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Vitamin A - Stretch Marks Solution?

Retin A or Tretinoin as it is more widely known, is a fully prescription-strength treatment for stretch marks. Tretinoin is, by far, the most commonly used treatment for this particular skin condition...

By SHYAM PHADPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Vitamin A - Stretch Marks Solution?
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Vitamin A or Tretinoin as it is more widely known, is a fully prescription-strength treatment for stretch marks. Tretinoin is, by far, the most commonly used treatment for this particular skin condition. As a stretch marks solution, it has a number of benefits over other treatments and it is able to deliver these benefits in a way that does not damage the skin.

How Long Do the Effects Last?

The effects of Retin A usually last for about six months, though it can sometimes last for a whole year. This is simply because Retin A works by enabling the skin to produce collagen.

Collagen is a chemical that is vital to the skin and is responsible for its elasticity. Elasticity is what makes the skin stretchy, andResnuthening can make the skin more elastic.

How Does Retin A Work?

Retin A is, literally, a retinoid and a derivative of retinol. It works by penetrating the top layer of skin, or the epidermis, and penetrating deep into the dermis layer of skin.

It is this deep penetration that makes it such a powerful stretch marks solution. It also works to generate collagen growth and helps to repair the damage that the stretch marks cause to the skin.

Benefits of Retin A

The benefits of Retin A can help to reduce the appearance of the skin blemishes caused by the condition, as well as the effects of aging on the skin. These include the following:

How Does Retin A Work?

In how does Retin A work, it is through stimulating a retinoic acid production within the dermis layer of the skin. Retinoic acid is a metabolite produced by glands in the skin that are included in a process called "photoestination".

This process helps to standardize the production of collagen in the dermis layer of the skin. Increased collagen production makes the skin appear fuller and firmer in appearance. Because Retin A penetrates the skin, it is able to help regenerate and heal the skin that is lost from the stretch marks.

Are There Side Effects to the Treatment?

There are no known side effects to the use of Retin A as a stretch marks solution. The only side effects that may occur are mild ones, which usually occur in color and are temporary.

After discontinued treatment, the skins response to sunlight is generally good. If Retin A is used for a long period of time, there may be some thinning of the skin that may occur.

If you use Retin A for a long period of time, you may also experience a mild to moderate sunburn like sensation.

Retin A for Stretch Mark Treatment

There are a number of treatment options available for combating stretch marks with varying degrees of success.

1. duplex laser therapy

duplex laser therapy uses a combination of infrared and pulsed light technology to improve the skin's collagen support and splendor.

pulsed light therapy works by causing selective heating of dilated blood vessels just below the skin. This causes a magnitude of expansion of the vascular (structure) below the skin, creating microcirculation and enhancing the coagulation.

The treatment also causes a significant rise in the skin's thickness. Unfortunately, with adults the imperfections of the skin around the pubic region are too prominent, causing a poor cosmetic appearance.

During the treatment the dermatologist uses a hand piece to provide concentrated ultrasound energy to the affected region, heating the skin and penetrating it to help improve the microcirculation. After the procedure a coolant is applied to reduce any heat.

There may be some slight burning or discomfort in the treated area, but this is usually easily addressed 10 minutes after the treatment.

2. Chemical Peels

This method uses a chemical solution to help improve and smooth the skin's appearance. The chemical solution is applied to the skin for a certain period of time, and then is removed. The body renews itself and the new skin is blemish free and smoother.

This is an effective treatment for early stage acne, pimples and acne scars. It is not as effective on "pale" stretch marks.

3. Microdermabrasion

In this technique resurfacing techniques (mesotherapy) are used to create a fresh layer of skin. This is more effective on ice pick scars and marks that are recent. The process basically consists of using a hand-held device with a vacuum attached to it. The device releases a stream of abrasive cleansers that abrade the skin's surface.

This process may sound like it hurts a lot, but is actually very comfortable. cautiously, do not use this procedure on deep scars, and consult a dermatologist before using this.


About the Creator


I am Shyam Phad. I am the founder of The Financial Diary , and I love to write about business and finance.

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