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Things you can do when you're having a rough day

10 tips for turning your day around

By Nasrin Y.Published 3 years ago 7 min read
Things you can do when you're having a rough day
Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

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I think we can all say we've had days where getting out of bed and being productive felt difficult. It could be due to a mental illness such as anxiety or depression, struggles in our personal lives, current events going on in the world, or it could simply be a bad day.

Whatever the reason, here are a list of 10 things I do whenever I'm having a particularly rough day.

1) Take a Shower

Take a shower (or a bath), wash your face, wash your hair. Scrub away all the hurt and anxiety and let it go right down the drain. Step out clean and fresh, a blank canvas if you will, ready to try again. Even if it's three in the afternoon it's never too late to try and turn your day around. I know sometimes taking a whole shower can seem like a lot of work, especially when you're depressed. So if it's one of those days where you just don't have the energy for all that, I suggest at least changing your clothes. Splash some water on your face, maybe brush your teeth. Do whatever you can to clean yourself up just a little. Which brings me to the next thing on this list.

2) Dress for Comfort

At first glance this may sound like I'm saying to wear sweats or pajamas, or other clothes you'd usually look at and think "ooh comfy". But what I really mean is to dress in anything that makes you feel happy or positive about yourself. This could still mean pajamas, or it could mean your fanciest outfit. Wearing something that makes you feel confident or excited to move around in can really boost your mood. And sometimes looking put together can help you feel a little more put together. I've walked around my house in a gown and full makeup before, just because I felt like it.

3) Eat Something Good For You

It can be tempting when you're sad to just grab whatever salty/sweet thing is the closest to you; or in some cases it's easy to just not eat at all. However, I'm here to gently encourage you to find something that will not only taste good but that your body will thank you for eating. Examples:

-snack on some fruit, fill a bowl with different kinds

-make a quick salad with whatever veggies you have in the house

-put peanut butter on something (good because you get protein and energy)

If you're feeling up to it try cooking yourself a meal. Find a new recipe to try out, throw on some music and have fun in the kitchen.

4) Watch//Listen to Something That Makes You Happy

There are lots of options for this one. Whatever makes you happy or takes your mind off things for a bit, put that on. It could be music, a podcast, or something to watch. I recommend something light, with a plot that's easy to follow, and maybe that makes you laugh-if comedy is your thing. It can be nice to just throw something on that doesn't require much of you; that helps you to relax and stop thinking about whatever it is that's bothering you. It could even be your favorite YouTube channel.

Some people find comfort in re-watching things, so if you want to watch your favorite show for the fifth time, no one's going to judge. There can be something soothing about revisiting your favorite characters, and spending time with them almost.

I tend to turn towards sitcoms when I'm having a bad day. Friends, Arrested Development, Psych, etc. Stories with characters I know and love, and that always make me smile.

It's not a show or film, but John Mulaney is one of my favorite comedians, and I spent an entire finals season once just watching his specials and interviews with him over and over again. He is the funniest guy, and his work is a huge stress reliever.

5) Call A Friend

Socializing can be daunting when you feel down, but sometimes talking with a friend or a loved one can be a nice pick me up. It can be helpful if you have someone you trust to get things off your chest, and vent for a bit to help relieve the stress. If you don't feel like getting that heavy it can be nice to talk to a friend to help distract yourself.

6) Go For A Walk

Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for a bad day. If you can, go outside and walk, ride a bike, etc. Feel the sun on your face, and find some nature can enjoy. If the weather is bad or you can't go outside, opening a window is still a great way to let some sun in, and change the air around in your house.

7) Stay Hydrated

This seems self explanatory, and it is. It's important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Carry a water bottle or a glass around with you, and try to drink as much water as possible. For some flavor you can throw in a few slices of lemon, or strawberries. It helps the water taste good, and if you put it in a pretty looking cup or mug it's aesthetically pleasing.

This is a super important one, because your body needs that H20 to keep itself going.

8) Do Something Creative

You don't have to be an artist to benefit from creativity. Expressive therapies are rapidly becoming more and more popular as people realize how much they can do. Art, dance, and music therapy all have unique ways of helping people express themselves and find a productive way to work through their problems and grow.

It can be as simple as doodling on a piece of paper. Or if you want to take it a step farther, go outside and paint your surroundings. Alter some old clothes-paint them or cut them, turn them into something new. Redecorate your room. Journal out everything you're thinking and feeling, or write a story about it from a 3rd person point of view. Do anything creative to help your heart feel a little bit lighter.

9) Get A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep schedules can sometimes get f*cked up when your emotional state isn't in the best state. But letting your body rest is an important part of your emotional health as well.

10) Exercise For Just 10 Minutes

It's so hard to get up and work out, even when you're having a good day. So this isn't to suggest doing anything strenuous. It's just to say get up and get your body moving for at least 10 minutes. Even if that's all the moving around you do today it will still be beneficial. It can be any sort of exercising. Go for a walk, or run. Jump rope or jumping jacks. It can be something a little slower like a short Yoga video (there are plenty on YouTube). Whatever physical activity you enjoy, do it for at least 10 minutes. If you feel like going longer, great! But if not at least you can say you did something.

I hope this list helps you in some way, or inspires you to try something else. Sometimes we can't turn a bad day around, and it's hard to remember while you're going through the hard times, but nothing lasts forever. You've gone through difficult times before, and even if it feels impossible you'll get through them again. And one day you'll be able to look back on them as a memory, and think about how strong you were, and still are.


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