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From Fear To Triumph

How I overcame my fear of public speaking

By Ebenezer Boluwatife AdeyefaPublished about a month ago 3 min read
From Fear To Triumph
Photo by Anderson Rian on Unsplash

Public speaking – two words that once sent shivers down my spine. I once believed that public speaking was a skill reserved for the brave and confident, a talent that only a select few possessed. But when I was forced to confront my fear, I discovered a strength I never knew I had. In this story, I'll share my journey from fear to triumph, and how I overcame my phobia of public speaking.

The Fear

Growing up, I avoided speaking in front of crowds at all costs. The mere thought of standing in front of a group of people, with all eyes on me, made my heart race, my voice tremble, and my mind go blank. I would do anything to escape the spotlight, even if it meant sacrificing opportunities and experiences. My fear was so debilitating that I would rather fail a class than give a presentation.

The Challenge

But when I was assigned a critical presentation in college, I knew I had to face my fear. The presentation was worth a significant portion of our grade, and I couldn't afford to fail. I spent countless hours preparing, rehearsing, and seeking guidance from mentors. I read books, watched videos, and attended workshops on public speaking. But despite my efforts, my fear persisted. I doubted myself, wondering if I was capable of overcoming this phobia.

The Turning Point

One day, a wise friend shared a simple yet powerful message: "Your fear is not a weakness, but a sign of growth." She encouraged me to embrace my fear and use it as fuel to push me forward. Her words resonated deep within me, and for the first time, I saw my fear as an opportunity for growth. I realized that my fear was not a limitation but a challenge to overcome.

Overcoming the Challenge

With newfound determination, I practiced speaking in front of friends, family, and even strangers. I joined a public speaking club, seeking support and guidance from others who understood my struggle. I attended meetings regularly, listening to others' stories and sharing my own. Slowly but surely, my confidence grew, and my fear began to fade.

I remember my first meeting like it was yesterday. I was nervous, my hands shaking as I held my notes. But as I began to speak, something unexpected happened. My voice was clear, my words articulate, and my message resonating. The audience listened attentively, nodding their heads and taking notes. For the first time in my life, I felt like a capable public speaker.

The Journey

The journey was not easy, and there were many setbacks along the way. I faced moments of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety. But with each success, my confidence grew, and my fear diminished. I began to see public speaking as an opportunity to share my ideas, inspire others, and make a difference.

I started small, speaking in front of small groups and gradually working my way up to larger audiences. I practiced different techniques, such as deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk. I learned to focus on my message rather than my fear, to engage with my audience rather than my anxiety.

The Triumph

Today, I stand proudly as a confident public speaker, inspiring others to face their fears and embrace their growth. I have given presentations in front of hundreds of people, spoken at conferences, and even taught public speaking classes. My fear has transformed into a passion, and I now see public speaking as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.


My journey from fear to triumph has taught me valuable lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I learned that our challenges are not limitations but opportunities to discover our inner strength and resilience. I learned that fear is not a weakness but a sign of growth, and that with determination and practice, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

If you are struggling with a fear or phobia, I urge you to face it head-on. Embrace your fear, and use it as fuel to push you forward. Remember that your fear is not a weakness but a sign of growth, and that with time, practice, and determination, you can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

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    EBAWritten by Ebenezer Boluwatife Adeyefa

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