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There Are Things About Your Health That Can Be Determined From Your Tongue.

Reasons why you should ‘watch’ your tongue

By Jacob DamianPublished 12 months ago 7 min read

What exactly is the white substance that's on your tongue? And what gives your mouth that "funny" feeling, almost like it's being rubbed with sandpaper? My buddy, it seems like you could be suffering from a case of thrush.

Anyone can have thrush, but there are certain individuals who are far more likely to be affected.

According to an otolaryngologist says they usually see thrush in children, whose immune systems are developing, or in older adults, whose immune systems are starting to fail," and these two groups are more likely to have the condition. People who suffer from illnesses that compromise their immune systems are also more likely to be affected.

Even while thrush usually clears up on its own, there are several home treatments that may be used to hasten the healing process or reduce the associated discomfort. 

What is this bird called?

A fungal illness known as thrush may manifest itself in the mouth, the throat, and other locations throughout the body.

Candida, a form of fungus, may lead to thrush when it grows in excessive amounts in the mouth. Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the medical term for thrush, which may affect both the mouth and the throat.

The lesions caused by thrush in your mouth might seem like cottage cheese; they are white and elevated and can appear on your tongue and cheeks. Mouth soreness and redness are common symptoms of thrush, which may rapidly become inflamed and become infected.

It might be difficult to determine whether the problems you are having with your mouth are due to the Candida fungus, which is the cause of thrush. How exactly does one differentiate between a tongue that is normal and one that has oral thrush? Among the most common symptoms are:

A covering that looks like cottage cheese and is white in color.

a scorching sensation, a crimson color, or a pain.

A shift in the way you are able to taste things.

A cracking sound coming from the corners of your mouth or the tongue.

A cottony or sandpaper-like dryness to the sensation.

Oral thrush treatment with home remedies

To determine whether or whether thrush clears up on its own, Dr. Reisman suggests practicing diligent dental hygiene over a period of three to four weeks. The following are some home remedies that may perhaps be of some use.

Salt-water rinse

Try dissolving a half teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water and see if it helps. when swishing the salt-water rinse about in your mouth for one to two minutes, spit out the liquid when you have finished using it.

Salt's antibacterial characteristics may help relax and clean your mouth, making it a useful mouth rinse ingredient.

Baking soda

In a similar manner to the salt-water solution, combine a half teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of hot water. Move it about in your mouth for a while, and then spit it out.

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, was shown to be an effective disinfectant when used in the house in a recent research.


When you have thrush, the yeast in your mouth is out of whack and may cause irritation and discomfort. Consuming yogurt is often a helpful method to reestablish that equilibrium.

On the other hand, you shouldn't consume just any yogurt. Search for options that do not include any added sugar and come with probiotics or live cultures. Yogurt will inhibit the development of the thrush bacteria, but it won't destroy the bacterium itself.

Lemon juice

It's possible that some people believe lemon juice might assist with thrush due to the fact that it has antibacterial and antifungal characteristics. However, you shouldn't apply lemon juice directly to lesions since it can cause stinging and irritation.

If you are interested in trying lemon juice, add the juice of half a lemon to one cup of water and stir. You may either consume the concoction or use it to rinse your mouth with.


According to the findings of a recent research, the anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects of the chemical curcumin, which is present in turmeric, may be useful in the treatment of thrush. According to the results of the research, it is also more effective when mixed with piperine, which is a component that can be found in black pepper.

A beverage may be prepared by adding one-half teaspoon of turmeric paste, one cup of water or milk, and a sprinkle of ground black pepper to the cup. Prepare by warming it up on the burner. While you are consuming the concoction, move it about in your mouth with your tongue.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil, which is most often used in the kitchen, has the potential to be an effective treatment for thrush. According to the findings of one research, its antibacterial and antifungal activities were successful in combating Candida.

Oregano oil should never be used on its own, either topically or internally, so use caution if you want to do so. Instead, you should rinse your mouth with a solution that consists of a few drops of oregano oil combined with some water. After a few minutes, spit out the combined ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar

According to the findings of one research, the antifungal qualities of apple cider vinegar may make it useful in the treatment of thrush.

However, you should try to avoid taking apple cider vinegar on its own since it has the potential to induce a burning sensation in your tongue. Instead, mix together one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water to create a beverage. Move it around in your mouth for one minute before spitting it out.

Clove oil

There's a good chance that your dentist's office has some clove oil on hand. The oil has antibacterial properties and may also be used to treat pain.

In order to cure thrush, a research found that utilizing clove oil was just as beneficial as taking the antiviral medication nystatin.

You may either take a supplement or create a clove oil rinse to use at home. Both options are available. After steeping the ground clove in boiling water for five minutes, drain the mixture. You should then swish the liquid around in your mouth for a moment before spitting it out.

Does the thrush eventually go gone by itself?

When you eliminate whatever is causing the thrush's underlying cause, the condition often resolves on its own.

According to Dr. Reisman, "for instance, if antibiotics led to thrush, simply waiting a few weeks may give the body time to return to a natural yeast balance."

Inhaled oral steroids, a common treatment for asthma, have been linked to an increased risk of thrush. After taking your inhaler, Dr. Reisman recommends gargling and washing your mouth with tap water to prevent thrush from developing.

It is time to see your primary care physician if it has been a few weeks and you have been diligently washing your mouth twice a day, but the white material is still there.

Your dentist or other healthcare practitioner will want to examine your mouth in order to rule out other possible reasons, such as the following:

Burning mouth syndrome is a condition in which a person has a burning feeling in their mouth for no apparent reason.

Geographic tongue is a harmless condition that appears as patches on both the top and sides of the tongue for no apparent reason.

Lesions that are either precancerous or cancerous.

If it is determined that you have thrush, your doctor will most likely prescribe an antifungal rinse. Swish, swish, and more swishing will be required over a period of 10 to 14 days. This will assist your body in regaining its normal yeast equilibrium.

However, if your symptoms do not improve or if you have recurring bouts of thrush, you should see an ear, nose, and throat specialist (also known as an otolaryngologist) to explore the diagnosis and treatment options available to you.

Eliminating the risk of thrush

People who are more likely to get thrush, whether as a result of wearing dentures, taking medications that depress the immune system, or having a disease such as HIV, have the ability to adopt preventative measures (given that antifungal treatment cannot be used indefinitely).

see your dentist. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, including having your teeth cleaned by a professional twice a year, is essential.

Rinse. If you have to use steroid inhalers, it is important to wash your mouth thoroughly with water after each use.

Drink water. Drink plenty of water to prevent a dry mouth and keep yourself hydrated.

Mind your sugar intake. Reduce your consumption of sugary foods and maintain healthy blood sugar levels, particularly if you have diabetes. Yeast thrives on sugar.

Quit smoking. There is no need for an explanation!

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About the Creator

Jacob Damian

Whether you're looking to learn something new, explore different perspectives, or simply satisfy your curiosity, I can offer you insights and perspectives that you may not have considered before. With my ability to process and analyse.

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