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The Complete Guide to Angola Travel and How to Plan Your Trip

Introduction: What is Angola?

By ChrisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Complete Guide to Angola Travel and How to Plan Your Trip
Photo by Hermenegildo Sebastião on Unsplash

Angola is a country in Africa, located at the southwest coast of the continent. It has a population of around 25 million people.

Angola is a Portuguese word meaning "the country of red earth." It is bordered by Namibia to the south, Zambia to the north, Democratic Republic of Congo to the northeast and Congo-Brazzaville to the east.

A former Portuguese colony and one of Africa's most populous countries, Angola has been ruled by an authoritarian single-party state since 1975. The capital city Luanda is home to most government institutions and businesses.

Angola's Top 10 Attractions

Angola is a country in Africa. It has an area of 122,000 square miles and a population of 18,955,000.

1. Baia dos Tigres

2. Cidade do Cabinda

3. Cidade de Luanda

4. Parque Nacional da Quiçama

5. Cidade de Benguela

6. Parque Nacional do Iona

7. Museu do Bairro dos Ingleses

8. Reserva Natural de Gorongosa

9. Lagoa Azul

10 .Cidade da Catumbela

How to Get There

The best way to get to Angola is by plane. There are direct flights from Johannesburg, South Africa and Luanda, Angola.

There are also flights from London, Paris, Rome and Frankfurt. You can also take a flight from Lisbon in Portugal. It takes around 8 hours to fly from Lisbon to Luanda.

What You Need To Know Before You Go

Before you go on a trip to Angola, you need to know the following:

- You don't need a visa if you're just visiting for less than 15 days.

- You will need to have your passport with at least 6 months of validity left.

- You should also bring a photo ID like your driver's license or student ID.

What To Pack For Your Trip To Angola

This article is about what to pack for your trip to Angola. First, you will need to pack clothes that are made from natural materials such as cotton or linen. You should also pack light-weight clothes that are easy to wash and dry quickly.

If you are traveling in the dry season, you should bring a raincoat or umbrella and a hat. If you are traveling in the wet season, then it is important that you bring clothes with long sleeves and pants for protection against mosquitoes and other insects.

Conclusion: The Best Places To Visit In Angola And How To Plan Your Trip

This blog post will give you some tips on how to plan your trip to Angola.

The first thing to consider is the time of year. Angola has a tropical climate, so it can get quite hot during the day and chilly during the night. The best time to visit is between November and March when it is at its warmest. You should also make sure that you have enough cash in US dollars when you go as it might be difficult to find an ATM that accepts your card outside of Luanda. It's also worth checking with your bank before you go to see if they offer any travel money cards which could save you a lot of hassle abroad. You should also take malaria pills before you go as there are many cases of malaria in Angola due to mosquitoes carrying the disease, so it's important not to take any risks. The next thing to consider is the type of holiday you want. Angola appeals to visitors looking for a more cultural experience, so this might be a good choice for you. Angola also has many natural attractions including beaches, national parks, and game reserves that are perfect for hikers or nature lovers. You should also try to visit during the dry season as it can get quite cold at night when it rains during this time of year. Cities that are worth visiting in Angola include N'Djili, Luanda, Huambo, and Kunene.


About the Creator


I'm Chris, and I'm a blogger. I started blogging to share my voice with the world and to help people. As a writer, I'm driven by creating content that everyone can benefit from, and absorbing knowledge from the experts.

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