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The Top Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023

In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, mobile marketing trends are revolutionizing the way business connect with their audiences.

By SEO HabibiPublished 11 months ago 12 min read
Mobile Marketing Trends

The business landscape is rapidly changing as the market is constantly provided with innovative new technologies. The new marketing approaches that have evolved in the last few years have had a significant impact on the business landscape. As more than 7.26 billion users are coming from smartphones, mobile marketing has become one of the predominating factors. It has been raking on emerging new trends.

Back in May 2022, it was surveyed that almost 58.26% of the web traffic was received from mobile devices. This is, therefore, a clear indication for marketers to improve their mobile marketing trends. Optimizing marketing efforts, especially for the smartphone audience, seems to become a need for people. When it comes to improving brand awareness and maintaining customer relationships for companies, it is crucial for marketers to keep an eye on the latest mobile marketing trends.

Apart from this, mobile platforms also make it easier to make data analysis and collection as it can be easily tracked. This also helps businesses to customize interaction and improve the loyalty of smartphone users.

So, irrespective of your business genre, it is important for any marketer to pay attention to the need for mobile marketing. This will not only improve your brand reputation but will have a severe impact on the business ROI.

So, here, we will take a look at the latest mobile marketing trends in 2023.

Video content:

Videos have great power. Videos are considered to have more engagement rate and interaction compared to any other types of content. With the advent of several mobile platforms, it is important for marketers to focus on video content. We need to make sure to create great video content that can be played on different mobile devices.

Apart from this, it would also require the right video marketing strategy according to your brand to reach your potential customers. With the immense growth and popularity of video marketing after the Covid situation, it will not only improve your customer base but will have more conversion.

In a study, it has been researched that 84% of customers watch a brand video first before purchasing services or products that a company offers.

Additionally, you would be happy to know that users have the tendency to share videos more compared to any other type of content. Therefore, shared content would get more authenticity value and have better engagement.

However, always make sure to create great video content that helps your target customers to understand more about your services and video. It is essential to keep in mind that you create short videos, use a proper call to action button and create different variations of the same video for several platforms.

As 75% of the viewing experience is provided and done from mobile devices, it is imperative for businesses to create a proper video marketing strategy to improve better reach.

TikTok Marketing:

TikTok is definitely one of the growing platforms with a huge number of users. It has already been witnessed that the popularity of this platform has increased in the last two years. In 2020, this platform was able to achieve the first position in terms of mobile app downloads.

However, it is specially designed for mobile users. Since its advent, engagement on this platform has constantly been rising. It has been recorded that most TikTokers spend around 52 minutes of average time on a daily basis on this app. It is normal to have a rise and fall, but it seems that this platform is going to stay for long.

In March 2022, the app was surveyed and found to have more than 100 million downloads. Therefore, advertising on Tiktok has a significant impact on businesses. It is the right choice for creating brand videos, paid AdWords and influencer marketing.

With the proper algorithm included in this application, it helps users to keep track of their videos. This means that you will be able to keep account of the views and understand the audience much better.

However, you must keep in mind to use the proper hashtags in order to improve customer engagement.

Achieving success on this interactive, immersive video streaming platform would require proper knowledge of the trending content. However, as there has been constant success in its user engagement, the platform has extended the video length up to 10 minutes.

Therefore, creative professionals would have more time to advertise their services or products. Additionally, AI offerings like transition, effects, games, and facial features would be even more beneficial.

Personalized content:

One of the most common issues faced by mobile marketers is standing out in the crowd. It has been witnessed that a person would watch a video somewhere between 6 to 10,000 times. Watching 6 to 10,000 videos a day is huge.

Therefore, if you're able to make it through and come into the eye of the potential customer, there is a chance to improve your conversion. When potential customers view your ad, you will undoubtedly want them to remember it. Therefore, when you put the right content at the right time to the right individual, it can improve the efficiency of the ad spend to 30%.

Creating personalized content would make sure that the audience receives customized content as per their habits and liking.

This is essential for a mobile marketing plan. When you analyze and collect key components like demographics, interest, location and behaviour, it can help you to optimize content as per your preferences.

There can be several benefits of creating personalized mobile content, and one of them is helping customers to get information on different platforms from this phone. Apart from this, users will also be able to leave comments and reviews and tell their thoughts.

This is one of the popular mobile marketing trends that we must keep an eye on and which will remain in the future. As technology is constantly improving, users would like to get information from their devices. Therefore, creating personalIzed content can improve your brand reputation and helps to get a competitive edge.

Mobile commerce:

M-commerce, or mobile commerce has been really growing in the past few years. It is actually referred to as the adaptation of mobile-optimized e-commerce. After the pandemic in 2020, its popularity raised to a huge extent, and it has been predicted that it will keep growing in the future.

In 2020, it was recorded that a 55% increment in revenue was from mobile shopping. The success is estimated to increase in the coming years.

The reason for increased dependence on mobile commerce is because of providing an exceptional mobile shopping experience. The availability of apps would ensure an easy and quick checkout process, which is one of the most common reasons Why users are mostly inclined to do mobile shopping.

Social commerce refers to selling and purchasing goods directly from social networks. As it offers an instant shopping opportunity, it also reduces the chances of abandoned carts and is appealing to audiences with impulsive nature.

As there is some concern about mobile commerce regarding the security of payment options, there have been massive steps taken by the owners. Other reasons why consumers have been inclined to mobile commerce include shopping convenience, easy redemption of coupons, personalized discounts, special offers, improved verification with biometric scanning And easy management of the entire shopping experience.

It can also be beneficial to get detailed insight into customer behaviour and buying patterns. As mobile commerce has transformed global Digital shopping, more and more brands have entered into this technology. It is a new standard across different industries that brands require focusing on.

Implementation of chatbots:

Businesses these days have to focus on improving user experience. In such a scenario, using AI chat boards can improve a seamless shopping experience for customers. When it comes to improving user experience, AI chatbots can be a valuable inclusion.

The AI chatbots can be trained and can be extremely efficient in solving problems, providing answers to queries and sounding like humans. It has already been expected that the chatbot market will have a huge leap by 2024, and the market price can be estimated to be $1.3 billion.

It can be a scalable inclusion, as chatbots can seamlessly respond to several queries without any errors.

The huge improvement in chatbot technology can be beneficial. When it comes to choosing the stage, you want the chat boards to pay attention to. These innovative technologies can be helpful for companies in several aspects, from lead qualification and generation to increasing retention.

It also can act as a great storage tool. When you do the correct programming, they can provide the right answers to the FAQs. Once the chat board constantly spends time with the audience, they will be able to understand the pattern and learn it and eventually provide correct answers in the chosen language.

The reason for the increase in chatbot technology is that users mostly prefer messaging rather than calling. It also makes sure that most of the business interaction can be done without the need for human intervention.

Therefore, irrespective of your industry, implementing chatbot communication will eventually help you to stay in the market and be in the competition.

Including voice search:

Another growing trend that you must not forget to implement is voice search. As customers look for fast results and make fewer errors, most users choose voice assistance or search to find the information or complete their tasks.

It has been estimated that 72% of shoppers generally interact with voice assistants to get information. Therefore, making use of voice search can be valuable for your business. Among these shoppers, 90% of them have been reported to use their smartphones to provide commands.

This also implies that marketers require making sure that all of their mobile websites have been thoroughly optimized for voice search SEO. It would not require any major refinement but tweak some of the existing techniques.

As voice search strategy would play an important role in mobile marketing, the following is some of the essential information that you need to keep in mind.

● Make sure to use conversational language to ensure that everyone gets their answers.

● Try to get a higher ranking on the SERPs through traditional SEO technology to increase your chances of getting features.

● Start creating snippets by developing an FAQ section for optimizing your website.

According to the statistical report, it can be predicted that the market will rise to a huge $35.5 billion by the year 2025.

Therefore, if you want to improve your online engagement, revenue and brand recognition, choosing voice search optimization is a mandatory aspect of the mobile marketing trend. As customers mainly prefer hand-free usage, voice search would provide a better result with faster answers to queries.

Visual Search:

Humans Are visual species, and they have the tendency to process information 60,000 times faster compared to text content. Therefore, there is no surprise that the millennial and then the consumers would always prefer choosing visual search over any other tools.

It has been studied that humans have the capability to retain 65% of the visual content that they're exposed to for at least three days. If you consider this data, it is definitely a great choice for marketers to create ads accordingly. As mentioned earlier, consumers scroll through a huge number of ads on a daily basis, and if you are able to create great visual content, you can get huge benefits.

Remember that visuals play an important role in marketing strategies and campaigns. With the rise of mobile shopping, it has become important for marketers to incorporate proper media that can be visualized on social sites and mobile phones. This will make it even more valuable.

Smartphones have the ability to search for items using their camera in different methods. Similar to voice search, when it comes to mobile marketing trends, you need to make sure that the content has been properly optimized for image or visual searches.

Augmented Reality:

With the advancement in technology and consumers constantly looking for innovative solutions, augmented reality has become a must-add. AR can be implemented for mobile customers as it provides a great shopping experience. It helps customers to change products in a virtual manner but get a real-time look at them in a real space.

Some of the most common sectors where employing AR tools can be beneficial includes healthcare, gaming, make-up, manufacturing, furniture, education, and a lot more.

It has been surveyed that AR inclusion in marketing platforms will continuously grow as people or more indulge in online shopping.

Integrating augmented reality into the digital strategy can be extremely easy for mobile marketers. As smartphone users already have the hardware on their devices, businesses just require creating mobile-optimized AR software.

As analytics already show that customers are in love with digital shopping, AR apps can improve brand loyalty along with increasing your customer base. There have been several platforms that have already started making use of AR technology and seem to be getting great results. As it provides a real-time look at the product before purchasing it, it gives confidence to the buyers to go ahead.

Live Streaming:

Live streaming is on the rise. After the pandemic, when multiple events were postponed, live streaming was the only way to enjoy the event.

In the rapidly increasing market, the live-streaming industry can be estimated to grow to $534.37 billion by the year 2027.

As consumers are always in need of interacting with brands, live videos provide a great way to interact with them. Improving interaction between audiences and customers will actually help a brand to improve. According to the statistics, it has been estimated that life videos have 27% more watch time compared to other content.

Choosing live streaming for the marketing effort can improve customer engagement, increase real-time interaction, and enhance brand presence; it does not require additional editing resources and cost and would help you to get feedback and responses instantly.

Live streaming is most commonly chosen by people or brands who want to launch a new product. Apart from this, nothing can be better than showing their customers raw footage without any edits when it comes to selling services or products.

Most of the social media platforms available in the market have live streaming capability. Therefore, as the mobile culture is continuously increasing, it is becoming easier for brands to do live streaming videos and improve interaction and communication with their audience.

Final Thoughts:

Conducting business constantly requires following the trend if you want to improve your customer reach. As the growing dependence on online shopping has resulted in increasing mobile dependence, it is vital for any business to choose the latest trends to improve customer engagement.

Irrespective of the industry, having knowledge of the latest mobile marketing trends can be highly beneficial. As a market continuously keeps evolving, it also changes the marketing trends. Besides, as mobiles have become the new way to access the internet, it has dramatically affected mobile app marketing trends.

It is essential for businesses to realize the need to create mobile apps to improve reach and interaction. As customers are more inclined to use their smartphones for different purposes, from searching for a product to buying it, creating a proper mobile marketing strategy according to the latest mobile marketing trends is extremely beneficial. So, make sure to follow the marketing trends and improve user engagement and interaction with your brand.


How impactful is mobile marketing on businesses?

With the constant growth of smartphones, it has a significant impact on businesses. It has been researched that more than 58% of the global web traffic comes from mobile itself. However, this has already grown to a huge extent. In such a scenario, you will stay behind your competitors if you're not choosing the right mobile marketing strategy.

Which businesses require optimizing for smartphones?

There is no such answer to it, as businesses from every Joner require optimizing their website for smartphones. As smartphones have become a new necessity for people, it is inevitable for a company to optimize it properly. Optimizing businesses according to marketing trends will have a huge impact on revenue, engagement and interaction.

Is it essential for businesses to create mobile apps?

There is no denying that creating mobile apps will have more chances of customer engagement, but it is not always necessary. Small businesses can create mobile-optimized websites or responsive websites so that it becomes easier for users to navigate through the website from their smartphones easily. However, large enterprises that are into selling a huge number of products and services can create their app and optimize them according to the mobile app market trends.

How important is it to hire a marketing expert?

If you want to improve your customer base, it is important that you choose an expert who has knowledge of implementing the latest mobile marketing trends. This will not only be beneficial to improve your brand reputation but will also help to increase customer retention and engagement.


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SEO Habibi

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    SEO HabibiWritten by SEO Habibi

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