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The Transformative Power of Feedback: Insights and Best Practices for the Workplace

Dive into the world of feedback in the workplace, exploring its significance, best practices for giving and receiving it, and its impact on culture, guided by insights from industry expert Jenni McDonough

By Jolie DownsPublished 5 months ago 6 min read

If you are looking to have a positive impact on your professional development, feedback is a cornerstone, vital yet often underappreciated. At its heart lies the ability to forge paths for improvement and innovation, shaping careers and corporate cultures alike. But what happens when feedback transcends the mundane, morphing into a catalyst for profound transformation? This is the essence of compassionate candor.

Imagine a world where feedback is not just a routine exchange but an art form, practiced with the grace of a dancer and the precision of a sculptor. Jenni McDonough, Chief People Officer with Alloy, shared on the Career Wanderlust podcast, the impact the book, Radical Candor, had on her and her organization. Radical Candor, or as the author, Kim Scott, likes to say, compassionate candor, nudges us toward kindness, urging us to be candid out of care, to foster growth rather than merely to critique.

As we dive into the realm of feedback with the wisdom of McDonough’s insights, let's unpack the layers that make this simple act a powerful agent of change.

The Importance of Feedback in a Professional Setting

Feedback, often seen as a mere mechanism for performance evaluation, holds a more profound significance in the professional sphere. It is the mirror that reflects our professional personas, revealing both our strengths and the chinks in our armor that we must fortify. Compassionate candor is the catalyst that gives you the opportunity to refine and enhance your skills.

McDonough's conversation echoes this sentiment, underscoring feedback as a gift, albeit one that might not always feel pleasant to receive. Yet, its value is immeasurable. Radical candor, as she discusses, isn't about harshness but about harnessing empathy and directness to guide improvement. It's about caring deeply enough to be honest, and it's this brand of candidness that can propel us towards excellence.

In our pursuit of professional mastery, feedback is the compass that guides us. It illuminates the path to not just doing our jobs, but excelling at them. Compassionate candor ensures that this guidance is delivered not as a critique, but as a roadmap to personal and collective success.

Contribution of Effective Feedback to Growth

In the professional context, feedback is the catalyst that accelerates our growth. According to Jenni McDonough, feedback's essence lies in its dual nature as both a gift and a guide. It's a gift because it offers insights that one may be blind to, and a guide because it directs towards actionable change. When delivered with compassionate candor, feedback becomes a tool for personal evolution, pushing individuals to stretch beyond their perceived limits and embrace change.

Growth through feedback is a continuous process, akin to nurturing a plant. It requires patience, consistency, and an environment conducive to growth. Just as a gardener tends to their plants with care, leaders must provide feedback that nurtures their team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

Best Practices for Giving Constructive Feedback

The art of feedback is delicate; it requires both tact and sincerity. Drawing from the wealth of experience Jenni McDonough offers, we can pinpoint several best practices for giving constructive feedback.

First, it's paramount to ask for permission. "I'd like to give you some feedback, is now a good time?" This simple question sets a stage of respect and readiness. It primes the receiver, preparing them for the insights to come. It's an invitation rather than an imposition, a subtle but powerful shift in the dynamics of communication.

Another key practice is to ensure that the feedback is compassionate. It's not just about being radical in candor but being radical in compassion. Feedback should be a blend of honesty and kindness, directed at actions and behaviors, not at the individual. It's not about fault-finding but about fostering growth and learning.

Lastly, feedback should be a two-way street. It's as much about listening as it is about speaking. Encouraging a dialogue, where the receiver can respond, reflect, and engage with the feedback, ensures that the process is collaborative and constructive.

With these practices, feedback ceases to be a dreaded conversation and becomes a gateway to greater understanding and improved performance.

The ‘Sandwich Method’

In the delicate dance of delivering constructive feedback, the choreography often involves a technique known as the 'sandwich method.' This approach begins with a positive comment, followed by the constructive feedback, and concludes with another positive statement. This method serves to cushion the impact of criticism, ensuring that the recipient is receptive and not left feeling deflated.

For example, a manager might commend an employee on their consistent punctuality and team spirit, before addressing a recent drop in their project's quality. The feedback could then end on an encouraging note, praising the employee's previous track record of resilience and problem-solving abilities.

This method not only softens the blow of criticism but also reaffirms the individual's value to the team and the organization. It's a reminder that while their work may currently fall short in certain areas, their overall contributions are appreciated and their potential is acknowledged.

Adopting the sandwich method can transform feedback from a conversation dreaded by many into an opportunity for genuine praise and constructive growth, fostering a more positive and productive work environment.

Receiving Feedback Positively

The art of receiving feedback is just as crucial as giving it. It's a skill that, when mastered, can lead to unparalleled personal growth and career advancement. Jenni McDonough’s insights offer a valuable perspective on this art, emphasizing the importance of receiving feedback with gratitude and an open mind.

"Thank you," says McDonough, is the best initial response when receiving feedback. This simple act of gratitude sets the tone for a constructive exchange. It signals to the giver that their input is valued, even if the feedback may be challenging to hear. The key is to consider the essence of what's being said, focusing on the content rather than the delivery.

In the professional arena, feedback often comes interwoven with factors beyond our control — external business pressures, team dynamics, and more. Parsing through this to find the actionable nuggets is where the real skill lies. It's about sifting through the feedback to identify what can be controlled and improved upon. This is not an exercise in acceptance of all criticism as fact, but rather, a careful consideration of its validity and applicability.

Moreover, resisting the urge to become defensive is paramount. It's natural to want to explain or justify actions, but pausing to reflect on the feedback can lead to more significant insights and growth. By adopting this reflective approach, one can transform feedback from a defensive battleground into a constructive workshop for personal and professional development.

Feedback's Influence on Workplace Culture

The ethos of an organization is often a reflection of its approach to feedback. A culture that embraces candid, compassionate feedback flourishes, evolving into an ecosystem where trust, respect, and open communication are the norm. Jenni McDonough's insights reinforce this, illustrating how feedback, when wielded with care and respect, can transform the very fabric of workplace culture.

It's not just about the individual benefits but how feedback can galvanize an entire organization. When leaders encourage and model a feedback-rich environment, it signals an investment in the team's collective growth. It’s about fostering an atmosphere where feedback is not feared but welcomed as a means to personal and organizational excellence. It’s in such environments that employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute their best work.

As we conclude, let's recall the words of Jenni McDonough: feedback, especially when delivered with compassionate candor, is not just about making improvements — it’s about signaling a commitment to each other's growth. It’s a testament to the belief that everyone has the potential to evolve and that together, we can achieve greater heights.


As we wrap up our exploration of the power and influence of feedback in the professional world, let’s remember that the journey of feedback is both giving and receiving, speaking and listening, guiding and being guided. It's a dance of communication that, when performed with skill and empathy, leads to growth, understanding, and transformation.

The insights from Jenni McDonough remind us that feedback, at its core, is about compassionate candor. It's about creating an environment where honesty is delivered with kindness, and criticism is framed as an opportunity for growth. Whether we are on the giving or receiving end, feedback is a gift that challenges us to be better, to do better.

In the spirit of continual learning and improvement, I invite you to reflect on your experiences with feedback. How has it shaped your professional journey? How can you incorporate these insights into your daily interactions to foster a culture of growth and positivity in your workplace?

Feedback is not just a tool for professional development; it's a cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture. Embrace it, and watch as it transforms not only your work but the very environment in which it thrives.

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About the Creator

Jolie Downs

I am an entrepreneur at heart, a seeker, a creator and life long learner. I am a Partner and Recruiter with Paradigm Staffing, a recruiting firm specializing in PR & Marketing. I am the host of the podcast Fresh Blood, Killing It After 40.

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    Jolie DownsWritten by Jolie Downs

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