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The Blue Light Saga

From Natural Phenomenon to Digital Overdose

By Mohammad BarbatiPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

The Dawn of Blue Light

Once upon a time, in a world not too different from ours, there was a phenomenon known as blue light. Now, you might be thinking, "Blue light? You mean like the sky?" Well, kind of, but not quite. See, blue light is a type of light that is particularly strong during daylight hours. It's what makes the sky look blue and keeps us awake and alert during the day. But don't think it's just the sun giving us this blue glow. Oh no, in our modern world, we're practically bathing in blue light, thanks to our dear friends: digital devices.

The Invasion of Screens

Enter the era of screens. From smartphones to laptops, tablets to televisions, we are living in a digital age. And guess what? These screens emit a hefty dose of blue light.

So, even when the sun goes down, we're still being exposed to this day-enhancing light. This can throw our bodies' natural rhythm, known as the circadian rhythm, out of whack. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. There are ways to manage this blue light exposure.

The Circadian Rhythm Fiasco

Imagine a band, our circadian rhythm, happily playing along to the tune of day and night. Now, imagine blue light as an unruly conductor, throwing off the beat. When we're exposed to blue light in the evening, our bodies think it's still daytime, which can make it harder to fall asleep. This is why you might have heard it's a good idea to limit screen time before bed. But let's face it, who among us hasn't succumbed to the temptation of a late-night social media scroll?

The Great Glasses Solution

Enter blue light glasses. These stylish accessories aren't just a fashion statement. They're designed to filter out blue light, helping to protect your eyes and maintain your circadian rhythm. So, the next time you're burning the midnight oil, remember to don your blue light glasses. They're like sunglasses for your night-time digital life.

Digital Hygiene - The Bedtime Tale

Speaking of bedtime, let's talk about digital hygiene. No, this doesn't involve cleaning your screens (though that's not a bad idea!). Digital hygiene refers to habits that help manage the impact of our digital lives on our health. This could include using a blue light filter on your devices, having a screen-free hour before bed, or even using an old-fashioned alarm clock instead of your phone.

The Daylight Delight

Remember the sun? That bright thing in the sky? As much as we talk about the perils of blue light, it's important to remember that not all blue light is bad. Daylight, the original source of blue light, is a crucial cue for our bodies, helping us to feel awake and alert. So make sure you get a dose of natural light each day, whether that's through a walk outside or simply opening your curtains.

The Night Shift

For those night owls out there, most devices have a 'night shift' or 'night mode' setting. This subtly changes the color temperature of your screen to reduce the amount of blue light it emits. It's like giving your device a pair of blue light glasses! So, next time you're up late, remember to switch to night mode.

The Screen-Free Sanctuary

One radical idea is to create a screen-free sanctuary in your home. This could be a room or even just a cozy corner where screens are not allowed. It's a place where you can read, meditate, or simply relax without the constant buzz of digital life. It's like taking a mini vacation from blue light.

The Eye-Strain Struggle

Aside from sleep, another important aspect to consider is eye strain. Staring at screens all day can cause dryness, irritation, and fatigue in the eyes. But fear not, there are eye exercises you can do to help relieve eye strain. Plus, remember those blue light glasses? Yep, they can help with this too.

The Blue Light Conclusion

So, there you have it, the tale of blue light. It's not a villain, but it's not exactly a hero either. Like many things in life, it's all about balance. By being aware of our blue light exposure and taking steps to manage it, we can live in harmony with our digital devices, without sacrificing our sleep or eye health. So here's to living happily ever after in our screen-filled world!


About the Creator

Mohammad Barbati

Mohammad E. Barbati, MD, FEBVS, is a consultant vascular and endovascular surgeon at University Hospital RWTH Aachen. To date, he has authored several scientific publications and books regarding vascular and venous diseases.

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