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Today: Astrological prediction for June 20, 2023

Daily horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Leo, Virgo, and other zodiac signs for June 20, 2023

By OfficialNewsPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favor today.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

You are likely to secure your position on the professional front. Those in the academic field may get the break they had been seeking for long. Financial constraints that you had been experiencing of late will become a thing of the past. You can be seized by the desire to gain perfect health. Good planning will help you in achieving much on the home front. Giving a helping hand on the social front for organising an event or function will be most appreciated.

Love Focus: A change of scene is a must for those trying to rejuvenate their love life.

Lucky Number - 3

Lucky Color - Green

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

You are likely to take on more challenging jobs at work just to showcase your capabilities. Financially, your condition is likely to improve manifold, as money starts to flow in. Good health will keep you fit and energetic. You will be able to retain a positive frame of mind today and bring peace and harmony to the home front. Travelling in a group will prove most enjoyable. Those searching for suitable accommodation will get lucky. You are likely to experience something new today.

Love Focus: Differences are likely to crop up in your relationship on the romantic front.

Lucky Number - 5

Lucky Color - Light Blue

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

You stand to gain a substantial amount in a venture that shows signs of succeeding. You will find ways and means to keep yourself fit. You are likely to put your heart and soul in the current assignment, and manage to beat rivals at work. It may be difficult to find a helping hand on the domestic front, but you will manage somehow. Spending a vacation with friends will prove to be a lot of fun. A property deal promises to bring in big money. You will be happy with the response that your initiate on the social front has generated.

Love Focus: Love life promises to take a turn for the better.

Lucky Number - 1

Lucky Color - Light Red

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

A new job will need some getting used to. Earning for some can show a downward trend, but something is better than nothing! Attempts to resolve a family dispute or a misunderstanding will succeed and prove a big relief. A property deal you are going in for will be a step in the right direction. A chance to travel on an official tour will materialise for some. You can expect an excellent time on the social front today.

Love Focus: A long-term relationship can culminate in wedding for some.

Lucky Number - 9

Lucky Color - Magenta

LEO (July 23-August 23)

Financially, things will soon start looking brighter. Health will be satisfactory, as you remain regular in workouts. Travelling, especially with those you are comfortable with, will be fun. Success on the professional front is a foregone conclusion and will improve your career graph. A family member is set to do you proud by following your guidance. Good company will make the distance shorter in a journey. Property booked by you is likely to come into your possession soon. Good time is foreseen for some on the social front in the company of friends.

Love Focus: Mere anticipation of meeting your beloved is likely to keep you aglow on the romantic front!

Lucky Number - 7

Lucky Color - Cream

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

On the health front, you manage to keep ailments at bay. You will remain judicious in your spending and save a lot. Family youngsters are likely to bring immense joy to the household. Things which seemed going the wrong way at work will suddenly come out right. There is a good chance of making plans for a vacation. Some of you are likely to become the proud owners of a landed property. Your total involvement and dedication in making a social event a success will be roundly appreciated.

Love Focus: Lover is likely to read your mood correctly to make you enjoy a blissful evening.

Lucky Number - 5

Lucky Color - Dark Green

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

Business is likely to flourish for some businesspersons. Collaborations and tie-ups are likely to boost revenues and give a new lease of life to some industrialists. Travelling towards the west is likely to bring luck. Positive vibes will nurse you back to perfect health. Taking advice of others and discussing things mutually will help. Homemakers will manage to reset the house. You will find yourself much more at peace with yourself mentally, as you turn spiritual.

Love Focus: A freshly begun romantic relationship is likely to flourish.

Lucky Number - 4

Lucky Color - Sky Blue

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

Your desire for comfortable living may make you focus on improving your financial situation. Choosing to avoid excesses will help in keeping you fit and trim. Appreciation for the work done on the professional front is in the pipeline for some. Your involvement on the domestic front will be much appreciated. Chances of enjoying a vacation look strong. Possession of a house, previously booked by you, may become a reality soon. Some good news is likely to reach you soon.

Love Focus: Expect a pleasant surprise from the one you love.

Lucky Number - 5

Lucky Color - Dark Green

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Some of you are likely to feel much fitter than before. A balanced diet will be a sure-cure for the ailments facing you on the health front. Work on the professional front will be interesting, even though time consuming. A job entrusted to you will be completed with the help of colleagues. Homemakers can plan something on the home front. You are likely to earn a lot of goodwill by helping someone in need.

Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours are likely to bring positive results.

Lucky Number - 6

Lucky Color - Cream

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Certain things implemented by you are likely to prove advantageous to the organisation. Travelling stars look bright, so plan an outing with your dear ones. Someone is likely to share your enthusiasm for organising something on the social front. Family will be supportive, but will require reciprocation in return. You can be invited to a function or a party soon. You are likely to take full advantage of a discount to go in for a major purchase. You will find newer ways for the upkeep of your health.

Love Focus: Outing with lover may prove most enjoyable.

Lucky Number - 2

Lucky Color - Red

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

Finding a solution to a recurring problem is set to raise your image on the professional front. Academic excellence may find some clearing a tough competition or winning a scholarship. This is the right time to make reservations, if you are planning to travel by train. Worries on the health front will disappear. People look up to you for guidance, because you have a way with them. Chance of impressing all on the social front will come to you soon. Judiciousness in spending will allow you to save for bigger things on the financial front.

Love Focus: Those seeking life partner are likely to tie the knot soon.

Lucky Number- 22

Lucky Color - Purple

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

You are likely to get a chance to indulge in your favourite pastime. Good guidance and support can be expected by those not particularly keen on academics. Carrying out instructions in letter and spirit at work will help you edge into the good books of the one who matters. Those earning well may seek opportunities to spend on entertaining others or organising parties. A get-together can happen soon, thanks to your initiative. A trip with family is envisaged and will prove enjoyable.

Love Focus: Those in love are likely to plan a special outing with lover.

Lucky Number - 11

Lucky Color - Peach

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