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Top 10 Reasons You Could Be Stupid

Benefits Of Your Shadow

By Josephat ShikukuPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Top 10 Reasons You Could Be Stupid
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Everyone wants to be wise, but we do stupid things when making wise decisions was another free option. I got a question. Who says you are wise and not stupid? Do you think if you admitted that you were stupid we would count you as wise? Hehe! I either don’t know. But let’s first look at:

Who Is a Stupid Person?

I searched the meaning of ‘stupid’ and found out it has no other meaning than its opposite. I mean, you cannot mention ‘stupid’ and forget about ‘wise’. These two words relate, they are like your body and the shadow.

Let’s name the body ‘Wise’ and ‘Stupid’ be the shadow.

When was the last time you relied on your shadow? How much can you gain from your own shadow? Nothing, right?

Benefits Of Your shadow

  • · It’s evidence that you are still alive.
  • · You can use your shadow for footwork exercise.
  • · Or, you can find your true self shape by facing the different sides of your shadow, and
  • · There’s what we call the shadow boxing; is that stupidity or a fun sport? I would rather be a player in such games than a fan.

Hello! Did I get you lost? We were to find out the meaning of a stupid person. He’s one who depends on his or her own shadow to locate the sun at night.

Who is a wise person?

Many will characterize a wise person as one full of wisdom. A person, clear in understanding, keen to discern, and sound judgment. It’s true!

Once upon a time, there was a Grade 1 teacher. Look at the classroom below.

Teacher: Who is a wise person?

James: Solomon.

Teacher: That’s a good trial, but, I wanted the meaning of ‘a wise person’ not a wise person himself.

Cindy: A wise person knows everything…uh! I mean, kind of a genius!

Teacher: Mm! That’s a correct one but not the real meaning. Before I explain to you; James, why did you mention Solomon?

James: I thought he was wise. But, if he was that genius… I mean in our Sunday school; we learn that Solomon had fenced his vineyard to guard against foxes from destroying the vines. Yet still, young foxes could enter the yard and ruin the plants. He could not stop the small foxes. And also, Solomon wanted to cut a child into two pieces to give one piece to each mother. How could he be such stupid, what if both women agreed to slaughter the child…?

Before James finished talking, the bell rang, the class was over. They were to meet the next lesson.

What do you learn from the above conversation; in fact, your homework is: What’s your take on wisdom versus stupidity?

Reasons a Person Could Be Stupid

I know you don’t want to be called stupid, not me either. But anyone can be absent-minded, confident, obsessed with some stuff, or ignorant in life. I connect such qualities to some stupidity. Let’s look at them one by one.

Obsessive behavior

From a positive angle, obsession is passion, yes, the uncontrolled passion for something. Obsessive behavior leads to a lack of self-control.

Do you know the consequences of poor self-control? For instance, drunkards, they’re indiscipline. Aren’t they?

It’s difficult to set up yourself with poor self-control. If you fail to plan, solve a problem, make the right decisions, and avoid things we will later regret, it’s another class of foolishness. You cannot immediately respond to every sudden desire as it arises. Giving in to any temptations is what we call obsession and you may end up being ridiculous.

Obsessive Behaviors That Could Be Silly

Before we look at some stupid behaviors, it’s good to take note that some of these behaviors could result from psychological problems. However, some are nearly trivial obsessions you can avoid.

Here are some silly behaviors. Check and see if they are avoidable.

  • · Counting the alphabet to confirm whether they are really 26.
  • · Or, one can repeatedly recite some musical lyrics either in mind or loudly.
  • · Checking your neighbor’s car to see if they have not hit or assaulted someone.
  • · Others are the type of repeating things. Talk of tasting the soup 3 times to see if it’s well cooked why? Because ‘3’ is a lucky number.
  • · Questioning yourself whether you might have ill-treated someone.
  • · You every time arrange objects to make sure they are in a specific order.
  • · Regularly consulting with your doctor, friends, or family members to confirm whether you are okay.
  • · You repeatedly check to make sure that switches, water taps, and other appliances are turned off, and that doors and windows locked.
  • · A person may excessively do the cleaning. You take so much time than normal washing or bathing.

The key is to understand that obsessions involve our feelings and thoughts that may seem to take over our minds. The question is how do you avoid that urge? Always avoid circumstances where you know you will challenge temptations.

Confident but Ignorant People

A confident person has a strong feeling, faith, or belief to act in a proper or right manner.

You can be confident in someone, this means you are certain that he or she is reliable and whatever they will do is proper.

While an ignorant person lacks knowledge, education, or awareness. These kinds of people are clueless and unfamiliar; they are just innocent.

Imagine what happens if we combine ignorance with confidence. It’s like punching your enemy on Facebook by pressing a ‘poke’ button.

A vision to fly like an eagle is a valid dream, but if you are planning to fly without wings then you already own the Guinness World Record.

The study shows, taking risky acts for which you don’t have the skills, say a thief stealing tracking devices thinking they are mobile phones. This is a high level of foolishness.

The Being Absent-minded

Absent-mindedness is a state of being impractical. It’s the condition of being in deep lonely thoughts in that you become unaware of your surroundings.

In a simpler definition, it’s a condition of being present with your mind absent. Your mind becomes preoccupied that you pay no attention to your surroundings.

Failures of attention can cause mere or serious inconveniences in life.

  • · Sometimes, you can even embarrass yourself.
  • · Have you ever pulled a cup of coffee towards your mouth only to realize the coffee was no more? Oh your God! You lost your mind after you emptied your cup!
  • · You may cause accidents, oh no! Maybe you were driving, you could even miss a familiar turnoff on the highway because you were absent-minded.

Top 10 Reasons You Could Be stupid

The following list of activities that have sentiments of stupidity. Go through it, I have saved the silliest at the end.

10. My town is smaller than the US

But I know much about Donald (and his) Trump than my municipal council president (who’s related to me). If you even don’t know the name of the town’s mayor, you are not stupid, but that’s stupidity.

9. Please! It’s hard to fake a smile, don’t do it.

You don’t believe me, then ask your friend how your mouth (especially the corners) changes its shape when you pretend to smile. What do you want me to explain further?

8. I forgot my ‘polite’

It’s stupid enough not to remember these words; forgive me, thank you, I’m sorry…

I’m sure when you click here, you will have learned to carry your manners next time we meet.

7. Listen a lot but share less

Listen less and share a lot, and we will call you stupid.

To share too much about ourselves is not wise.

There was this guy in a meeting. He could not control himself to crow how he wore shoes imported from India. Alas, he was not aware that some members were in shoes they had bought in India. Let me repeat myself, some people in that meeting traveled to India to buy the shoes, unlike this guy who waited for the shoes to be imported.

Always be humble and genuine, give others a chance to talk first.

6. Why are some people so solemn?

It’s annoying to deal with too serious people. Isn’t it?

Tip: If you want to be productive at work, develop some sense of humor. Laugh, smile, it’s healthy. How?

5. My friend and another opposite sex

You didn’t get that right. I meant; the relationship jealousy.

Many people get selfish in relationships. They don’t want to see their partner hang out with the opposite sex.

It’s kind of stupid to think if your partner walked with a member of the opposite sex, they might go coo.

You don’t have to get crazy about your partner. My high school teacher used to say, “Your sin will find you out.”

If your partner is dishonest, give them time, their fake love will soon come out.

4. Why get in debt to please others?

Honestly, this affects most men. Read the stupid things men do to please women.

3. Blame game

It’s a game only played by fools. Instead, sit down and find solutions to the problem that has occurred.

2. Bragging

It’s tempting to show off our achievements when we meet people?

Learn to resist that urge. If you think no one is smarter than you in that room, then you’re in the wrong room.

1. Don’t think I forgot the gossip about celebrities and your favorite football team. Why invest in such entertainments? Maybe you have your own reasons, you can leave a comment; does a celeb’s life positively impact yours.


The only thing that differentiates human beings from animals is the ability to control our emotions, impulses, and behaviors to carry out our long-term goals.

Would you give your thought on when we ought to consider people stupid? Should we base stupidity on their day-to-day actions or after some psychological investigations?


About the Creator

Josephat Shikuku

Josephat is a freelance writer, an early formative years teacher, a songwriter, a singer, and a father. He believes that life is fair

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