benefits and can be a smart choice in small amounts.

Refined grains are less healthy because they lack fiber and other nutrients.

If you eat these foods, choose healthier options like whole-grain bread over white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, wild rice instead of regular rice, or quinoa instead of couscous.

2) Sugar

The average American consumes nearly 20 teaspoons of sugar a day.

The vast majority of it is ingested in drinks like soda and juice, but you may also find it hidden in products like soy sauce, tomato sauce, and salad dressing.

With all that sugar going down your throat daily, it's no wonder obesity rates are climbing (source).

Naturally-occurring sugars are better than added sugars because they come packaged with nutrients and help keep you full longer; your body doesn't produce an insulin response when you consume natural sugars.

3) Beans

While some dairy is good for you, too much can pack on extra fat.

It's important to remember that dairy products are loaded with saturated fats and calcium.

Cutting back on your consumption of these things is essential if you're losing weight on a keto diet.

To ensure you stay below 30 grams of carbs per day, cut out any higher-carb forms of dairy (except butter and ghee) from your meals and snacks.

Dairy includes yogurt, cheese, milk, sour cream, and other popular keto foods like bulletproof coffee or coco pops. And then, of course, there are always vegan options that are non-dairy and completely keto-friendly.

4) Starchy Vegetables

Though many vegetables can be eaten in a keto diet, some should be avoided.

High-carb veggies like potatoes, corn, and peas will be eliminated from your menu because they're too starchy.

It would help if you also steered clear of most beans and legumes — here's why.

These veggies contain anti-nutrients like phytates that can block mineral absorption in your body.

So if you're following a ketogenic diet plan, make sure these food groups are not part of your regular meals, as they will hamper any weight loss efforts you may want to make later on.

5) Milk and Dairy Products

Milk is one of several dairy products that should be avoided on a keto diet.

There's no getting around it—milk products are loaded with carbs.

Just one cup of milk contains over 12 grams of carbs, which isn't ideal for those looking to live a low-carb lifestyle.

Aside from the apparent lactose intolerance reasons, there are other reasons why too much dairy can be harmful.

Dairy protein is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer in men.

Furthermore, research has shown that consuming dairy products increases both stress hormones and inflammation (so not ideal if you already have an unhealthy gut).

Stress can lead to weight gain, and inflammation makes it difficult for your body to lose fat.

6) Fruits

While low-carb diets are generally healthy for most people, fruits and other sugary foods should be avoided.

Fruits are high in carbohydrates, putting your body out of ketosis. Other fruits to avoid include berries (raspberries and blackberries), mangoes, oranges, and bananas.

Strawberries are another example of fruit that should be limited or avoided on a keto diet.

7) Legumes

Legumes include any edible seeds that grow in pods.

Beans, peas, and lentils are all considered legumes. Technically speaking, peanuts aren't nuts at all—they're legumes.

The problem with most legumes is that they contain starch that can be difficult to digest and block other nutrients absorbed by your body.

Plus, they're rich in lectins and phytates, which can cause digestive distress. Keep these plant-based foods to a minimum when following a keto diet.

8) Processed Meats

Even if you're trying to lose weight, it's essential to ensure that you are still eating a balanced diet.

Certain fats, particularly saturated and trans fats, have contributed to cardiovascular disease.

Unhealthy fats include trans fat (found in processed foods) and saturated fat (found in red meat and high-fat dairy products).

Instead of eating high-fat dairy, opt for low- or non-fat versions.

Try out keto recipe substitutes like almond milk, coconut milk, or coconut oil.

If you prefer cow's milk over other alternatives, look for 2% or 1% options instead of whole milk and cream.

9) Added Sugars And Sweeteners

Added sugars are any form of sugar added to foods or beverages during preparation or at serving time.

This includes white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, granulated sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fruit juice concentrates, and any other ingredient containing added sugars.

Although natural sweeteners such as honey and pure maple syrup are not typically considered added sugars—they contain nutrients that can't be found in refined table sugar—it's still important to limit them because they too can cause negative health effects.

Your best bet is to consume only whole foods with little added sweetness; some fruits also fall into this category because they're eaten whole.

10) Unhealthy Fats

Research has shown that consuming a diet high in saturated fats leads to heart disease, which is why keto diets are designed to emphasize lowering fat intake.

Because of their high-fat content, processed meats like hot dogs and pepperoni pizza fall into the unhealthy category for people who adhere to keto diets.

These foods are not only extremely high in saturated fats, but they're also loaded with nitrates and preservatives that aren't good for your health.

Even if you don't follow a strict low-carb diet—such as keto—you can still benefit from choosing more nutritious options.

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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