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Tips & Tricks for Improving Your Dental Health

How to Have Better Dental Health

By Rayanne MorrissPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The image source is Pexels.

Your smile is the first thing someone sees about you, so why not make it look amazing? When you have white teeth that are cavity-free and straight, it adds a boost to your step. Do you know people who hide their smiles from embarrassment? Not only do you want your teeth to look good, but you want them to be healthy too. Unhealthy teeth and a mouth full of serious issues can be painful and toxic to your system. Did you know that a gum infection can spread into your bloodstream and cause serious conditions like sepsis? Though it’s rare, it’s important to ensure you take care of your teeth to avoid such issues.

Tips for Optimal Dental Health

You want your teeth to be healthy as they need to last a long time. Preventative maintenance and proper checkups can ensure their longevity. You only get one set of teeth, so here are a few tips so that you won’t need dentures anytime soon, and you’re not afraid to smile and show off your pearly whites.

1. Properly Brush and Floss Everyday

Most people brush each day, but do you know that you should be brushing after every meal? Floss at least once a day, if not more. Any food particles that get trapped in-between the teeth can cause a cavity. Teeth that don't have the plaque and tartar removed from them due to improper brushing stand a chance of developing gum disease and other issues. You should brush for 2-3 minutes with a good toothbrush and paste.

2. Get Cavities Fixed Immediately

Why do people wait to get a cavity filled? If you have a cavity or a tooth sensitive to pain, you need to get it taken care of sooner rather than later. Waiting until the tooth hurts or the pain becomes unbearable is not a good way to preserve your teeth. Waiting allows the bacteria to further eat away at the root of the tooth, which causes the need for a root canal and possibly a total loss. Don’t think the pain will go away, as it will only get worse.

3. See the Dentist Twice a Year

How long has it been since you've been to the dentist? You need to see your dentist at least twice a year if there are no issues. They have high-powered tools that can get rid of tartar and plaque and ensure there are no problems that could become serious. Plus, they clean your teeth thoroughly in a manner that you don’t have the ability to do, due to their equipment. Even if you do continually see your dentist, ask about cosmetic procedures that you may not be aware of. A cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills can help you achieve a great smile.

4. Limit Carbohydrates and Sugary Items

Soda, tea, and coffee taste great, but they can stain your teeth, causing a yellow color. No one wants dark teeth, but sometimes this happens even if you brush and watch what you eat. If eating fruits and vegetables and plenty of healthy fats and good dental hygiene isn't giving you the smile you desire, you can get professional help.

5. See an Orthodontist for Bite Issues

While an over or underbite is a serious cosmetic issue, it can also affect how you chew your food. Did you know that crooked teeth and an incorrect bite can cause you to swallow portions that are too big, and this can cause digestive issues? Digestion first begins in the mouth, so if your teeth can't do the job they were created to do correctly, it can cause serious trouble in your digestive tract. Additionally, it's tough to clean in-between the teeth and get all the food particles that can cause cavities. An orthodontist can help you ensure a proper bite, help keep digestive issues at bay, and correct the cosmetic look of your teeth. Braces aren't just cosmetic, though, as they allow you to have more confidence in your smile and enhance your teeth's function.

Takeaway on Good Dental Health

A dentist can always tell those who brush and floss regularly and those who don't make it a priority. Your teeth can naturally lose their sparkling white appearance if you drink a lot of caramel-colored beverages. Thankfully, whitening them can do wonders for your smile and self-esteem. Bad habits that develop earlier in life often carry throughout, and this can cause tooth loss. How would you rate your overall dental health?


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