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Vocab Studying Games: Vocab Games That Help Pass The Time

Vocab games are suitable when there is no energy left for active games. Here is a collection of ideas for word games, to participate in which you just need to be in the company and have a good mood.

By Cool KidsPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Vocab Studying Games: Vocab Games That Help Pass The Time
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

We have all played the word game at some point on a hike, on a picnic, on a trip, or at home with the lights off. The main advantage of word games is that they do not need special props, and you can play at any age. Both adults and children are always happy to be involved in the process, because the main task of the games is to entertain and relax, and the competitive element perfectly motivates and even inspires. Now we are vocab review games.

What Are The Benefits Of Vocab Games For Children?

In pedagogy, word games are classified as teaching games. Such activity stimulates many cognitive processes that the player does not even think about: activates attention, different types of thinking trains memory. Also, there is no emphasis on visual perception, so imagination and perception channels work well.

Vocab Games Ideas

These vocabulary games require at least three players, but the more players the more fun.


The presenter makes a word and calls its first letter (for example, "l"): now his task is not to reveal this word for as long as possible. To voice their guesses, participants must first establish a "contact" between themselves.

This is done as follows: one of the players comes up with a word for any letter, for example, "a" and tries to give a hint to the others. For example: "This animal has 4 legs" If the other player understands what the word is, they say "Contact" and both call the word at the same time. If one said "alpaca" and the other "antelope", the contact did not happen. If the host guessed and called the word earlier, the players came up with other words to try to establish "contact" again. But if the same word was pronounced – "alpaca" - then the moderator reveals the second letter to the participants. Now the players know that the host's word begins with " al...", and come up with variants of words that begin the same way.


The first player calls the word and the next-the association on it. You can play together or in a large company. Example of an associative chain: cow-meadow-grass-grasshopper-song-note-notebook-school, etc. In addition to the development of imagination, the advantage of the game is that these associations can be used to understand hidden thoughts or catch the experiences and anxieties of children. These vocab studying games help children in learning the word and increase their vocabulary level.

There is another version of vocab studying games, when all the players, except for the host, unnoticed by him agree on which person from the company made a wish. Then the host asks what they associate this player with (for example, with what food, with what part of the body, with what song) and tries to guess who was guessed from the voiced associations.

Vocab games for middle school

By Siora Photography on Unsplash

For such vocab games in high school you need at least three players, but the more, the more fun.

Yes - No

One player comes up with a word, and the other participants ask questions to which the host can only answer «yes »or «no ». You can play until the word is guessed, or set a time limit. To facilitate the task, you can limit the range of selected words to one topic (characters and personalities; inanimate objects), or before the start of the round, voice the topic of the hidden word ("this is edible"). In such middle school vocab games, there are more complex word and combination games.

Tongue Twisters

The host invites the players to measure their strength in tongue twisters; he distributes cards to everyone, on which one tongue twister is printed. Then he calls the contestants. First, each of the players reads the words of the text slowly and loudly, so that its meaning is clear to everyone, after which, at the command of the host, he pronounces a pattern at a fast pace.

The winner is the one who did not blurt out a word and did not make a single mistake.

This vocab game in middle school is perfect for getting to know your friends better and having a great time.

Vocab games for high school

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash


The moderator gives the players the roles they will perform during the game

You can create the roles yourself. For example Male, 48 years old. Professor-physicist. Highly educated, versed in electronics and construction. Has heart problems.

Student, 19 years old. He is studying at the University of Physical Education, majoring in athletics. Despite her attractiveness and sociability, apart from her achievements in sports, she has nothing to boast about. Expecting a baby.

You have to choose who should leave the bunker, given the importance of finding a particular character in a protected bunker. Find convincing evidence in defense of your hero, so as not to fly out of the game. The oxygen supply will only last for 10-15 minutes."

The number of players to be excluded depends on how many people are playing and is chosen by the host. Most often, it is 2-3 people.

Players have 15 minutes to make a decision. If no decision has been made after the allotted time, all players are considered losers. If desired, the game scenario can be changed and supplemented.

Fun vocab games

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash


The driver is selected, who asks everyone, in turn, a variety of questions. The task of the players is to give the same answer: "sausage" or similar words. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who can fully cope with his emotions and will not succumb to the provocations of the host. Laughter during the game is guaranteed!


A fun outdoor game for kids. The host calls the participants the words that indicate the names of the items, and the players need to find this item as quickly as possible and hand it to the host. The difficulty lies in the fact that the presenter calls all the subjects "backwards".

Vocab games for the classroom

By Edz Norton on Unsplash

I'm Taking a Hike with Me…

At the beginning of the game, you need to choose a host. This person must come up with a principle by which he will take others with him on a hike. For example, those who name objects with a specific letter, or those whose words consist of five letters.

Then the players take turns saying the phrase "I'm taking a hike with me..." and naming the item. If it fits the hidden principle, then the host answers: "Yes, and you're going camping with me." If the word does not fit, "No, you're not going camping with me.

Thematic Words

The rules of the game are extremely simple. You and the other participants need to come up with a topic on which you will call the words. For example, "school". Then all the participants in the circle should name the nouns that relate to the main topic. If one of the participants thinks for more than five seconds or repeats a word that has already been said — he is eliminated. The winner is the last one left. When the round is over, you can start a new one on a different topic until one of the participants wins, for example, three times.

These vocab games for the classroom are suitable for having fun with your friends and at the same time mentally exercise.

For me, vocab games are a huge find. You can play them anytime, anywhere. These are versatile and fast games that do not require any training. At the same time, games with words carry a huge potential – they help to develop coherent speech and replenish the vocabulary, train memory, attention, and reaction speed.


"Various Vocab Games for Children and Adults" on

"18 Fun Vocabulary Games for Adults and Kids" on

"ESL Kids Games & Activities" on

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