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The Psychology of Pretty Privilege

Does Beauty Bias Affect Our Lives?

By Psych2GoPublished 10 months ago 2 min read

In this insightful discussion, we explore the concept of pretty privilege and its impact on society. We will uncover the truth about this often misunderstood phenomenon and delve into the psychology behind it. Discover what pretty privilege is, why it exists, and the effects it has on individuals and relationships. We aim to shed light on the complexities of beauty standards and the privileges they afford.

Does Beauty Bias Affect Our Lives?

Have you ever wondered if how you look impacts your success in school, work, or how the world treats you? Do people perceive advantages in life simply because society deems them beautiful? This is what's called pretty privilege.

What is Beauty?

Beauty is a complex concept that has been studied by psychologists for centuries. There is no one definition of beauty, as it is influenced by a variety of factors, including culture, personal preferences, and evolutionary biology. However, there are some general features that are often considered to be attractive. These include symmetry, averageness, clear skin, and a healthy body.

The Advantages of Being Attractive

Attractive people have been shown to have a number of advantages in life. They are more likely to be seen as competent, intelligent, and trustworthy.

They are also more likely to be hired for jobs, promoted at work, and given higher salaries. In addition, attractive people are more likely to be popular and have more friends. They are also more likely to be successful in their romantic relationships.

Why Does Beauty Bias Exist?

There are a number of reasons why beauty bias exists. One reason is that beauty is often associated with positive traits, such as health, intelligence, and fertility. As a result, people are more likely to be attracted to and trust attractive people.

Another reason for beauty bias is that it is often seen as a sign of status. In many cultures, attractive people are seen as being more successful and powerful. This can lead to them being treated differently by others.

The Importance of Not Letting Beauty Bias Define Us

It is important to remember that beauty is not the only thing that matters in life. There are many other qualities that are just as important, such as intelligence, kindness, and humor. We should not let beauty bias define us or hold us back from achieving our goals. We should focus on being the best versions of ourselves, regardless of how we look.


Beauty bias is a real phenomenon that can have a significant impact on our lives. However, it is important to remember that beauty is not the only thing that matters. There are many other qualities that are just as important, and we should not let beauty bias define us.

Call to Action

If you are struggling with beauty bias, there are a few things you can do. First, you can try to challenge your own biases. When you see an attractive person, try to focus on their other qualities, such as their intelligence or kindness. You can also try to surround yourself with people who do not value beauty as much. These people will help you to see that there is more to life than looks.

Finally, you can focus on being the best version of yourself. This means working on your own personal qualities, such as your intelligence, kindness, and humor. When you focus on these qualities, you will be less likely to be affected by beauty bias.


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