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The invisible hand.

A force to be reckoned with

By Newton E SolomonPublished about a year ago 2 min read
The invisible hand.
Photo by Melchior Damu on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a mysterious force known as the invisible hand. No one knew where it came from or what it was capable of, but everyone knew that it had the power to shape the world in ways that no one could predict.

Some people believed that the invisible hand was a force of nature, like the wind or the tides. Others thought that it was a divine power, sent by the gods to guide humanity on its path. Still others believed that it was a secret society of powerful individuals, working behind the scenes to manipulate the world to their own ends.

Whatever the truth may have been, one thing was certain: the invisible hand was always at work, shaping the world in ways that no one could predict. Sometimes it would bring great prosperity and happiness to the people, while at other times it would bring destruction and despair.

One day, a young man named Jack decided that he wanted to learn more about the invisible hand. He had heard stories about its power and its influence, and he was curious to know more.

So he set out on a journey to find the invisible hand, traveling far and wide across the land. He asked everyone he met if they knew anything about it, but no one could give him a straight answer.

Finally, after many months of searching, Jack came across an old sage who claimed to know the secrets of the invisible hand. The sage told Jack that the invisible hand was not a force of nature or a divine power, but rather a metaphor for the workings of the free market.

"The invisible hand is the force that guides the market," the sage explained. "It is the sum total of all the individual actions of buyers and sellers, working together to create a balance between supply and demand."

Jack was fascinated by this idea, and he asked the sage to teach him more about the workings of the free market. The sage agreed, and over the next few months, he taught Jack everything he knew about economics and the free market.

Armed with this knowledge, Jack set out to make his fortune in the world of business. He started small, buying and selling goods in the local market, but soon he was making deals with merchants from all over the land.

As he grew more successful, Jack began to see the invisible hand at work in his own life. He saw how his actions as a buyer and seller affected the market, and how the market in turn affected his own fortunes.

And so Jack became a true believer in the power of the invisible hand. He saw it as a force for good, guiding the world towards prosperity and happiness.

But not everyone shared Jack's optimism. Some people saw the invisible hand as a force of greed and exploitation, a tool used by the rich and powerful to maintain their dominance over the rest of society.

And so the debate raged on, with some people seeing the invisible hand as a force for good, while others saw it as a force for evil.

But for Jack, there was no doubt: the invisible hand was a force to be reckoned with, a powerful and mysterious force that shaped the world in ways that no one could predict. And he was proud to be a part of it.

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